Profits Before Patients - A PBS Interview w/Bill Moyers

Way to go I am with you. The president wants to ram, yes, ram the health care down our throats. First of all quit calling it HEALTH CARE reform. We in the United States have some of the best doctors, nurses and hospitals in the world. No one is being denied health care. Secondly, why should someone go to school for a minimum of 8 years to become a doctor if not to make money. I don't know about you but that is the reason I work over 65 hours a week. Just who do you think is going to pay for this? Wake up and listen to someone other than stupid Bill Moyer. He is an idiot.

Bill Moyers an idiot? that's as big of a lie as "No one is being denied health care". Listen, if I get rushed to the emergency room they can't turn me away, they can't deny me treatment. They'd just bill me and let me go bankrupt. But I want you to walk into a hospital, tell the doctor you just got diagnosed with breast cancer and need treatment, but you don't have health insurance and see what happens. You will be out the door as fast as you came in. No one is disputing the fact that we have great doctors and nurses, it's the access and the ability to pay once you have that access. That is the whole point.

And a little history here. In the past, doctors didn't go into medicine to make money. They went into medicine because they enjoy taking care of others and healing people. It is a sad day indeed, if people are only becoming doctors so they can one day drive a BMW. They should go work for Wall Street, I don't want some money hungry person operating on me.

Just who do I think is paying for this? Well if you are complaining about that I assume that you make over $350,000 a year. If that's the case, congratulations, I wish I had that problem. The president has said that middle class taxes won't go up in order to pay for health care, but let's wait a few more years or another 10 years when health care would be so out of control that taxes will not only be raised on the rich, but on all income levels. Then the media, Washington and the American people will look back at Obama's years in the White House and blame him for not moving fast enough.
Statement: we get to keep our health insurance we like, even with the government plan.

My thoughts: A good portion of us are on health plans our employers give us. Now sometimes these plans are not good, but in the case of medium size companies, and smaller ones the plans are usually the best the employer can find, because the owner is also on the plan. In the case of larger employers, it usually is not too bad as well, because when you have a larger pool to of people, you can get good coverage, cheaper. My own business had bad expensive insurance for a year because we were too small, until we got into a group of like companies nationally, and now are on really good insurance which we pay about 500.00 a this day reasonable. I like one of the ideas thrown out about allowing small companies to bind together to get better insurance. That is essentially what our company has done because of our business, we could enroll in an organization that has nationwide coverage.

So I understand that the government will tax employers, and people with a 8% tax if they do not go with the government plan? Or am I getting that confused with something else? Help on this one, with FACTS, not gobblygook from either the right or left.

The one reason that I think that passing with this will result EVENTUALLY in government's total control is that employers will say, well heck, I will just pay the x% tax, instead of worrying about insurance companies and use government. Then the insurance companies will fail, go out of business and all that is left is government. So we will not have a choice.

Of course, there is the hope that the insurance companies will say HEY, make their plans better and more reasonable priced, so people will WANT them, and only use government in dire circumstances. Don't know.

I am also bothered that this bill which is very lengthy was trying to be pushed through and our lawmakers had not read it all. Whether it is stimulus, TARP, Health Care, I want these people making the decisions to read every single thing they are voting on, and discuss it rationally. It also should be publicized in its length so we can go out and really find out if what the obnoxious media is feeding us is true or not, and before it is passed or rejected, not after! We just do not need these sneaky little nickle and dime things in these bills, it needs to stop and has not. All Americans have been being cautious and tightening their belts, watching their nickle and dimes, government needs to as well, and I am just not seeing that.

As far as Cars for CLunkers, I actually like the idea, think it is a good way to get better fuel economy cars on the road. We are not shopping for a new vehicle until summer 2011. I hope the swing in the car market place will really have changed to alternative fuel vehicles by then, so there is a much better choice than I had last summer when I was forced to buy a new car because of an accident. I went with a Civic, which was a good choice, but felt GM really had nothing in the size car I wanted that could compete with Honda and Toyota.
The only thing I don't like about clunker program is that it seems wasteful to trash the old vehicles unless they are truly trash worthy.

I don't know about that tax percentage and there has been debate about whether private companies will drop employee coverage because of the public option. Obama is aware of this but I don't want to say anything else until the final bill. But let's consider this, if we don't get health care reform, employers will drop coverage anyway because the cost would be too high.
Agreed that some will, but not most. It is how you get good employees, with benefits. As far as the middle class not getting taxes raised. It will happen, you will see it happen. The spending simply cannot go on at this rate without it.

What is wrong with devising a plan that allows small companies to band together to get insured? Our biggest problem a few years ago was that we got sold from a large company, hence a big umbrella insurance to two individuals. Compound that with a company that has for its size, quite a few people with significant illnesses, diabetics, multiple transplants, 5 breast cancers in one year, back surgeries, knee surgeries, all in a company with less than 100 people. No one would touch us for a reasonable price or coverage. Because we our services are for rural telephone companies, we were finally able to get into the National Telephone Companies association and their plans are fantastic. While the monthly fees may seem high to some of you, we go to the Doctor and have to pay nothing, it is wonderful.

With pre-existing illness, I thought there was a law that stated that if you have evidence of insurability through-out the illness, that you cannot have this used against you. It was tried on our daughter about 8 years ago, but we paid a lot of money to have her insured in a time when we could not move her to something cheaper. We were not making much money, it was very hard, and we had to really scrimp, but in the long run, when my DH found another job, it was good we had that, because the new insurance tried, but could not throw the pre-existing illness clause at us.

I think we do have issues with health coverage for a portion of our population and something needs to be done. But it seems to cover those folks, it could be done for a lot less money, and not take away from people who are generally happy with theirs. Do things like allow the avenue for small business to work together, things like that. Think outside the box, without spending a bunch of money.
Most governments are now doing something that was previously unheard of--making employees contribute to their health benefits. And the free benefits were intended to attract good employees since the pay is less than in the private sector. I know our health insurance costs have increased about 30% per year for the last 6 years, we employ about 200 people. It's a tremendous annual increase & has added a pretty significant burden to our taxpayers.

Dorothy, a co-op of some sort is a very interesting idea. It's already being done with a number of other purchasing practices. And I agree about trying to rush the bill before the August recess. This is too huge to rush. If it's gonna be done, it should be done right.

But I still think it should be done.
Something in this country definitely needs to be done in terms of health care. I think that everyone is entitled to have an interest in their and their family's health and it makes me nauseous that so many people are afraid to go to the doctor because of the cost. Even some of us who are covered by insuarance are scared because what insurance actually does cover is very limited.

However, I do think that what needs to be investigated is WHY are these costs so high? Why do drug companies have such a huge profit margin? It all goes to R&D? Hard to believe. And with the cost of malpractice insurance being so high and increasing to keep these doctors working, we are the ones who wind up paying for that. People can sue for anything (not that I'm saying all malpractice suits are not justified; I'm just saying that there are a lot of ambulance chasers out there who find loopholes and sue the pants off doctors for God knows whatever reason).

I think that what really needs to be reformed are our medical and drug providers!!
And with the cost of malpractice insurance being so high and increasing to keep these doctors working, we are the ones who wind up paying for that. People can sue for anything (not that I'm saying all malpractice suits are not justified; I'm just saying that there are a lot of ambulance chasers out there who find loopholes and sue the pants off doctors for God knows whatever reason).
I hate discussing this because we're going through this right now. DH left clinical medicine because of two BS lawsuits (neither of which have gone to trial yet, and it's been over 6 years). It changed the way he practiced medicine so much, he felt it was more ethical for him to get out than to practice defensive medicine.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop up and say...yep, malpractice is a part of the problem. You all pay one way or another. Defensive medicine and the loss of good physicians does affect you.

I hope this all gets hammered out soon.
Heh...I just found the STS ticker and had to add it to my signature.

There are so many things that need changing, so many concerns that must be addressed ~ I don't envy those who have taken on the task of revamping healthcare in the US. I just hope they have surrounded themselves with those who know what the heck is going on and can actually provide guidance.
Great article! Thanks for sharing it, Melissa. I am sure there are a lot of reasons why the health care cost has skyrocketed. But then again if you look at how much money the insurance companies knock of the original bill but on the other hand those without health insurance have to pay 3 and 4 times the amount the insurance company pays the health care provider.

I am just wondering if any of those people who are so adamantly against a government health care option have ever considered who the current system benefits?

With our current private health insurance system you don't have your medical treatment between you and your doctor, it's a bureaucrat at the insurance who makes those decisions and their bonuses are usually tied to how much (or should I say how little they pay out). I'd say their incentive is to say no to everything they can wiggle their way out.

If you look at the largest health insurance carriers, Aetna, Cigna and United Healthcare and where the money actually goes.

United Healthcare CEO Steven Hemsley 2008 salary $ 3.2 Mio, $ 744 Mio in unexercised stock options

Aetna CEO Ronald Williams, 2008 salary, $ 24 Mio, $ 174 Mio in unexercised stock options

Cigna CEO Edward Hanway, 5-year compensation $ 120.5 Mio, $ 28.8 Mio in unexercised stock options

So if people ask "who is going to pay for the public health care", if it wasn't so sad it probably be funny. Who do they think pays for our current system? Health insurance premiums. BUT do you want your health insurance premiums to pay for CEO salaries or actually be paid out for patient care?

I don't think a public health care option will pass in the next few years, unfortunately. I think it would be a good thing because a government health care plan, being non-profit, could operate a lot more efficiently and give private health insurance a run for their money, so they actually have to be competitive and provide services they are now denying.

Maybe their CEOs wouldn't be able to make this kind of obscene money but I kinda fail to feel sorry for them. I am all for competitive salaries and free market but this is outrageous. There is something really wrong about health care being run for profit. No one ever suggest our police or fire department ever to be operated for profit, but somehow it is acceptable or even desireable with health care.

Maybe someone can enlighten me because I sure as heck don't get it why people would be happy with our current system.
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I think if you have a great health plan, never had to fight for coverage, and don't know anyone who has been destroyed financially by an illness, then it's probably easy to say, "What's the big deal? Our system is fine." Ignorance is bliss.

Another poster on this forum said this a while ago, and I agreed with her: What's wrong with looking at countries that manage a well-run government system and picking out what we like about it? Who says we can't tweak it so that our country offers both private and government-run plans?

(Those salaries are crazy.)
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I was just watching this on TV. They were saying how much outrage there was over the auto CEOs traveling in private jets and how this was nothing compared to what is going on among the health care CEOs. Where is the outrage over these guys? One of them makes something like $100,000 an hour! Now who is paying for that? I fail to see why so many people who would benefit the most are the ones that object the loudest. My friend's boyfriend was just all fired up and complaining about the possible reforms until she reminded him that just maybe he would be able to get health insurance! Never crossed his mind. He was too buy yelling about govt interference with his freedoms--yeah his freedom to be uninsured. There is a new video out exposing the lifestyles and salaries of the health insurance executives. I think it is time the public is better informed as to exactly where their premiums are going. They worry about paying for some other guy's health care but don't think twice about the outrageous salaries and perks these CEOs are receiving. Baffles me.
Hmmm this is interesting--I found out this morning co-op insurance purchases are part of Obama's package.

So now I'm not sure what the objections are, other than the lies being put out there by the medical industry (and others--I mean an "Obama death panel?" REALLY??????? :rolleyes:").

And the town hall meetings do seem to be getting ugly. My congressman did one by teleconference, he was so put off by all the heckling & the inability to have a healthy discussion about it in person. :(
What really gets me are these senior citizens holding up signs at these townhall meetings that demand that the govt. keep its hands off medicare. Who do they think runs medicare? The public option being proposed now in congress is just that, a public option. If you have health insurance, keep it. If you don't have health insurance, why wouldn't you want an option that would lower tje premium? I think people are getting so ginned up they really don't stop and think about what congress and the president are trying to do. Morever, even for those who have insurance provided by their employer (which I do), the current system cannot be sustained and sooner rather than later, your employer will no longer be able to offer you health insurance. There has to be a way to get all or most people covered so that those of us who are insured are not footing the bill for the uninsured that show up at the ER. Somebody is paying for the uninsured and that somebody looks alot like the rest of us.
OMG Buffy, isn't that just crazy? I keep seeing a tape played over & over of a woman in TX shouting "keep the government out of my Medicare!" I mean, it's funny in a sense but jeez, Americans can be so self centered & just plain dumb. :rolleyes:
Hmmm this is interesting--I found out this morning co-op insurance purchases are part of Obama's package.

So now I'm not sure what the objections are, other than the lies being put out there by the medical industry (and others--I mean an "Obama death panel?" REALLY??????? :rolleyes:").

And the town hall meetings do seem to be getting ugly. My congressman did one by teleconference, he was so put off by all the heckling & the inability to have a healthy discussion about it in person. :(

There is only a discussion of a co-op in the final bill. The co-op is being suggested by a Senator Wyden and he would also make it mandatory for everyone to purchase health insurance. Its critics say it would not keep the private insurers honest but a ton of money because we would be required to purchase insurance through private companies. If there is a co-op option there is no public option - which I prefer.

Also, please remember that there is no bill, yet. there are 3 completed proposals, 1 still has not left the finance committee - that would make 4 proposals being sent to Obama. Then he will negotiate with all the committees, come to agreement and then the final bill still has to go through mark-up and even more negotiations.

Basically it's going to be a long year.
OMG Buffy, isn't that just crazy? I keep seeing a tape played over & over of a woman in TX shouting "keep the government out of my Medicare!" I mean, it's funny in a sense but jeez, Americans can be so self centered & just plain dumb. :rolleyes:

Don't call them dumb! they are good hardworking Americans who have different opinions, that's all.;):D

Seriously, it's very disturbing to hear what these people believe. Even when told the facts, they call you a liar.

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