I don't write on these forums but I feel that I have to because I'm having a really difficult time getting the workout blender to work with all of my digital versions. It's driving me crazy. Lol. I probably have bought every digital version (as well as hard copy) of Cathe's DVD's. The reason I bought all the digital versions was so that I could create completely unique workouts perfect for my needs and tastes. However, I've found that some DVD's easily are mixed and matched, while other get stuck at 10% and never get created. I've come to realize that I believe that for some reason there are some digital workouts that are not yet compatible with the workout blender. I can understand that it will take time to fix all these glitches in compatibility but it would be incredibly helpful if someone could post a list of the workouts that can't be used in the workout blender just yet. That way I would know to not count on those when trying to put togetter a personalized workout.
Thanks for hearing me out on my very first post after years of just reading others.
I hope that I can get some help on this issue.
I don't write on these forums but I feel that I have to because I'm having a really difficult time getting the workout blender to work with all of my digital versions. It's driving me crazy. Lol. I probably have bought every digital version (as well as hard copy) of Cathe's DVD's. The reason I bought all the digital versions was so that I could create completely unique workouts perfect for my needs and tastes. However, I've found that some DVD's easily are mixed and matched, while other get stuck at 10% and never get created. I've come to realize that I believe that for some reason there are some digital workouts that are not yet compatible with the workout blender. I can understand that it will take time to fix all these glitches in compatibility but it would be incredibly helpful if someone could post a list of the workouts that can't be used in the workout blender just yet. That way I would know to not count on those when trying to put togetter a personalized workout.
Thanks for hearing me out on my very first post after years of just reading others.
I hope that I can get some help on this issue.