Question About Rhythmic Step


I tried Rhythmic Step a while ago, but I never quite caught on to it. In the meanwhile, I've tried and mastered Step Blast, which I love. I've heard people say these two are similar. So what could it be about R.S. that I just can't figure out?

Also, are there intervals included in the challenge at the end of R.S. like there are in Step Blast? I just can't remember, but I love the challenge/interval section of S.B. I suppose I could just go re-try R.S., but I'm afraid I'll end up that same neighbors house as FirmNurse!! Plus, I can't help thinking, why re-try Rhythmic Step when I can just pull out Step Blast?

Please, someone help me pull Rhythmic Step out of the back corners of my cabinet. I hate to see it going to waste.

I never found anything in RS as tough as the fast repeater in SB. So if you've now got SB, then you are ready to go for it again!!! So, it may take you three times before you really get it down pat: that's really nothing!

There are no intervals at the end, the Challenge consists of doung all the workout combos four times through non-stop. You will be sweating. There are mini-challenges/blasts in every combo, so the heart rate never falls. Power max, RS and SB are my favourite cathe cardios, pure joy. I love the music, the moves just fit it so well and I know them all so well now I hardly ever bother to look at the sreen anymore. It's something I can just put on and then disengage the brain and let the body do its thing. RS is not a workout you have to psyche yourself up to do, there's no punishing intervals snuck in, you just let yourself go with the flow.....

Now pull it back off the shelf and go with the flow Shelbygirl!

Thanks Stacy and Clare. You've convinced me. I'm working Rhythmic Step into my next rotation, but this time I won't quit until I've mastered it!!

Hi Shelbygirl! This is strange, I can do RS but have a hard time with SB, so I guess I would say pull out RS and do it a few times. Maybe it's time for me to pull out SB and keep on trying. I think it is the shuffle repeater that is hard and also going around the step ending up at the neighbor's house, LOL.
He Shelbygirl!

All I can say is just keep trying Rhythmic Step. It really is a great workout - really hard - but great. Mostly when I say hard I mean hard on your stamina. You'll really be sweating after this one. I feel like the choreography is not that hard but any Cathe workout takes a few times to get down perfect, wouldn't you agree. I don't think I'd like them as much as I do if they were super easy to catch on to. You like to feel like you've accomplished something. Anyway, Rhythmic Step is a terrific workout and so is Step Blast. These are probably my two favorites (in the top five anyway) for strictly cardio workouts. I thought that fast foot repeater in Step Blast was very difficult at first just for the record. Let up know how it all works out.:)
One of the DVDs that I threw in with my preorder was the one with Rhythmic Step on it. I have Step Blast and really enjoy it and thought I would like some more step tapes. After reading all these posts I feel like I made a really good choice.
Keep trying....Rhythmic Step is my favorite!! It took me quite a few times to learn it. I would only try 1 section each time until I mastered it....combo 1, then another workout to finish my cardio for the day...that way I wouldn't lose my heart rate too much and spend too much time on the rewinding!
i am totally impressed you got stepblast....I am so totally confused every time I do it! I love Rhytmic Step and found the choreography tough the first several times through but it's a breeze now. You will get it with send some of your sb expertise my way, I need it!!!!
Rhythmic Step came in last week and I did it for the first time yesterday after previewing it once. Unlike StepBlast which took me about three times of doing it to get it right, I seemed to get this one mostly down the first time. I think that the learning curve shortens after you have mastered one of Cathe's step workouts and the next one's are easier to learn. Go pull out rhythmic Step,watch it again and then do it and I'll bet you catch on fast. Let me know. You don't want to keep this one in your closet, it is alot of fun.:)
Thanks, everyone, for all the comments regarding Rhythmic Step. You've all convinced me to give it another try. I'm actually looking forward to it too!


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