

Does anyone else confess to FF-ing through pushups, and if so, all the time or just sometimes?

It's one of those things you know is good for you, but I just despise them. It took me about 7 years of working out regularly to be able to do straight-leg pushups, and even though I felt good about it, I still hate them.

I DO hope I'm not alone in this!!

I hate pushups too. I will usually not put out too much effort, and just do as many as I can. Cathe goes so fast sometimes I can barely keep up anyway.

Not my favorite exercise either! I start with straight-legged doing as many as I can and then I drop to my knees. I would love to be able to do the drop sets in Chest & Triceps. Hopefully someday!
I hate push ups too. It makes me mad that they never get any easier for me! I still do them though. My stubborness won't let me skip them. :p
Pushups aren't my favorites, either, by I made a New Year's resolution that I would be able to do the requisite number of pushups that someone my age should be able to do at one time to be "average": 45

So, I have developed a training schedule that will help me to work up to this number by the middle of the doing pushups bent-legged, then I will start training on the straight-leg kind. Perhaps by the end of 2007 I'll be able to do 45 straight-legged pushups at one time!

I also hate push ups. I have always either stopped early or just done them all on my knees. I am currently doing a P90X rotation which has no weight work for chest. Only lots and lots and lots of push-ups. So now...I grudgingly do them...because I don't really have another choice. I will say that now that I am forced, I have become better than I ever expected! I do miss the weight work with Cathe, and I am really looking forward to my next Cathe rotation, but I will NOT fast forward through push ups with Cathe again!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
i did hate pushups until i got p90x. just doing the standard pushups can get frustrating or boring but doing in a variety of ways keeps me interested and determined to do standard,military,wide fly,dyamond,dive bomber,incline,and others. set a goal every time and keep trying to do more.

"i did hate pushups until i got p90x."

Ditto. Before P90X I could only do 1 on my toes, now I can do 5 before I have to drop to my knees. (I'm on the 3rd week into P90X).
I have a love-hate relationship with push-ups; however, I never skip them when they're on the agenda. It took me way too long to build up the strength/endurance to do extended sets of them, and when I abandon them even for one or two sessions I seriously pay for it in terms of reduced capabilities the next time out.

The way I see it is: any move or drill or interval I really hate is something I have to do very, very often so that I can strengthen up to the task, demystify it and take the dread factor out of it. I figure the reason I hate it is because it's difficult and challeging, and anything that's difficult and challenging can be made less so by sheer repetition.

I agree with Annette. I have a love-hate relationship with push-ups and I will not skip them. I feel so empowered after I finish them! It's just getting started.

A friend in fitness,
Yep, I agree w/ A-Jock also. I used to hate them only because a couple yrs ago I could NOT do 1 *real* pushup. So I made it my goal to do 10, then 20, then 30, etc. Now GS C & T is one of my fav workouts, I love the pushups!!
at the end of my classics rotation i can do 20 even though i had to take a few weeks off. if i keep doing clasics,i wonder if that meens 40,then 80,100 and so on.

I do HATE push ups. However, I do love that they get my HR up. I love burning as many calories as possible in a short amount of time which is usually from cardio.

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