Question about PT Certification


I was just wondering how many personal trainers are in Catheland. I have just been kicking the idea around about becoming a certified PT, thanks to some chatter on the boards about it. I am already an RN, but I like the idea of becoming a PT and expanding my knowledge in this subject area. I guess my question is this: where did you get your training?

I have already been directed to a website by another Catheite and it looks so cool. But in looking thru the site was just wondering where everyone else got their certification. What did you like about the process and what didn't you like?

Feel free to throw in some pros and cons about your experiences.


I'm ACE certified; been so for about 18 months. Took the exam so I could lead community bootcamp classes in the mornings and stick with law school and my law job the rest of the day.

Love it love it love it. I only use mine for group ex but I'm not group certified- we're in a park, not a gym, so I have no need to study music counts!

I'm sure you'll find a lot of info if you do a search!
Another ACE certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor here. As soon as I finish my current program, I'm thinking I'm going to get certified with ACSM as well. We'll see.:) I love it too! If you're considering it, and you enjoy learning about fitness, I say go for it!

I'm also ACE certified and have been for about 2 1/2 - 3 years. I started out training at a gym but had a hard time doing that and keeping my full time job. I never made enough money to quit my full time job. It felt more like a sales job and I've never been good at sales. Plus, it was so hard to sell PT and have time to train when I only had about 3 hours a day to spare after my day job. I was very stressed and frustrated.

Shortly after that, I lucked out and got an offer to teach outdoor boot camp classes. I have been teaching classes for a little over a year now and really enjoy it. I don't have a group instructor certification either but the boot camp places more emphasis on training and is not like taking a gym class where everyone is in sync and doing the same amount of reps or even same exercises. Anyway, like Amy, I get to do Boot camp one hour a day (and make more money in that one hour than I did at the gym) and still keep my day job.
I am in the process of studying for my PT Certification. I am going with the NSCA. I will be working as a part time boot camp fitness instructor. I'm keeping my day job for now and will see what happens. I'm not a gym person so I would rather work one-on-one with clients or in a boot camp setting.
Any Canadians out there with their PT certification? I'd like to get mine but I'm not sure what is widely accepted here.
Thanks so much for the replies all.

I was wondering why maybe some of you chose one certification over another? I'm a bit confused as to which organization to certify with... Can anyone shed any light? I'm looking closely at AFPA and ACE but now have some others to consider as well.


I looked at your picture trail and I must say that your progress is inspiring! I can see a big difference between Dec. and this June. Keep up the good work. I know working with a specific body type is very frustrating. Isn't something how a pear shape always loses in the upper body and the waist area first?

I am going for my certification with ACE. I did alot of investigating and that is the one that I felt would benefit me the most. It is a hard decision to make. Just once you make the decision stick with it.

Keep the update up on your pictures you look great!


I looked at both ACE and NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) as I heard that these were two of the most respected and ultimately chose NSCA. I know someone who recently got certified through the NCSF (National Council on Strength and Fitness). I have some of their study materials and it seems to be a little harder than NSCA.

Good Luck in your search.
Angie, You could call the types of places you wish to work at (gyms, Y's, whatever excites ya) and ask them what certifications they like to see on a resume.

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