Pyramid Upper Body

I've said it before and I will say it again....they all look amazing.I think I need to follow these ladies around and eat exactly what they eat and exercise exactly the way they exercise.
I am so excited about my vids....
THanks for all the hard work everyone,
Look at that definition and those smiles! I am so excited for the Intensity Series!!! You all look amazing.
You all look fabulous! Thank you for your dedication and hard work! I can hardly wait for the workouts!

You all look absolutely incredible! Your muscle definition is so inspiring. Looking so forward to the new series.

I don't think that any of us will any trouble with motivation when we have these beautiful bodies to work out with!!! Thank you so much for all of the hard work!! I can't wait to get my DVD's!!! :-jumpy
Sara :)
Hello Gang!! What a GORGEOUS picture of all of you!! This came as a complete surprise when I scrolled down. Your all so beautiful looking. Can't wait to view and do these tapes. Best, Kathy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-02 AT 10:49AM (Est)[/font][p]Wow :-wow ! Ladies ! You all look so fantastic !!!!!!! Well done for getting through the filming of the new workouts ! (imagine a round of applause here !)

Anna :)
Everybody looks GREAT but oh my I can't believe that little ol' Cathe is almost the tallest of the bunch!! Did she do that on purpose?? LOL. I would look like a GIANT in that picture.

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