Pushups in Gym Style chest, triceps


Can anyone explain to me the value of ALL those pushups in this workout? Please understand I am not criticizing the workout design! But I did find myself wondering what is the specific benefit to doing that many sets. At this point, I am far from being able to do them all, and a bit discouraged from even trying it again. I'm likely to do maybe one or two sets and then skip ahead to the workout. However, if I knew there would be particular benefits, I might be able to psych myself up to keep working towards the goal of doing them all. So, what does one get out of doing the full number of drop sets?
My guess is that Cathe wants to pre-exhaust the chest so that we don't have to hoist up that much weight during the actual weight work, since this is a home workout and we usually don't have spotters. The idea is to work the muscle to the point of fatigue. This is a sure way to grow muscle -- with proper diet and adequate rest, of course.

I actually liked all those push-ups followed by the slow sets of presses and flyes. It really worked out my chest. I came out of the workout feeling like it really was a hardcore workout, as the series promised.

I like the pushups. I certainly felt the soreness from them the next day. I personlly didn't like all the sets of the rest of the chest work, even though that's exactly how many reps and sets I always do. I think it just seemed endless because I was fatigued from the pushups.

I belong to a gym and some instructors have us do 75-100 pushups when working the upper body....others no less than 60.
I also loved doing all those push-ups except when I got up a muscle pulled really tight in my neck/shoulder blade area and hurt for four days afterwards. Next time I will take a little longer break between sets and stretch a bit more until I get use to it. I think you are right about her wanting to pre-exhaust the muscle before we train with weights and it worked. I had DOMS for four days if not more after doing this workout. Love it!
Debbie in OH
I am TRYING SOOOOOOO....... HARD to do them all (knee kind), but I still can't:-( That is one of my GOALS to be able to do ALL those push-ups!! :) Then MAYBE I can work up to the full body weight ones!!}(

Wish me luck!!

Everything I have read says that pushups is one of the best upper body exercise. If I remember right, they work more than just the chest. When I first started to do pushups, a couple of years ago, I could only do one or two. I kept making myself do one more each time. I love all those pushups in this workout and I would say keep on doing them.

I'm with you Nicole. The push ups are so hard. i hope that one day I can do the straight leg!}(

not yet, though:-(

Ann Marie
>Everything I have read says that pushups is one of the best
>upper body exercise. If I remember right, they work more than
>just the chest.

They work not only the chest, and shoulder and triceps (like bench presses) but the core as well, since you have to stabilize your core in order to do them. I think they also work a lot of other muscles as well, since they are very "functional" (nothing is stabilizing your body--like a bench--so your body has to work to stabilize itself).
Remember though, that not being able to do all those push-ups, although an admirable goal, certainly does not mean you're going to be any more or less healthy or fit if you can or can't do them.

I mean, are you gonna be on your deathbed saying to yourself...'"If I had only done one more push-up..."

I say do the best you can. I previewed the DVD, saw all those push-ups and about died. But I'm going to do as many as I can, Big Girl or Little Girl. And if I can't keep up with Cathe, that'll be nothing new for me! Don't be discouraged!

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