question about Leaner Legs


Is one supposed to use lighter weights on this one. I notice that Cathe and crew do. I did Imax 3 today and figured I would follow up with an easier leg workout (so I use Leaner Legs-LOL???). Anyway, is it good to change weight amounts with different workouts? Thanks
I say use the heaviest weights you can and still get through the entire workout. That might mean starting heavier and going lighter as your legs fatigue, but the strength will build.

IMHO, Cathe & Crew are capable of lifting a lot heavier in their own personal workouts, but for filming purposes they go lighter.

My 2 cents. I used to follow her weights on this workout but now, I use my own. I do go heavy on this. By no means is this an endurance workout for me. It is an awesome solid leg workout for me, similar to what I used to do at the gym, not wasting time. Except for the fact that I could not squat the heaviest weight for my squats at home without a spotter. But then that's why she puts those darn low-ends in there. Thruthfully, I do go heavy. If I want endurance, I go to MM, PH, ME or the circuits.


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