question about how many heart beats per minute in your videos...


hi, cathe!

i would really like to buy a walking/jogging cd and was wondering if you could tell me approximately how many heart beats per minute you go for in your step, jump and pump video or in your cardio and weights video. i find that those both seem to keep my heart at a good beat and i'd like to find a cd that can do the same. the heart beats per minute have such a difference in ranges on the cds thus i'm really not sure which to choose. if you, or anybody else can guide me in the right direction i'd truly appreicate it. also, if you could recommend a good cd, up for that too!

thank you for any help :D

RE: question about how many heart beats per minute in y...

Cathy~do you have the Kick, Punch & Crunch workout? Here is a thread about the BPM in that workout. Maybe you can compare.

Also, Cathe has her own workout CD out. Let me go find the link for it and I'll be baaaack!

Okay, here is the link for her musical CD:

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: question about how many heart beats per minute in y...

awesome!! i don't have the kick, punch and crunch video, but i will check that out as well as the other link. thank you so much for your help. YAY!
RE: question about how many heart beats per minute in y...

You're Welcome! Now...GO order K,P&C! Great workout! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: question about how many heart beats per minute in y...

realistically, i think i'm gonna stay away from kick, punch and crunch. i'm not a kickbox fan and it sounded like there was alot of that in that video. it's been awhile since i've been on this site-we moved this summer so no time for me;( , and now that i've bopped in i see cathe has a whole new series coming out. i went ahead and ordered the lowmax. i've ALWAYS wished that cathe would make a low impact workout (i've had a bad knee) and now that she finally has, i couldn't resist. she is just so if only i could LOOK like her.
hehehehehehe....:p :p :p :p

thanks again, debbie!

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