Q about weight-loss rotations


Hi Cathe,
I know that this question has been asked a hundered times but I'm stumped and would like your input. Which type of (your) rotation is better, one specifically for weight-loss or a strength/muscle building one? Or, does it not matter which type as long as your eating clean/calorie restricting? I've heard so many things. Some say more cardio, others say more wieght training to lose weight. It's all so confusing :confused:
I've done both your Jan 06 (Let's Work) and 4DS rotations and both yeilded results but in different ways. I got leaner with January's and was eating pretty clean but w/ 4DS I also saw nice definition w/ some weight- loss (about 3-5 lbs.) and my eating was not as clean.
I would like to lose 10 lbs.
I needed to add some things. I forgot to say that I'm in my third week of the 4DS Nov 07 rotatiion and adding an additional leg & cardio in place of rest days- and have not lost at all. In fact, just last Thursday (in my 2nd week) I weighed myself and I had only lost 4 oz :mad: This would have been ok if my clothes were fitting a lot loser but they have barely since I began. I had been feeling so proud of myself becuase I was eating well, using the hunger scale(stopping as soon as I'm satified), and not eating dessert, which is what brought on the extra lbs.
Seeing that I had only lost 4 oz. & my clothes were still tight sent me into a small cake binge:eek: Now, I just weighed myself and I've gained 6oz. I know oz sounds so small but I'm trying to get back under 130 lbs., which I had managed to do for a while -I had lost and was 124-127lbs. - and now I'm at 135 and all of my clothes are to tight to wear.
I don't know why it's so hard this time to lose. Before, even if I did splurge I wouldn't see it on the scale. Could it be because I'm not doing enough cardio?
I'm sorry to ramble, I'm just so frustrated!
Hey Trina,

Here is my two cents worth. I have a scale that shows the percentage of body fat and last week I gained a 1/2 lb. With that said, I lost fat, but gained muscle. Some weeks I lose 1-2 lbs and others I have a slight gain. I suspect my rotation of weights (both upper and lower) is helping to build muscle which will help me burn more fat moving forward. I guess I'm looking at it as a long term proposition. I've lost 15 lbs. since late August and the definition in my arms has elicited compliments from the hubby.

Nice side effect--I now have rediscovered some of my old blue jeans that fit like a dream.
Trina, while you're waiting for Cathe, I thought I'd chime in. :)

What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another, which is unfortunate, as we'd all love a tried-and-true method. In other words, you'll have to experiment and see what your body responds to. More cardio, less cardio, more weights, less weights ~ you just have to play with it.

Eating and getting proper rest make a difference too. You could bust your butt every day with 4DS but never see results because you took in more calories than you burned.
I know you're right Lori but I feel like if I stick to something for a while and don't see results I will be even more frustrated. I quess what I need to do is make sure that I'm eating properly so that I could rule out the eating aspect of my results.
I just really want to be able to wear my jeans again.

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