Thanks Stacy for the Link :)

Yes, I Travel a good distance to particpate in the 5K's but Vegas is not that big. you travel far for your 5K's?? You seem to do them fairly frequently. There doesnt seem to be too many in my neck of the woods, I'm guessing maybe it's weather related. High temp today is supposed to be 28, not that I plan on going outside!

I've walked 3 half marathons and did my own training but here is a site a friend of mine used. She started her training well before the race so only walked twice a week, where the link has you walking about 3 times a week, she did some weeks twice before progressing to the next.

Half Marathon Training Schedules For Walkers - The Walking Site
I didnt do much of a workout but I did workout!

I did the 4 punching/kicking combo's from Susan Chung's Rapidfire Results workout, and I wore my 1 lb weighted gloves. The warmup + combo's clocked in at about 30 minutes. I followed that up with a Cathe ab workout.

Then, I ate junk for dinner :( (Sigh)

Tomorrow is another day....
Good morning !!!

I can't believe I'm the first one here today.... lol

I've been wandering around Amazon for hours looking at reviews of cookbooks. I'm in a rut as far as what I'm eating.

I just posted in this thread

If you guys could read that and see if you have any suggestions for me, I'd greatly appreciate it.


I weighed myself this morning... bad idea... lol

I've gained a pound this week..... so much for not counting calories.... so tomorrow morning, I get my sheets out and start writing everything down again. It also didn't help that I didn't do a lot of working out either... sigh This time of year is so hard for me... on many different levels. I just need to slog through it and come out on January 1st in a good frame of mind to get serious again....

Progress, not perfection.

I need to keep reminding myself that it's okay. Changing bad habits built up over the last 15 years will take time, but I will get there. Right now, however, I must admit that I am discouraged... sigh
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Ok, I'm back...

No workout yet, but I did do some house cleaning, grocery shopping and put up 2 Christmas trees so that's gotta count for something!

Susan, we all have times when we feel down, but the important thing is that we pick ourselves up. I know I will be up at least a pound at weigh-in tomorrow but I'll write it down and keep on keepin' on!

I know what you mean about a food rut, things can get so boring!

Sometimes for breakfast I'll switch it up with some Fiber One cottage cheese mixed in with Kashi cereal instead of my usual oatmeal. Or I'll have a fruit salad with bananas, raspberries and crush up a few almonds as a garnish.

Have you looked at Gina's Skinny Recipes site?? There's alot of good stuff on there, and I've used alot of her recipes and tweaked them to my liking. She has a great tuna salad recipe that I'll serve on a bed of lettuce and tomato slices instead of bread. Here are a few others I've had....

Grilled Chicken Bruschetta | Skinnytaste

Skinnytaste: 8 Points+

Garlic Shrimp | Skinnytaste

Roasted Snapper Fillet and Sustainable Seafood | Skinnytaste

Papaya Avocado Salad | Skinnytaste

I'm making potato soup for dinner at hubby's request.

Have a good evening and remember to drink your water!! We're in this together!!
Thanks Stacy !!!

That's funny.... I was looking at my "bookmarks" and there was one called Skinnytaste and I thought.. what the heck is that? But I was on my way out the door and figured I'd look later......

Thank you.... now I know what it is... those recipes look great !!

I called one of my friends this afternoon and told her that we need to go to the gym together every morning this week. We used to meet at the gym 4 or 5 days a week last spring, but then she got busy with other things and I started doing my Cathe workouts at home. So we are going to meet at the gym at least Mon-Tues-Wed-Thurs... I can't go Friday morning.... so that will make sure that I get there..

and exercise leads to healthier eating for me. when I don't exercise I feel like a slug and that's when I start eating the junk...

onward and upward we go..

thanks for the boost Stacy.. I needed it !!!

see y'all for coffee in the morning...
good ideas Stacy. Hey Susan what about choosing to try one or two new skinny recipes a week (or whatever you find, but I've had good luck on gina's skinny, too)?

At this point, I have to eat to live, not live to eat if I want to be lean and healthy wt. So when I am I going to let that happen?

I went to dance class today so I will count that as activity. Here comes Monday, what can I do right now to have a good start? Working on laundry and house- I took a long nap this aft after dance, but I could happily hit the hay right now.

Stacy, just send me some soup, darn it. Every time you make it I want some! It always sounds good and and also nurturing. : )
Good morning and happy Monday, a quick post and then I've got dash out the door....

Weigh-in UP 1.4 lbs. Bummer, but not a shocker. Today it's water, water, water and watch portions! And, a workout even if I'm tired!! Probably will be Cathe's Turbo Barre.

Check back later...
Good morning !!!

a quick post from me too...

My goal this week is to be out the door at 8:30 every morning to head to the gym and do something.. anything... for one whole hour... lol

and... water, water, water...

and to try 2 new recipes this week... thanks FnV.. great idea... I already have two picked out from the "skinny" site..

more later....

haven't weighed myself yet this morning... but was up 1 pound yesterday... so imagine it will be about the same this morning..

Onward and upward we go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning Ladies :)

Today is Monday and starts my busy session through the end of the month. Since I am going to be so busy the next couple weeks I may not be able to make it to the gym. I have my gym bag packed and will keep it in my Jeep just, so if I am able to go I will. If I am not able to go I will workout from home, I have not done that in awhile. I do have an appointment with a PT at the gym on Thursday, if my schedule permits I will be there.

Walking partner from work called me lastnight and told me to bring my gym shoes, so I guess that means we will walk today.

I will be glad when these holidays are over. I have not gotten on the scale since the end of October begining of November, I did not want to get discouraged. There are cookies, cakes and all types of goodies everywhere on my job. Last time I weighed myself I was done 10lbs, not sure what the scale will show now. I guess I will take the scale out of the closet February 2012.

Time to get in the shower so I can get ready to get out of here, I will check in later.

Lets try to make it a wonderful Monday Ladies.

Also, lets try to post some pics for the new year by creating a album or changing our Avator pic.
Deanna, glad your buddy called you for walking at work. Walking helps me de- stress, maybe you will need it if you are in an extra busy season?

I'm back home from work early since end of semester
Breakie- protien shake
Lunch- HB egg, large sweet potatoe w/ about 1 T butter and 1 T agave
Coffee w/ 2percent carnation
Water 3 x 8 oz so far....
I'm resistant to working out because, well, frankly my hair and make up turned out nice today and I'm not in the mood to yuck it all up! : D Oh well, in the long run, fit is more attractive than nice hair.

Enjoying coffee and Cathe newsletter which is always good for inspiration and information. Who is doing the fast/slow twitch test? The article about aging is motivating me to get on top of my program.

I have NOT ordered IMAX1, Rhythmic Step MIC which is 50 percent off even tho it is on my wish list. RS looks like a lot of fun and I have heard many say they love it but I am not lacking in the DVD dept.

Stacy, when can I expect my soup? Susan, let us know what recipes you try. I made some turkey meat balls and greek ff yogurt dip that was really good from skinny gina.

bbl with workout info and sweaty hair. : )
Hey Fnv :)

It does not look like we will be walking today, it is raining. :(


Deanna, glad your buddy called you for walking at work. Walking helps me de- stress, maybe you will need it if you are in an extra busy season?

bbl with workout info and sweaty hair. : )
Deanna, I think it was pouring here at the same time you posted, sorry you missed your walk. Maybe you can hit the gym. Your classes sound fun.

I did IMAX 2 today, finally. I've got to just get them done first thing to avoid procrastinating. I know once it is a habit again, I won't feel as resistant.

I also had more water : ) but ate some stuff from a bake sale/fundraiser I bought for my dance studio. I guess I got lucky, b/c most of it was really crappy baked goods and we threw it out! Maybe bellydancers don't make good bakers? The one item that actually was yummy was from my bestie, who is the hostess with the most-ess. At least its all gone now.

Since there was no soup from Stacy, I will open a can of Progresso. : )
Evening Ladies

Today a coworker who is currently on maturnity leave, visited the job with her 3 beautiful babies one being a 2 month old and her figure was BANGING!!!! It didn't even look like she had a baby 2 months ago. That made me come home and do 45 min of HARDCORE Cardio WITH Shaun T, Insanity.

Some people bodies bounce right back into shape after having a baby. It has been 18 almost 19 years and I am still carring my baby weight. ROFL...LOL

I tell you ladies, it can be discouraging but I am not going to give up.

Hey, whatever motivates you!!! Good job on the kickbutt workout!!!

I just finished Cathe's Turbo Barre...OMG! That's a workout I'm growing to love and hate, lol! I think keeping this in my rotation is sure to give some good lower body results!

Food today was ok..

L--(went out with co-workers), got grilled salmon and mashed potatoes
D--banana, 2 nuked turkey sausage links and a Bagel Thin (total 300 cals for dinner)

So, water is about 20 oz and no real veggies today, but better than yesterday foodwise and I didnt workout yesterday so I consider that progress!!

See you for coffee in the morning!
We will never give up !!!! You got that right Deanna !!!

I'm back on track... kinda.. sorta...:p

I did 3 miles on the treadmill at the gym, then came home and did Cleaning Max and Laundry Max and went outside and cleaned up the yard (we had strong winds one day last week, so there were branches lying around) and otherwise kept busy and productive all day.

Food was good.... I'm right at 1690 calories... 90 over, but I'll take it. and it was all healthy food. Had FF Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, a whole baked acorn squash, a lean hamburg patty with no bun, an apple, I can't remember what else.. but it was all good food.. oh yea.. some brown rice....

and 40 ounces of water !!!

It felt good...

See y'all for coffee in the morning. I've got my alarm set so I can get up early enough to leisurely enjoy my coffee and still get to the gym at 8:30.

We CAN do this... we ARE doing this !!!

Go Team Go :D
Good morning my friends !!

I'm sitting here enjoying my coffee and feeling good. Unbelievably, my legs are sore from 3 miles on the treadmill.... just goes to show how lax I've become in the last several weeks........

Yesterday was a good day - exercise, healthy food and 40 oz of water. Not too bad, if I do say so myself :p Now the trick is to keep doing it... lol

I'm heading to the kitchen to have my banana and oatmeal, then get dressed and head to the gym. I figure if I go to the gym every morning, like I used to, and do 3 miles on the treadmill.... then at least, even if I don't do my weight workouts in the afternoon, I'll have done something. But I am going to do weights in the afternoon, just can't promise myself that I'll do them as my schedule dictates.

From reading Stacy's post in another thread, I think I'll give Pyramid Upper Body a whirl this afternoon. I haven't tried that one yet.... Either that or do the STS Total Body Upper Body premix.....

FnV - I'm looking at the Garlic Shrimp or the Lime Cilantro Shrimp (or both) for this week and the Baby Red Potato Salad. Yummy !!!! All from the Skinny site...

I ate a whole (small) baked acorn squash yesterday, today is sweet potato day. I'm working my way into more veggies slowly but steadily... lol

Sweet potatoes are packed with so many goodies (tons of Vitamin A and lots of other vitamins and minerals) that I figure they make up for a lot of sins !!!

Make it a good day my friends.

We CAN do this... We ARE doing this !!!!

Progress, not Perfection :)
woo hoo for all of us this week getting started!

Deanna, that is funny about your co worker. I gained all my wt with pregnancy, but I can't blame the babies, I went from a 102 pound smoker who lived on coffee, cigs, toastee cheese crackers and pudding eaten on the run from pantry at work to a whole different lifestyle once preg. So how was the Insanity?

Susan, you are back on track for sure, I can tell you are ready to kick a** and take names. I need to join you in the skinny gina plan. I will get that going.

Stacy, I haven't tried TB yet but I previewed it. I think it is becoming a fave for many. I've heard that it is challenging in different ways. You'd call it a lower body endurance?

I did IMAX2 yest and then watched Timesaver Body Blast 1. It looked like fun to me, I'm looking forward to doing it this morn, so I guess my rotation for the week will be the TS DVD.

BBL with results from TSBB1
Morning Ladies

Susan - Good job on 3 miles on the treadmill and your exercise, healthy food and 40 oz of water.

Stacy, I need to preview Cathe's Turbo Barre. If you love hate the workout, it must be awesome. Not that I need to spend anymore money on dvd's, but I love a good workout.

Fnv - Insanity was Insane! LOL

It is raining in Vegas again with a high temp of 49. I do not like driving in the rain the streets are to wet and slippery. If it is raining when I get off work, I will not be going to the gym rather come home and do something like I did yesterday.

Ladies, did anymore comment about posting pics, creating a album or adding your pic to your avator?


I just viewed Turbo Barre, does anyone have the Barre that she is using in the dvd? I guess a chair could be used.

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