<---pretty fly (for a white guy)


<---doesn't even know what that MEANS
<---'s DD was listening to music in the bathroom last night when <--went to bed
<---went to bed at 8 and feels like she could sleep all day
<---but will do the responsible thing and go to work
<-- waves http://i.slickdeals.net/images/smilies/emot-wave.gif gm to Robin and the OAL
<-- recognizes The Offspring
<-- has been up since 3 again
<-- ^^^ 5's Shelley on her purchases
<-- says <--'s "long" run in week 4 was to be 6 miles
<-- had to cut it short by a mile due to chafing - DOH!
<-- wore the WRONG shorts
<-- generally had an "off" day which, in addition to fire down below, involved a flat tire and two trips to Target over a Mario Kart game, both of which were defective http://i.slickdeals.net/images/smilies2/rolleyes.gif *lol*
<-- needed a chocolate implosion
<-- chuckled over Amy & DH's laundry exchange
<-- thinks DH's response was clever but was none surprised that he didn't survive cross-examination
<-- could not believe folks were in line for recital tickets
<-- waves to Kara, Nancy, Lainie, Amelia, and anyone else <-- may be inadvertently omitting
<-- sends happy day vibes to all

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
<-- waves Mornin' Day! to OAL
<-- is trying hard to sound chipper
<-- is following Robin's responsible footsteps and is responsibly at work
<-- gets to work half a day but get paid for whole day
<--'s company is having a big picnic this afternoon
<-- worked out it with <-- boss so <-- could go and still get paid :p
<-- is going to paddle boat at picnic :)
<-- is going to try really hard not to stuff <-- with junk food
<-- started BFL4W yesterday :D
<-- thinks it will fit <-- quite well
<-- recognized The Offspring lyrics too! :p
<-- is sorry to hear that Cathy is still dealing with insomnia
<-- is sorry to hear ^^ had such a rough Saturday *hugs*
<-- hopes Robin's work day goes by quickly
<-- waves to the OAL who got to sleep in on this lovely Sunday :+
<-- will be in and out all morning
<- admires Cathy's attiude
<-- is trying to think that way too
<-- tends to get upset and panic first when things go amuk }( :p
<--- waves good morning to all
<--- will lurk but not post because <--- is absolutely hateful today
<--- apologizes and wanders off, kicking things in her way
<--waves good morning to all
<--feels like a bloated pig after yesterday's festivites
<--may have to do IMAX2 multiply times today to make up for it x(
<--absolutely hated it that the 2nd place horse's race ended in tragedy
<--explains that she (the only philly in the race) broke BOTH front ankles just a bit past the finish line :(
<--is sorry Shelly is not in a good place today
<--wonders if Robins chocolate explosion was agar chocolate or real chocolate?
<--hopes Connie has a good time at the pic-nic
<--is sorry about Cathy's chaffing
<--was super glad to see Kara here yesterday
<--tells Robin <--was not actually at the Derby, but attended a party
<--would not go to that madness for anything
<--says besides <--doens't look good in hats :+

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<---was in tears over the end of the derby
<---isn't a hat person either
<---shoved mega amounts of REAL chocolate in her face
<---gets out of Shelley's way
<---wants to go on a paddle boat ride with Connie
<--- would like mega amounts of chocolate
<--- can't even thing about Eight Belles:-(
<--- just got back from walking her dogs and someone's dog came flying out of their house, leaped on mine and now Gilbert has a torn, bleeding ear:-(
<--- might go back to bed
<--waves happy sunday
<--is sorry to hear about Cathy's chafing (oweee)
<--hopes Connie enjoys the picnic
<--is sure she'll be a great paddler
<--says oh no!! to the philly at the derby :eek: :(
<--thinks Cathy should be a sloth today
<--was a sloth yesterday and didn't feel a bit guilty
<--says oh no!! to Mr. Gilbertpants
<--thinks there are too many misfortunes here today
<--sprinkles good fortune fairy dust on all who post here
<--is relieved to have completed most of the vacation planning
<--will be doing 4 or 5 WOs today and doing some work stuff
<--is glad the boys are out on their 5 boro bike tour and hopes it lasts a long time :p :p
<--waves a "good morning" to everyone
<--hopes Robin's workday flies by and she feels better
<--is feeling slothlike with Cathy and is impressed with her marathon training :)
<--despises laundry
<--loves chocolate
<--is envious of Catherine's fun yesterday }(
<--thinks Connie getting paid for going to a picnic is a good thing!
<--is horrified at what happened to Gilbert and can only hope Shelley's day improves (((((HUGS)))))
<--has to gut DD's room today :eek:
<--wonders if any OALers need a roommate for the Aug roadtrip?
<--must caffeinate and enter the dreaded room of a 10 yr. old packrat :eek:

<--feels awful for Gilber and Shelly :(
<--often wonders why people don't control their animals??
<--wonders if she read Nancy's post correct 4 or 5 workouts today :eek:
<--thanks Nancy for the good forutne fairy dust
<--is excited Kara is going on the August RT
<--tells her Liann set up everyone with roomies and made their reservations the other day
<--but wonders if there is someone else or something else that may work out
<--just finishe LIC cardio premix with abs and pullups
<--wonders if <--ever told you all how much <--loathes ab work?
<--has tons to do
<--is sad it's <--'s last day of vacation :(

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--explains to Catherine that <-- is a weekend warrior and will probably do cardio at the gym, CoreMax, Get Ripped (minus the ab work) and a stretch WO
<--never has any energy during the week
<--must get to the gym!
<---has lots of stuff going on today: Laundry Max, Clean Max, etc.
<---also plans to do Muscle Max when Ewan naps in a little while
<---can't chat long as <---needs to keep going with this stuff
<---wanted to hop on and wave hello to everyone
<---hopes to bbl

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
<--waves to Miss Lainie and wishes her luck with all the workouts
<--has completed cardio and Coremax and is eying Get Ripped
<--says shouldn't that be "eyeing"?
<--is LOL at todays song
<--remembers listening to it as a teen
<--is sorry to hear about Shelly's little doggie's ear:-(
<--is sorry to hear about the horse that broke both ankles
<--would of been in tears too:-(
<--wishes Connie good luck with her BFL4W
<--lost ten lbs on a resent 12week challenge on BFL!
<--finished Workout<--did a 30min Powerwalk on the TM
<--hopes Lainie has fun with MM
<--is babysitting a little precious eatig-her-fist-pants;-)
<--she is 7days old today(awwwww)and is always hungry;-)!
<--will bbl :)
<--thinks Amelia should post more pics of her baby neice
<--tells FN you go girl!!
<--hasn't gotten a bleeping thing accomplished today except laundry and lounging on the deck in hammock
<--well, did workout this morning too
<--needs desperately to clean up the place a little
<--but the weather is too pretty

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--thinks Amelia's niece must be absolutely precious
<--finished Get Ripped
<--says that's 3 WOs for today
<--won't even tell Catherine the pitiful poundage <-- was using today
<--says but <-- was challenged and that's all that really matters I guess
<--tell FN to stop talking about pitiful poundage
<--says her last statement was correct
<--if she was challenged that's all that matters
<--wonders how Mr Gilberpants is doing
<--wonders how Shelly is doing
<--is hungry
<--wil be having grilled pork for dinner
<--not sure what else
[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]



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