

Good Morning!

Are we losing all of our PYGFO girls? I'm hoping it's just b/c of the holiday!
Today was run with friends and then ME. I had only done the Fittv version but I like the whole thing. It was a good workout.

Vicki--Were you able to shop yesterday? Congrats on the great Nutcracker reviews!!

Laura--Has DH had the massage yet? Can you get one also? Robin's new name was from a post about a week ago. Something along the lines of...you take the first letter of your first name and that gives you a silly name and then do the same with your last name. I guess it was on OD and you may still be able to find it.

Hi to all other MIA PYGFOers!
Hi Gin and any other PYGFOers who appear. Sorry I've not been here. I check-in in two other places, as well as the <--thread, and sometimes I run short of time.

Laura, I've been watching you and your DH pack. What a chore. Have fun with the gym workout. I was just thinking of trying to find an affordable gym where I could have access to a treadmill when my stupid knee went crackerdog.

No workout for me today. I'm still trying to give my knee a rest and I have an extensive list of chores after work. I have to do my grocery shopping and clean the basement. We had a mouse problem in the fall and the shelves have droppings throughout. I don't want to gag any of my guests. There is also a ton of recycling stuff down there that has to be carted away.

Hi to any other PYGFO-pals who wander in for a visit. Vacation starts for me in about 2 hours. YAY!
Hello, girls.

DH has not had the massage yet. I'm not planning to get one from this same person because he's male and a friend, and that would just be kind of awkward. x( So I think I'll just pay to have one when we're in AR to visit my mom.

Our house is almost empty. All the furniture is out. Now we are just left with the odds and ends that we need to sort through. I'm exhausted from all the physical work. I told DH I'm ready for some boring office work.

I'm both excited and apprehensive about working out in a gym. It's been since college that I worked out regularly in a gym. There's some variety and flexibility a gym offers that you can't replicate at home. But the idea of being responsible for my own program isn't fun. LauraMax has been a big help there. She sent me her lifting routine.

Well, I'm going to try to whittle on my "inbox." It has languished while we've packed!

Oh, BTW, Robin, I wanted to ask you about that --> thread. I read it one day in OD, then realized it was really an insider thread and more of a check-in. But it's not in the check-in forum. Why not? And do you always start with the lyrics of a song? How'd that get started? Just curious.

And, BTW, you cracked me up with your foot-stomping for those who didn't check in.

Ta Ta.

Hello everyone!!

Sorry I haven't been around to read or post lately. I am in Chicago now. I am visiting my sister and her fiance. She graduated from the French Pastry Culinary School today. We got to eat lots of yummy food afterward:9 We are about to go shop for wedding dresses for my sister.
I haven't been able to workout much this week b/c I have been sick. Hopefully I will be able to use the gym at my sister's condo tomorrow.
I will try to catch up with everyone later. Have a great day!!
Hi girls!!!

It's late but I just wanted to say... I'm still here!!

Gin: I think the reason for the lack of posting is the holiday. I know that's my reason. Next week I will check in every day again. Today for example, I have not had one free second and it's now 9:30 at night. I still have to do some tree decorating and cleaning so that tomorrow I can bake with the boys and start wrapping. My cards never went out this year, but I have decided to go easy on myself and just not send them. I've noticed a lot fewer cards this year... sad that everyone has just become so stressed. It makes want to join the Amish or something!! ( Just kidding, really) but you know, it seems like everyone I know just has less and less time nowadays.

Robin: happy vacation. Did I miss something about stomping?? Funny. Oh, and my name was Goober Chickentush. Speaks for itself, no??

Laura: I have to say how impressed I am that you have all that shopping done already with all that you do!! You are one dynamic lady, and in case you haven't figured it out yet, I really admire you. Especially the fact that you don't consider anything you do extroardinary!! Oh, BTW, my son came to me today and asked if it would be alright to sponsor a child in Uganda. I told him yes, of course, and then beamed with pride. It's so nice when all you have tried to teach your kids starts to show, you know??

Lara: Oh man, that food must have been yummy!! Glad you're having a nice time!!

Michelle: ( where are you?? No stories for you!! LOL!)

Liann: Are you around?? How are you feeling? And, I never found out what you sell on ebay... I'm curious!

All other PYGFO girls, hope you are well!!

Anyway, I will try to post over the weekend. I know once the craziness is over everyone will be back. I spoke to Tess and she will be back eventually too. She just needs to get out of the habit of being on the computer so much. She does miss you all though.

Okie dokie... nighty night.

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