Good very-early Sunday morning to you!
Yesterday was a lot of cleaning; I went on a spree because my allergies were going nuts. Indoor allergies, not outdoor allergies. I decided that we need a shelf behind the TV to set all the cables and cords on so they stay off the floor. It is SO hard to clean back there because it's just a big mess. Craig has a 73" TV with about every electronic hooked up to it that you can imagine. My dad is stopping over today for a quick hello since he'll be in the area; he enjoys wood-working so I think I'll ask him to make some sort of shelf for us. Seriously, the dust and dog fur that gets trapped back there as become a health issue for me!
I also THOUGHT about Rug Doctoring the living room however after all the cleaning I had already done I was wiped out -- plus we're supposed to get rain today so the dogs would just track in more mud so I decided to wait before using the Rug Doctor. At least I brought it upstairs

We really need to make the dogs stop at the door before entering the house so we can wash off their feet but I gotta tell ya', with 3 dogs it is not easy to do.
Yesterday we also took the dogs for a walk; it was an absolutely beautiful day. Hot, actually, unless the slight breeze picked up which was very welcome. The daffodils everywhere are looking SO beautiful!
Workouts for the week weren't very big -- Yoga Relax, Athletic Training, and a little Glute work. Plus I taught my regular Pilates class Wednesday night but I also subbed a PiYo class Thursday. Since I don't know PiYo I did Pilates again. PiYo U-Tubes look really good, though, and I think at some point I would like to get into that.
This morning I'm feeling some Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders -- and since I'm up so early I'll add on a shorter premix for either Yoga Relax or Yoga Max... then it's off to church.
Have a great day, everyone!
Adding another second to the Crow is a big deal! I'm excited for you! So are you adding a particular Yoga program to your routines or just a few poses here and there? Any yoga is good.
I know, right (about principle versus interest)?
I would like to do a Meso 1 rotation to mix things up but I never completely did Meso 2. I liked the parts of it that I did, but I had started the Glute program about the same time.
I hope things are going well and getting less stressful; I also hope you're able to stick to your 3 workouts/week. I find that I get more stressed if I don't get to work out but I think 3 is reasonable and hope it helps release your stress level.