Question for Cathe and Firm users?


On the new DVD Body Fusion is that workout considered Cardio + Sculpt in the eyes of The Firm? I do 2 c+s, 2 cardio and 1 heavy sculpt during the week and I will be alternating my workouts week to week now with Cathe.

Lisa :)
Hi Lisa!

I consider it to be a c/s workout and that's how I mix it in with my Firm rotation!

I've been using it as a cardio. But only using 3 & 5 pound wts. Just not enough wt work for me to feel like it's a c/s. Of course I agree if you go heavier that it would be c/s.

PS: did you decide what to get next??? I'm eyeballing the cross training series. But for now I'm gonna focus on getting down the ones I have.

I am not sure, I really like the idea of the Timesaver because I am limited on time. I am really going to look closely and hopefully will not spend to much money but when it comes to new workouts I just cannot help myself!


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