Question about Needle Biopsy for Thyroid


If there is anyone out here who has had this nightmare done to them, I would like to know if you opted for the valium, and if so, did you think it helped? Also, I would like to know, in all honesty, how painful this procedure is. Please be honest with me - I need two biopsies done on my thyroid and I am freaking out so bad right now my knees are wobbly when I walk and my fingers are shaking. Please do not tell me what I want to hear.

Thank you much,
I have never had the procedure, but if they're offering you valium, why turn it down? All it can do is calm you down and help you feel relaxed, right?
I have never had the procedure, but if they're offering you valium, why turn it down? All it can do is calm you down and help you feel relaxed, right?

ITA, take the valium! You're gonna be fine honey. You cannot stress about the unknown. I'm not religious, but that old serenity prayer is pretty handy in these situations. You can't fret about the unknown, & you can only worry about the things you can change. Wait til you get your results, then you can take control of your health & your life.
Clarissa, I had this procedure done 2 years ago. It's not nearly as bad as you think it is - the stress you will put yourself under is worse!! I can't remember what they gave me but it wasn't valium. They did freeze the area on my neck where the needle would be inserted so I didn't actually feel it going in. I had 4 needles total inserted and it was mildly uncomfortable (seriously, it hurts worse when you get that pin prick to give blood!) I think it was more uncomfortable because you can sort of feel the needle moving inside your neck and the needles are large so again, your mind makes you think it is so much worse. They will put little bandages on your neck where needles were inserted. It's important to leave these on till the "holes" close up (heal). I took mine off the next morning and it was fine.
I know it's not going to help you to say "Don't worry about it". I was fortunate and all my tests came back with good results. Hopefully you have a good doctor who won't make you wait too long for the results. I believe I had mine within 48 hours.
Again, if it makes you feel better, the PMS Cramps I have right now are worse then this procedure was, at least physically!! I am only assuming the procedure is done the same wherever you go. I had mine done in Toronto, Ontario. You can google it too and it will explain the procedure a little better.
Good luck.
Thanks everyone.

Debbie - I am awaiting a call back on the date/time...why do you ask though? :)

Thanks, Clarissa
Because I can tell from your posts the depth of all the emotions you are feeling right now and my heart goes out to you. Plus you had a baby not too long ago and if I remember correctly you've got another child. You've got a lot on your plate right now.

I am hoping for your sake that you can get the answers you need sooner than later so that you know what you are dealing with.

I, like others on this board, have been thinking a lot about you lately and I will continue to offer up prayers for you.
Thanks Debbie. Much.
I have 3 kids actually, and a full-time personal training business, run out of my home. And a DH who isn't very sympathetic, to say the least...I am so busy. And stressed. Thank you for thinking about me. Thank you so much.


I know you're going through a scary spot right now and I am sending you all the best.

If they are offering you valium, go for it. Given your experience at the lab the other day, when you said it was the worst experience of your life, perhaps a little additional perspective may help, in addition to other relaxation techniques?

When I was 10 years old in the hospital just diagnosed with insulin dependent diabetes, I had to give myself a shot (and knew I would have to continue with daily injections for the rest of my life). Freaky! I thought about the other people in the hospital and wondered if any of them had been a stabbing victim. (LOL, I was ten! :p) I thought about how big that knife would have been and how they were going to survive... and then the needle didn't seem so big!

All I'm saying is, don't let that little needle have too much power. You've been through and survived much more than this.

Take care,

I had this done and honestly, it's not horrible at all. If , however, you are very nervous about it and they are offering you valium, why not take it ?? If it helps to calm you, that is GOOD !!!
You'll get through this and I really believe you'll be surprised that it wasn't nearly as bad as you thought it would be.

I know you're going through a scary spot right now and I am sending you all the best.

If they are offering you valium, go for it. Given your experience at the lab the other day, when you said it was the worst experience of your life, perhaps a little additional perspective may help, in addition to other relaxation techniques?

When I was 10 years old in the hospital just diagnosed with insulin dependent diabetes, I had to give myself a shot (and knew I would have to continue with daily injections for the rest of my life). Freaky! I thought about the other people in the hospital and wondered if any of them had been a stabbing victim. (LOL, I was ten! :p) I thought about how big that knife would have been and how they were going to survive... and then the needle didn't seem so big!

All I'm saying is, don't let that little needle have too much power. You've been through and survived much more than this.

Take care,

Wow, Amy! You're my hero.

Good luck, Clarissa.
Clarissa, .. .take some deep breaths. If you can bring someone with you, . . you'll have to anyway since you can't drive with the vallum bring them and just squeeze their hand as hard as you can, . . you'll be surprised how much that helps. You'll get through this. We are all here for you. It is perfectly normal to be scared. I know it is hard to think of the positive with this going on but at least the Dr's are doing everything they can to find out what is going on. Keep us posted. Sending you a hug.
My doc said that he could not give me anything. So I did it stone cold sober, and honestly, it was not as bad as it sounds. The needles are very fine and yes, it's scary (I have a healthy desire to live and my instincts screamed that poking needles in my neck was not a good way to do this), but it's kind of like giving blood. The needle is there and you feel a sharp stab, but once that passes it's not painful. Not pleasant, but not painful. I did a lot of deep breathing. I had to have several done in different parts of my neck - not my favorite thing but totally survivable.

Afterward my husband took me out of a drink and I had to chuckle because I felt as if wine would start pouring from all the little holes in my neck like a cartoon character, but I was fine. I was a little sore the next day, but survived fine.

If taking valium will make it easier for you, go for it.
Thanks again all so much.

I guess I was asking b/c I never had valium before, didn't really know what it was, or anything about it actually!
I am still not completely sure that I will take it. Anyway, I thank you all again. I'll let you all know when I find out more.

Hi Clarissa,

I have had thyroid biopsies done several times. It is scary, but the anticipation of the procedure is much worse than the actual procedure. My docs didn't give me anything or even numb the area b/c the numbing actually hurts worse than the biopsy. The needle prick feels similiar to giving blood. You may feel the needle being moved around in your neck since they need to get tissue samples. It is over very quickly.

In my case, it ended up being papillary thyroid cancer, which is the best kind of cancer you could ever want b/c it is very slow growing. (I actually had it for 5 years before being diagnosed). I was originally diagnosed with Graves Disease. Like you, I also had 3 young children (9 years ago) when I was diagnosed. I had surgery and I-131 treatment and now, today, have never felt better or been in better shape. Thanks to Cathe!

You will get through this. The best advise I can give you, having been there myself, is to try not to stress out about this. Don't think about worse case scenario. You will drive yourself crazy if you do. Just try and relax, do some killer cardio and wait for your biopsy results.

PM me if you want any more info.
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Clarissa, as other have chimed in, it is not nearly as bad as it sounds. It does sound really scary, but in reality, it just feels like a little pinch on your neck. It's over with very quickly, as I remember. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't take the valium because you're nursing, right? So, that's a huge consideration, but also, logistically, if they give you valium, I'm not sure they'll let you drive yourself home, but if you don't have it, there is no reason you cannot drive yourself home -- it is like giving blood, as someone mentioned. I would think of the aftermath......

Good luck, and I hope you get some good info. I coincidentally checked out a giant book on thyroid stuff last week because I happened to see it at our bookmobile. I was reading some of it last night finally, and thought about you, because there was a part in there that said when a woman is pregnant, the immune system works differently, and after she gives birth and it kicks back in, that's when hashimoto's can set in (because it's an autoimmune disorder). If you want the info on the book, let me know. We'll be thinking about you -- big hugs!

You have been in my thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS))) to you!
While I have not been through the procedure that you mentioned, I have had my share of unpleasant procedures, surgery and treatments (including chemo) this past year as I was diagnosed with fallopian tube cancer in Feb. 09. My doc prescribed Ativan for anxiety, which I have really only taken a few times. But some days it did help me sleep. Also, using visualization techniques helped me, so maybe it will help you also. I would visualize God holding me in the palm of His hand. I would imagine all of my sweet friends and family holding my hand and gathered around me. I would memorize scripture and repeat it to myself or a song that I liked and sing it in my head. Or imagine you are at the beach,etc. Hope this helps you.

BTW...I am now in remission and it's all good!:)
Take care!
Another opinion


Like other posters that responded, the procedure is not that bad. It is slightly uncomfortable but not painful, especially if you have a skillfull surgeon. Last October during my routine medical the doctor found 3 nodules. I was sent for a biopsy and as I say it was less than I anticipated. My sister had the procedures years ago and I was anticipating worse. Like Carolyn, I was diagnosed with papillary cancer. However this was not found following the biopsy. If they find 1 cancer cell there is no questions. But if they don't find any, there is still chance that it could be, the cancerous cell might just be next to the biopsy site. In my case, they did not like the aspect of the liquid, so they decided to do a partial thyroidectomy. It's only then that they found it was cancer. So I had my first surgery in May, and then the second one at the end of July. I will be having the iodine treatment in January and all should be fine.
Like Carolyn, I was in great shape (and I am sure you are) before the surgery (I had just completed 8 straight weeks of STS-Meso 1). It took me a few weeks to get back into shape and again I was ready for the second surgery. Now 1-1/2 month later and I almost done with the 4DS rotation and will attack the 3-1/2 month STS rotation in October. This should take me to my treatment.
I will keep you in my thoughts and you can PM me if you'd like to talk it more.
If there is anyone out here who has had this nightmare done to them, I would like to know if you opted for the valium, and if so, did you think it helped? Also, I would like to know, in all honesty, how painful this procedure is. Please be honest with me - I need two biopsies done on my thyroid and I am freaking out so bad right now my knees are wobbly when I walk and my fingers are shaking. Please do not tell me what I want to hear.

Thank you much,

Hi Clarissa,

I had the needle biopsy done a couple's really not painful at all. It's like a bee sting...but less painful.

I think the worst part of it was going a lone and not having someone to hold my hand.

If you think the Valium will help you feel more at ease, take it...but honestly...I didn't need it.

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