PYGFO in March!!!!


PYGFO Sisters:

Glory! I love March! Hope is on the horizon, and this glorious month arrives with the promise of sunshine, resurrection power, and new life. Easter is one of my favorite holidays, and this season fills me with love, joy, and peace. I am waiting with hopeful expectation for the time change, the arrival of spring, and the beauty of bluebonnets blanketing the Texas landscape.

My body is still suffering from a food allergy crisis, and my weight is still holding steady at 230 pounds. But God is my Healer and Deliverer. I am believing Him to transform me from the inside out and set me free from this fat cocoon as I eat and drink for His glory to bless my body and exercise as an act of worship. After months of struggling in my own strength, I am giving up the fight and surrendering control to Him again. I woke up this morning with a renewed spirit, a revived heart, and an attitude of faith. It is time for a new journal because the focus of my old journal does not fit anymore. I am not what I weigh, and a number on the scale is not my motivation. A healthy and balanced lifestyle filled with laughter and fun is my goal. I flipped my Cathe calendar, recorded my weight and measurements, and packed my scale in the closet until the first of April. After months of striving and trying to plan and execute the perfect fitness and nutrition game plan, I am resting, trusting, and rediscovering the beauty of sweet simplicity and the joyful freedom of living one day at a time. It is time to start having fun again, enjoying the journey, living clean, and reclaiming my health. I am ready to kick some butt with Cathe this morning and have a blast doing the happy dance! I am free!

Put your game face on and do the happy dance with me. :7 Let’s have fun this month! :7

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

I am happy it is March, too! We have had really warm weather the last few days. I am FINALLY starting to feel better. I still have congestion, but I am much better!! I have had a busy day. I helped host a baby shower for one of my friends. It turned out really nice. She is having a girl. She got so many cute things, it really made me want to have a girl. Of course, I will be happy with a boy or a girl! They just make really cute things for girls!

Heather...I am sorry about your food allergy and for the unexpected set-back on your 12-week challenge. I hope your itches are better!
I love Cathe's cardio and circuits also. What workout did you decide to do? OK...I am in. I will put my game face on and have fun this month!! I am so happy--I think I will get to work out tomorrow!! I have only been able to workout twice in 2 1/2 weeks b/c of my illnesses. I have lost 3 1/2 pounds and I think it is because I have not been able to lift weights and maintain muscle mass. I am SO ready to workout again!! Thank you for the encouragement about my sister's wedding:)

Laura...It is nice to hear from you! Thank you for your sympathy gestures. My friends have a long road ahead of them. I heard their son had gained a few ounces this week, so that is good news! Wow, a dual heart beat? That does sound scary. I am glad you are still enjoying your gym workouts. I am thinking that you have gained muscle and that is why you are not seeing the scale move?? I know it is still frustrating though. I always weigh a little more when I am lifting heavier at the gym. It sounds like you have a great DH!! I am glad you got to order STS. I can't wait to get it! The blog pictures have me really excited!

I am hoping to enjoy some time outside tomorrow. It was 69 degrees today and it is suppose to drop into the 30s with ice and 4-inches of snow predicted on Monday. I will be glad when the weather makes up it's mind!! I just want warm now!!

Have a good Sunday.
Good Morning PYGFOers!

Today I did original BC. "You can do anything for a minute."}( :p
DS's fiance had a bridal shower in her hometown yesterday (3 hours away) that I went to with my SIL. It was very nice and in a beautiful home.
I am following the Feb. 07 rotation this month.

Lara--Glad you are starting to feel better. How is your friend that lost her baby? You will be a beautiful bridesmaid in your sister's wedding. You'll have to post pics. I can understand your mom's frustration in not being able to find a dress. I looked everywhere and finally found a very dressy suit at Neiman's. On sale!!:)

Robin--How is Greyor? I guess I didn't realize that your DD and your DGS live with you. How is your knee?

Tess--Did you sell all of your dvds listed on yaya? I'm glad you were not as upset as I was!:eek: I would sell me first born before I would sell my Cathe's...JUST KIDDING!!;-)

Laura--Your DH sounds like such a sweetie!!

Heather--How are you? I'm so sorry about your food allergy crisis! March is a brand new month and a new beginning and you sound great. So positive! What is your favorite cardio? RS??

Have a great day!
PYGFO Sisters:

Good morning, Lara and Gin! This is just a quick check-in before church. Yesterday was a glorious and beautiful day. As much as I wanted to enjoy a walk at the lake, my body had other ideas. I had fun with the cardio premix of 4-Day Split Kickbox in honor of the March calendar picture. I love, love, love this workout! Other than a burst of Cathe cardio, it was a restful day for me. My body is starting to detox from the soy and MSG I ate last week. I had chills and felt feverish yesterday, and I was very tired and woozy. I am starting to feel a little better this morning. I have learned through experience that the first 3 days are the most challenging. The hope of having my energy restored by Tuesday morning encourages me to persevere through the first few days.

This is my planned rest day with the stability ball segment of Stretch Max. I may enjoy some light cardio later.

Lara, listen to your body and take it one day at a time. I am with you, so we can do this together. You are carrying a baby, and I am de-puffing from food allergy bloat.

Gin, Rhythmic Step is one of my favorite workouts of all time. I love, love, love the dancy choreography! Boot Camp is one of my favorite circuit workouts too. I want to give it a whirl later this month as soon as my body recovers. I have been craving Supersets too and look forward to enjoying it this week.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

I was so excited this morning as I was setting up for LIC. I felt great for about 10 minutes and then it all went downhill!! I had to pause every 5 minutes to blow my nose (and to get my HR down). With all of this heat lately, my face was bright red and my HR was higher than ever!! I was so tired by the end of the workout. It felt good to move my body, but it just wasn't the great experience I had hoped for after my 2 1/2 week hiatus. I guess I am going to have to ease back into my workouts. I thought I was doing that by starting with LIC. I have always picked that one for a "lighter" day. Not so much this time. I probably won't be able to workout tomorrow b/c of my long work day. I plan on a good workout Tuesday though.

Gin...My friends are having to stay in Little Rock where the Children's Hospital is located. It is about 3 1/2 hours away from here, so we haven't been able to see them since the service on Monday. They are spending most of their time at the hospital. Some of our friends were able to secure a temporary apartment for them (rent and utility free). I am glad they don't have to worry about that on top of everything else. I drove by the cemetary where their DS is buried (it is also the same place where my DH's sister is buried). There were tons of flowers where he is resting. That made me feel better. My mom finally found a dress. She loves the way it fits. My sister is not sure the color is right for the atmosphere of the building, but she thinks it is very pretty. I am glad you were able to go to your DS's finace's shower. It sounds like it was nice!

Heather...I hope you ended up feeling better this afternoon! Hang in there until Tuesday!! I love KB from 4DS also!! I plan to get back to the 4DS soon. I love that series and it has been awhile since I have used it. I will listen to my body:) I definitely had to today with LIC. I think I will have to stick with lighter workouts until I am fully recovered. I really wanted to take my dear dog on a walk b/c it is so pretty today, but I am not sure I am up to it now. We'll see.

I can't believe we are about to be hit with a huge cold front with snow and ice!! You would just never guess it by the weather now. Maybe I will get another snow day this week!! Have a great Monday!!
Good Morning:)
I don't know if you remember me, but I was on the road trip with ya'll:) I have some pics on my picture trail. Do you mind if I join you all? And are you all doing different rotations. I made one up for the week already:)
Yesterday was Imax 3 B&G ball abs
Mon Legs and Glutes Kick max KM leg conditioning drills plus 4ds Biceps
Tue Kick max Bootcamp premix 4DS shoulders plus LIC abs
Wed 4DS chest and back plus 4DS kick box abs
Thurs. 4DS Bootcamp circuit lower body
Fri Intsity Series Boot camp cardio only then B.C. core only, 4DS Triceps

Can't wait to chat with ya soon
Hi Ladies! I am so glad it is March too. I cannot wait for some warmer weather. I want to open all the windows in my house and have a good airing out.

So do you guys think they will hold off on doing a roadtrip this year? I was thinking about this over the weekend and wondering if they would bother this year since they have sooo much going on. I think the announcement was made in early March last year, so hopefully we will find out soon.

I'm starting the March rotation today. Wish me luck. I was determined to do the February rotation last month, but then I came down sick again. :( I'm feeling healthy now, so I just have to get my lazy butt up and do it! I expect you guys to hold me accountable. ;)

I have to run now, but I will try to come back and do some personals. :)
Hi Liann
I love your guinea pig on your mouse, how cute! I have a pic of mine and my chocolate lab together:) I did Feb's rotation and got great results. I'm sticking with my own rotation this month because I get better results with less cardio and more heavy weight training also doing legs 2 times a week.
Good Luck on starting March's rotation!!!!

YEAH!!! Today was a snow day!! This weather is so crazy. It is hard to believe it was 70 degrees on Sunday. It is cold now, but all of the snow melted today. I think I needed the day off. I still haven't been feeling my best. When will this all go away?? It has been 3 weeks, and I am ready to feel better! I was able to do L&G and KPC today. It wiped me out, but it felt good!!

Liann...Good luck with the March rotation!! I was considering trying it, but I think I need to get my strength and endurance back up before diving in! Glad you are feeling better:)

Randi...I remember you!! It is good to hear from you! Our check-in has gotten quite a bit slower lately, but people are still popping in. I like the rotation you made up.

I am off to watch basketball and then American Idol (ti-vo). Have a great Wednesday.
Good Morning PYGFOers!

I'm here! I'm here!:) Today I ran with my friends and then came back home and decided to do BM2 Timesaver Cardio.
DH now has the flu!x( It has really been bad this year!:(

Heather--How are you? I hope you are feeling better after your food allergy crisis.

Lara--Yeah to the snow day! We have not had one this year. Sounds like you are startng to feel better. I watch Am. Idol also. Well, as much as I can. It's hard with it being on 3 night a week! Wish I had TiVo.

Randi--Welcome! So glad to have you join us. We sat at the same table Sat. night, right? I love 4ds. Is that what you did today?

Liann--Kathy S. posted on the RT forum about the RT. She indicated that there will be one this summer, but waiting to announce until after everything with STS filming settles down. I would love to go again. Would you?

Have a great day!
Gin - I hope to go! I'm actually waiting to schedule my summer vacation so that it doesn't conflict. I had a blast last time!

Hi Randi! We are a little slow here lately. As soon as something official is announced about the RT, I'm sure it will pick up. You need to get that picture uploaded! It sounds cute. ;)

Heather - How you feeling hun?

Lara - It will probably take a few workouts to start getting back into things. I have found that I have no stamina at all after my extended break. It's coming back slowly though. I just do what I can and then stop or take a break. I HATE not being able to just push through every workout, but my body just isn't up to it yet.

I've already strayed from the March rotation. Oh well. I did GS BSB the other night and one of Tracey's kickbox routines. Boy am I am feeling it EVERYWHERE!
Hello, gals.

Randidiane-I remember you from the RT, and also because you were checking in with us on this thread before the RT. Welcome back. I've not been a very regular poster myself because of our furlough commitments, but I love touching base with this group! Glad to have you.

Gym workouts continue to go well. This week I've split things up so that I'm doing more straight cardio and straight weights (as opposed to the kind of CTX rotation I've done the last couple weeks). Tonight I'm going to a hi-lo class at the gym. I hope I like it. I went to a step class a couple weeks ago, and while it was nice to be back on a step, it just wasn't Cathe. :-(

One thing I'm discovering at the gym is that the Cathe crowd truly is an "educated crowd." All the folks in there with poor form and crazy ideas about what will "work" are driving me crazy. ;) It's a good thing I have my own agenda and a limited time frame or I would be driving THEM nuts by going around giving unsolicited form-pointers to everyone in the gym. :D LOL.

Waves to Heather, Lara, Gin, Robin, Michelle, and any others who show up. Where is Vicki? Did she post something that I missed about not being able to keep posting? I've missed hearing from her.

Tah tah.

Hi Ladies :)
It's good to see you guys back one here!
Gin I remember you:) it's good to talk to you again! Yes I did 4DS bootcamp lower body circuit, abs and calves
Hi Laura and Liann
Oh Liann my pic of my guinea pig and my dog are under my 1st album in my pic trail.
How everyone's rotation this month I made my own and it's kickin my a$$ LOL
Randi - that picture is great! Dookie is adorable. :)

Hi Laura! I know what you mean about the gym. I saw a lot of people when I went that had no idea what they were doing. And the step class just wasn't the same. :(
PYGFO Sisters:

Happy weekend! I was hoping to check-in every day this month. Oh well. This is my weekly check-in update.

Good news! My jeans are comfortable again! After a week of sparkly clean eating, I am de-puffing and look less and less like a microwaved marshmallow peep every day. LOL! I am finally breathing without a struggle, the itching has subsided, and I am no longer feeling woozy. I am not bursting with energy because my whole grains are limited for a few weeks. I am still tired, but that is to be expected. I am basically doing another Daniel fast for 21 days this time (through Good Friday). With my history of food addiction, it is a good spiritual discipline to fast my favorite comfort foods for a season. Lent is the perfect time for a fast. It is important for me to think of this as a fast so I do not get obsessed with sparkly clean eating. Balance and moderation are beautiful indeed, and I was making consistent progress with that way of eating before my food allergy setback. I am preparing my heart for a Good Friday outreach to women in the adult entertainment industry, so the timing of this is perfect.

After a beautiful weekend, I woke up Monday morning to thunderstorms and a cold, rainy day. I was tired. Kickboxing sounded like fun, so I enjoyed my favorite Kick, Punch, & Crunch cardio conditioning premix. It was just the right length and intensity for my energy level.

Tuesday was a good day. After my morning prayer and worship time, I enjoyed Supersets for the first time this year. This is a light and fun workout, and the music makes me happy. I am really missing the 4-Day Split and looking forward to returning to heavy weight training soon! There is something so empowering about lifting heavier and making consistent strength gains every week. I enjoyed my first strawberries the year too. Yummy!

Good morning, DOMS! That is what I said when I woke up Wednesday morning. Supersets flies under the radar and has a reputation for being an “intermediate” workout. After 8 weeks of the 4-Day Split, I was able to match Cathe’s weights in this workout for the first time Tuesday morning. Oh my word! My upper body was still sore the next night.

After my prayer time Wednesday morning, I decided to give a new Kick, Punch, & Crunch premix a whirl. I did the kicking and punching premix for the first time. The punching was harder than usual with my sore shoulders, but I had fun with it. I love the stability ball ab segment. The music during that chapter makes me happy for some reason. The premixes on this DVD give me the freedom to split this workout in half, which is better for my energy level and schedule this month. I am so glad I invested the money to upgrade from VHS last year.

Texas weather is wild! It was in the 70s Wednesday with beautiful spring weather. I woke up Thursday morning to a cold and dark winter day with temperatures in the 30s and snow in the forecast. Oh my word! After our Easter snow last April, this should not surprise me. Push Pull was my Thursday morning workout. This is another keeper. I have loved Supersets from the start. I did not fully appreciate this one until now. I am finally able to lift heavy enough to make this a very effective and efficient workout. I love the music too. It is softer and has a meditative quality about it. Inverted shoulder presses are very challenging. Supersets is more upbeat and fun, but I love this one too and want to keep both in my rotation this month. Kickboxing for cardio plus Supersets and Push Pull for weights and Stretch Max are the workouts that are calling my name and feel just right for my present focus and energy level.

I am loving the freedom of not knowing what I weigh. Mentally and emotionally, I am so much happier when my scale is safely out of sight and out of mind! I am craving kickboxing and shorter total body workouts, so that is what I am reaching for this month. Listening to my body and living in the moment feels good. I will be ready to return to a rotation someday, but this is good for me now.

God blessed Central Texas with a white Friday! I was delighted to look out the window Friday morning and see snow on the trees and ground. I enjoyed a rest day and the band segment of Stretch Max.

The 4-Day Split Kickbox cardio premix was my workout this morning. This is my favorite kickboxing workout of all time. Fun, fun, fun!

I am so excited about the blog pictures! I love, love, love the new set! Oh my word! I love sets with big windows, and this one looks so real. I thought I might miss the 4-Day Split set, but the STS set is my new favorite! I love Nike clothes and shoes. The outfits are simple, and the color is bright and beautiful. The overall look is cheerful and energizing. I am visually inspired, so details like the set and outfits are very important to my enjoyment of a series. Seeing these pictures makes me very happy. I am waiting for these workouts with great expectation! Only Cathe can get this fun-loving cardio queen so excited about a serious weight training series!

Lara, I am sorry that you are still feeling so bad. I am heartbroken for your friends and keeping them in my prayers. I cannot imagine the grief they are experiencing. I hope you are feeling better soon. I see that you had the same wild weather swings this week from 70 degrees to snow!

Randi, welcome to the check-in!

Liann, I would love to attend another Road Trip! I hope Cathe has time to host another one this year and that all of us can go again. I am not expecting an announcement until after STS is filmed.

Gin, I am feeling much better. Thank you for asking. I hope your husband is feeling better and that you stayed well this week.

Laura, it is good to see you again!

Hugs to Robin, Carolyn, Michelle, Tess, and Vicki. I miss y’all!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Hi to all PYGFOers!

Well, I have been down with the flu since Thursday!x( My fever spiked up to 103 with aches and chills. BLAHHH!! Stayed home from work Thursday and Friday, but hope to go back tomorrow. I was having serious Cathe withdrawals and finally did LIS this afternoon which felt good. Tomorrow I'll try C&W and then take it from there.

I love the pics of the STS on the blog! Cathe is so generous to share so much info and great pics with all of us. Can't wait for it. Truthfully alot of it has me scared!

Heather--So glad you are starting to recover and fit back into your jeans again. I could see the beautiful snow out the window from my sick bed on Friday. It was so pretty to watch it fall. I grew up in Houston and did not see snow until I was 13!

Hi to Liann, Tess, Lara, Laura, Randi, Robin, Carolyn, Michelle, Vicki, and anyone else that I missed!
Good Morning Ladies;)
Hope everyone had a great weekend. I went to my first perfessional bull riding on Sat night. Very intertaining!! I just don't understand how guys could do this when they could get killed in a heartbeat!!
Hi Heather thank you for the welcome:) I remember seeing you on the road trip I wish we got to know each other.
Gin I'm glad your feeling better!! The flu has been goin around like crazy and people are super sick on it, like what you had.
Oh my gosh I love the new set it is so hardcore!! I can't wait till I hear the music. I want my DVD's nowx(
It's 4:30 am and I have to go workout I'm so tired. I'll be doing 4DS chest back and B&G ankle weight abs
Talk to ya soon:)
Hi PYGFOers. I had to post this morning to lift this thread from the bottom of the page. I've gone back to work, which is one reason why I haven't been able to keep up here. My knee is stiff, but doesn't hurt too much. My problem now seems to be a really tight and sore calf muscle in the same leg. I leave for St John on Friday and hope a week of rest in the sunshine helps.

Gin, I'm sorry to see you caught the nasty flu bug. Feel better.

Sorry, but no time for any other personals except to say I miss you all. MWAH.
Joy, joy. I went to a different step class on Saturday. I figured that anyone who showed up on a Sat am to do step had to be dedicated, and I was rewarded. It was a class full of experienced steppers, and a fun teacher. Not Cathe, of course, but still fun. The choreography was fun and challenging. If I HADN'T been experienced, I would've been in trouble. So I was jumping for joy.

I'm still loving the gym. But I'm not seeing the results I want. I am getting SOME results, so after this week, I'm going to change up my routine. I've been doing basically 4 days of cardio and then a 3 day weight split, split the way that Cathe does her gym styles or the Pure Strength: 2 days of upper body and one day of lower. (I do one weights workout back-to-back with a short cardio so that I'm working out 6 days, not 7.)

I think I'm going to keep the 4 cardio days, but I'm going to pile all my upper body work into 1 day so that I can work legs 2 days. I really want to lean out my lower body, after the furlough eating. My upper body is looking GREAT, but that's not really what I'm concerned with. I'm going to do maintenance there for a while, and see if I can kick it in gear with 4 cardio sessions and two LB sessions a week. I'm thinking that one day of LB I'll lift for strength, and one day for endurance.

Any thoughts?

I'll let you know in a couple weeks if I see progress.

Waves to Heather, Liann, Randi, Tess, Lara, Gin, Michelle, and Robin. Any news on Vicki?

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