

good for you! Those are some great photos and video! I only wish I had half of your stability ball strength! I still can't do those pikes!
Hey Christina! It's Beth from the road trip -- those pics are great! Good for you!
I clearly need to do more plank work! :)

Okay Ellie, step away from the cookies and start planning your new routine!!!

You look wonderful. I couldn'y do a pike if you paid me. Thank you for the great inspiration!!! Keep up the good work and tell us your secrets!!!

Way to go Christina!

You look absolutely fantastic!

Thanks for sharing your hard earn muscle pictures. I come close to pikes, but not there yet. They are tough.

Simply inspiring stuff...thanks for sharing...once these holidays are's time to match the diet to the exercise!!

You look great!
Thank you everyone!! I work out hard but it never looked like it. I log everything I put in my mouth on I wanted to lose 5 lbs but 20 melted off from January to August 2008. Now I'm maintaining. My SO did a great job taking these pictures. They even impressed me - lol!!!:eek:

Since knee surgery on both knees 3 years ago, it has been a struggle to get to what I can do today. I can't do impact or heavy weights for the lower body. I am thankful I can do what I can do. The knees keep improving.
Christina!!!! How are you, girlfriend!!! WOW! You've been a busy bee, haven't you?

I was just thinking of you the other day, when I TRIED to read the book you gave me at the RT. Remember it...The Wrong Man? Well, I started to read it, but when it got to the part about this guy killing cats, I just couldn't go any further! :(

Hey, listen! YOU ROCK! Your pictures are proof positive that you've been working out hard. If those are your BEFORE pictures, I can't wait to see your AFTER shots! lol GREAT JOB!


I also have knee issues and would love to know how you work around this issue... would you consider posting a sample weeks rotation, or as much as you would be willing to share, that you are doing or do you follow any posted rotation? TIA :)
Christina - you look AMAZING. I don't know what your "before" looked like, but at 48 you put women half your age to shame! WTG. I'm hoping to eventually get back to doing pikes - I could finally do TWO before my shoulder surgery... but they're on hold for another couple of months.
Girl, you look amazing! I can't wait to see what you look like after STS. Keep up the good work! :D

I also have knee issues and would love to know how you work around this issue... would you consider posting a sample weeks rotation, or as much as you would be willing to share, that you are doing or do you follow any posted rotation? TIA :)

I don't do anything special - cardio is low impact - I modify, modify, modify, and stay away from anything that causes knee discomfot. Light weights when doing lower body work, no weight for lunges. I mostly follow Cathe's rotations.

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