PS Series 1 or 2x's a week


I just finished a CTX rotation and have order the PS series as well as 3 of Cathe's cardio workouts. How should I use these tapes over the next 4 weeks?
Sa Cardio + Abs
M Cardio + Abs
W Cardio + Abs
Sa PS C/S/T + Cardio
Su PS B/B/A + Cardio
M PS L/A + Cardio
W PS C/S/T + Cardio
Th PS B/B/A + Cardio
F PS L/A + Cardio or just Cardio
Any suggestions from you guys would be great! Thank you very much!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-02 AT 07:26PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi
I know that most people on the forum like to work each body part twice per week, but I remember Cathe recommending that you start out with the PS series doing each tape once a week and see if you like the results. If you feel you need more strength work, then add more, but once a week could be plenty. Or you could add a total body workout at the end of the week after doing each PS tape in beginning of the week and still hit each muscle twice.
I would probably add one additional cardio to your first rotation - probably on the PS BBA day. You could switch your BBA and PS Legs day so that you are not doing cardio so many days in a row? Just a suggestion!
As to your first proposal, I like the idea of only trying to do the entire PS series once per week. Unless you have a lot of time to workout, I find doing it two times per week is too much. I think you first proposal contains a bit much ab work--you will end up working your abs 5 times per week since PS BBA and PS LA contain ab work. So, you might want to cut out one or two abs sessions.

As to your second proposal, as I mentioned above, the PS series twice in one week may be a bit much, but it's up to you. The second proposal seems a bit cardio-heavy. I would cut out the cardios on the day you do PS LA since that one is one hour long and it gets your heart rate up with heavy enough weights. You don't want to burn yourself out with cardio.

Here is how I am using the PS series in my current 8-week rotation, which has been working out well:
Sat: PS LA
Sun: PS CST + 20-30 minute cardio
Mon: PS BBA + 20-30 minute cardio
Tue: Interval Max
Wed: Jog with dog 2.5 miles + long stretch on my own
Thu: Circuit Max
Fri: CTX kickbox cardio and abs/stretch portions only

Note that I do not currently have a set day of rest. If I feel tired, I skip that day. If I have skipped a weights day, I make it up the next day. If I skip a cardio day, I don't make it up. Hmmm, it seems like I usually feel tired on Interval Max day. Good luck!
Hi. I agree, that doing the PS series twice in one week can be a bit much unless you do PS CST and PS BBA on the same day with no cardio twice per week. If you want to work each body part twice per week, I recommend adding a total body workout at the end of the week. In any case, I definitely wouldnt do PS LA and cardio on the same day. PS LA is intense enough on its own and you dont want to overtrain. Depending on your time, you could do either a longer or shorter cardio on days you do PS upper body tapes. Have fun with your rotation, let us know what you decide.

:) Stacy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-02 AT 10:46AM (Est)[/font][p]I've been doing the PS series 2x per week all in one day (the LA in the morning and the two upper body tapes in the evening). I work at home so I have the time to do it that way. I also do a sort of fast walk (about 4.5 mph)for an hour on the weight days and then do Power Hour/walk on Saturday. I do two cardio tapes a week, usually IMax and Cardio Kicks. Is this too much working out? I've gotten sort of obsessed with not ever missing a workout and never feel like I'm doing enough.

I was doing PS 3x a week, even though Cathe advises against that but I switched to the third workout being Power Hour.
I have to jump on my soap box for a minute. I think it's great that you are asking if you're working out too much, because usually once people start getting obsessed, they keep their workouts secret. I used to work out A LOT I became obsessed as well. It progressed to the point where I would do as much as I possibly could in one day, and then I felt like I had already raised the bar, so I would push to that level the next day and so on... For me it started as a way to lose weight but completely snowballed into a control issue. I ended up in the hospital! Not good. I think that some people really do have the ability to work out a bit longer than the recommmended 1 hour per day/ 5 or 6 days a week. But when Cathe says to only do the PS series twice a week, she says it for a reason. It really is so that the joints can rest and the muscles and tissues can rebuild themselves. Please take care of yourself. Again, I am really proud of you for recognizing that you might be doing a bit much! Sorry if this sounded too preachy, but I really want you to be healthy and happy.
Hey K60 - just noticed your message. I pretty much felt the same a month ago - that I was simply not doing enough. To make matters worse the weight was simply not coming off no matter how hard I worked. Anyways to cut a long story short, I ended up completely depressed and burnt out. I also lost my apetite and working out became as enjoyable to me as a root canal.

I have recently started eating more and halved my cardio (to 3 times a week). I have bought the PS series and I am doing each tape once a week but on separate days with absolutely no cardio on those days. This is really working for me. I have more energy, I can lift heavier and the weight is coming off much faster than it was on my previous schedule. I am now actually at 119 lbs and 120 was my original target! Just thought I would share my personal experience. Please take care and all the best with meeting your goals.
I've just completed a 4 week rotation of PS. Last week I increased the weights, so I will continue this rotation for 2 more weeks then go to a rotation with power hour ( more reps less weight)

Here is my rotation:
M PS C/S/T 30 -40 " CARDIO CHOICE ( 1st 40" cardio kicks is nice)
T PS B/B/A 30-40" CARDIO CHOICE bike or treadmill

Some weeks I will subtitiute circuit max an cardio kicks for the two days it takes to do Body Max. I have seen an imprivement in my muscle definition with this rotation after 4 weeks. ( I think I am a mesomorph though)
I believe I am a mesomorph too! That rotatation sounds great and you will nevr guess, I just ordered Body Max today! So I guess I might just copy your rotation workout for workout! Just curious, what do you do during the floorwork? I don't own a body bar and my barbell is only 3' and weighs 10 lbs. Should I use this and 5 lb. ankle weights? I usually just try to prop by barbell on the arch of my foot, but it is so awkward and my knee hurts. Just curious as to what you did. Thanks again for the rotation suggestion!
I don't have a bodybar either so I use 5 lb. ankle weights plus a dumbbell or weight plate on my inner or outer thigh depending on the exercise. This works great for me!
To make up for the lack of a body bar, I use an 8 pound barbell on my inner or outer thigh depending on the exercise. It seems to work well. I chose 8 since the body bar is 16. It seems like part of the wieght of the body bar is not lifted because half of it rests on the ground. I have no idea if this assumption is valid, but 8 pounds on my inner /outer thigh it tough enough for me.

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