We got to sleep early so of course I woke up an hour early, I stayed in bed for a while but eventually just got up. Bible study this morning, then laundry and knitting for the rest of the evening, Usually I"m exhausted on Thur afternoons so I don't plan to do much. We took April to the vet and he thinks its either a fungus or allergies so we have to shove pills down her throat twice a day, hiding them in treats doesn't work with her, then give her a bath once a week. She's okay about it but she's double coated and pratically waterproof so baths are never fun. I never did yesterdays workout so I'm hoping I can get it in today.

Andrea, my inner thighs are very sore from Pyramid LB. So I'm walking funny and trying to hide it, lol.

Stacy, I made the lasagna so we are going to be eating that for a while. I did give some to my parents and will freeze some. I keep saying I'm going to cut back on the recipe but I forget.
I'm still sore! i don't feel at all like i injured anything, just totally SORE! No workout today, but i had on my pedometer (had to work today) and walked over 8000 steps and also moved and stacked a dozen 10 gallon boxes of distilled water, actually got in a decent workout with that! all the women i work with were calling me a young whipper snapper...some of them are barely older than i am :)

ok gotta go clean the kitchen before Rich gets home. planning on a cardio/sculpt Firm in the morning before i head outta town to watch my nephew's senior night football game!
I definitely overindulged last night, the food was good, but gave me a bit of an IBS flare this morning.

I decided to cut back on cals a bit today, which turned out okay b/c I wasnt really hungry today.

B--almonds, banana
L--pickle spear, 1/2 slice provolone, ~2-3 oz roast beef
D--100 cal chocolate milk, Smart Ones mini cheeseburger (190 cals)...probably not "smart" but was something small, fairly filling and I wasnt in the mood for veggies today.

Was tired after work but went right down to my basement and did the cardio and abs from Cardio&Weights. That's usually a fairly easy cardio routine for me but I felt a bit fatigued and was actually a bit dizzy during the abs. I'm guessing b/c I worked out before dinner and I really hadnt had much to eat up to that point. But I'm feeling good now.

Looking forward to the game Saturday and NOT working at all! :)
Aprils been very good about taking her pills. Dad has started calling her "Fungus" however:p. Hubby tried to hide the first pill in cheese but as usual she ate the cheese ans spit out the pill. I've stopped trying and just shove them down, then give her a treat. I ment to workout today but ended up taking a nap instead. Hubby agreed to lend a 'transmission jack' to a friend of his and asked my help carrying it to the car from the garage {30-40 ft} So we carried it halfway then he stopped to open the gate and I wanted to see if I could pick it up {I was expecting something bigger, actually} so I carried it the rest of the way alone! We he got to the friend's house, he commented on how big it was Hubby informed him that I had carried it to the car alone. He looked suitibly impressed, lol.

Odd Jobs day tomorrow. April will get her bath, sigh, and laundry. day & pizza day aka my "cheat day". up early and did the bonus step routine from LIS LIC, then did GS Ba/Sh/Bi's.

Going to the game today, looks rainy but still better than working! Good luck on your game today, Andrea, beat the rednecks!! ;)

Peng...what's on your fitness agenda today?
GS Legs + abs done for the day! I upped the weight a bit on the barbell squats and this time around skipped the slo-mo lunges, they seemed a bit too much on my knee last time. Now time for a quick breakfast and then raking leaves, aka more squats!

Andrea, I thought we had lost our game for sure, down by 8 with about 2 minutes left, starting QB taken away by ambulance, but we somehow won in OT. It was ugly, but I'll take it! I'm cheering for your team, nice to see non-SEC teams in the top 5!
OH my goodness. I think I might have mono.

Woke up this morning feeling yucky, thought it was just lack of sleep but my throat was sore...searched the house for some cough drops but there were none to be found. I should have known when I didn't want anything for dinner last night besides hot tea, something was up!

At work I made a slide of my blood and took a peek just to get some idea of what my issue might be. I had a high %age of lymphs, (42) and lots of them were atypical. I don't know if any of you know what that means but I have some idea, it can definitely mean mono.

Add to that I haven't been able to complete a workout all week, other than a mild-mannered short dog walk, my throat is now SCREAMING at me, I feel worn down completely, and a week or two ago I had an unusual tenderness just under my left ribcage (spleen)...

ANd, of course I have to work today and the next two days. I need to get to the doctor.

*SIGH* but my Cats won!
Andrea, sounds like you definitely need to go to the doctor. Although mono is viral, alot of times strep and mono like to be co-infection buddies. Plus if your spleen is big you'll probably have some workout restrictions. I had mono in college and I remember not being able to walk to class without having to stop and catch my breath and prior to that I was running and taking aerobic classes. It can really wipe you out! I remember diagnosing myself with strep in a Microbiology class in college, nice "freebie" test ;)
made it out of work in time to get to the urgent care. strep and mono tests both negative, so that's good. doc told me to stay home and away from people :)
Glad both tests were negative. I've heard some mega doses of Vit C can give your immune system a boost, dont know if that's true or not, but couldnt hurt I guess. Hope you're feeling better soon!
Down 1 lb this week, so a total of 3.4 lbs in 2 weeks.

Today, ate a darn cupcake at work and snacked on too many almonds.

Back at it tomorrow. Today is a planned rest day.
Stacy, WTG on the weight loss. Don't give that cupcake a second thought. Onward and upward...or downward, on the scale :)

Peng, are you OK? Hope you didn't injure yourself lifting any more heavy objects! Hope to hear from you again soon!

I am feeling a little better. My throat is quite a bit less sore today, just a little scratchy and I'm getting some gunk out of my head which is good. I think I'm going to attempt going to work tomorrow, at least as of now I am. I'll get up early tomorrow so I"ll have some time to determine if I can't make it.

I was thinking about my workouts. I had made a list of all of my workouts including premixes and realized that instead of jumping head first into entire Cathe workouts, I'm going to work into them by doing premixes. Made up my workouts schedule starting on Wednesday through Thanksgiving, hopefully I"ll be all recovered and can stick to it. Yes, it starts out easy.

My thighs are squishy again. I miss that Cathe tightness ;) Gotta get back on it!
Ran errands this morning, raked some leaves and then did abs and a walk/jog of 3 miles.

Diet, decent, but need to incorporate alot more veggies, stocked up on some at the grocery store. Dinner tonight is homemade creamy sausage and kale soup. Sausage is fatty but I used half the portion, and instead of heavy whipping cream I'm substituting fat free half&half. The recipe only calls for 1/3 cup for the huge pot so wont be too bad.

Hoping to lose another pound this week. We're having a football bash at our house on Saturday and there's never healthy food. Well there is if I buy it, so hard to much on carrots when others are eating the "good" stuff. I know it's not "good" but it sure does taste yummy! I will definitely practice some self control!
Sorry I went MIA. I didn't exercise again last week, I was really sore from Tues workout and it lasted all week, then we had a 3-day weekend, because Hubby surprised me by taking a day off {rare for him!], so I wanted to spend time with him, maybe encourage him to do it again! On the furry front April is doing much better and Hubby figured out if we throw the pill in the back of her throat, then stuff a piece off a slice of lunchmeat inside her mouth she gulps both down, which has made pill-time much easier.

I did KCM's LBody Training workout 1 yesterday. Planning UB for today.
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hey ladies I am feeling much better! Took the doggies for a half hour walk and then did cardio and weights step and compound weights premix. little rough at first but one I got going I felt better than i have in a couple of weeks :)

having a healthy lunch of half a whole wheat pita, some hummus, and a Greek yogurt for desert. then i need to go to the store and get veggies and fruits! dinner tonight is a big salad with some smoked salmon on it. yum!

Peng we missed you! Rich and I have also found with our Pinto that if you give her a pill then mess around her mouth withyour fingers like you are trying to take it away from her, she'll swallow it right down just so you don't get it! little brat! Today I began the two week process of putting an electronic collar on her and treating her, taking it off and treating her, five or so times a day so she doesn't have bad feelings towards the collar. she is dog aggressive when i walk her and doesn't listen when we call her (unless we have treats) and those things need to change. An e-collar appears to be the best tool for dogs like her...we just have to use it carefully. So, wish me luck on this! that thing was expensive!

Stacy I'm hearing Kansas State in the national championship game a lot! lol i know if we make it you'll cheer for us right? :)
Peng, glad you're back, was getting worried about you!

Andrea, glad you're getting your workout mojo back! And, I'd definitely be cheering for Kansas State!!

Eating this week just isnt as good as last week. I'm still eating pretty clean but the portion sizes are getting out of hand.

Today's workout will be GS Chest/Triceps.....still mustering up the motivation.
I didn't do my workout but I did finish two projects; a prayer shawl and the green sweater for my Mom. So now that they are finshed, I can start somthing else, lol.

Andrea, how funny, I'll have to try the 'take-away' trick! One of the dogs we used to 'dog-sit' had an e-collar, eventually all you had to do was show it to him and he'd behave better.

Stacy, my eating has been all over the place, also. I've gotten used {read: feeling entitled} to sweets again so I'm trying to cut back. Its TOM for me which isn't helping!
We don't allow April on the furniture but know she gets up on the couch after we leave. So when my parents came to pick me up today we sat around for a few minutes to chat, then got up to leave, as we were getting my stuff together April jumped up on the leather loveseat right in front of us! I couldn't believe her but took the opportunity to 'correct' her {I yelled at her until she got down and I called her a 'BAD DOG! Something we reserve only for things she knows better but does anyway!} She looked surprised but got down from the couch. I made it out of the house before I burst out laughing. The little stinker! This was after she stuck her head in the kitchen trash this morning after I had thrown something into it. I don't know what's gotten into her, but she's pushing all the bounderies today.

Andrea, those are cute! I like the cool colors with the splashes of yellow.

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