Press Play on Candy Day????


That seems cruel and unusual, doesn't it? I'm suposed to go to the dentist on Sat, too. But I may reschedule that. I guess CCPP will burn off some of those Reese's I have my sights set on. Not sure what my extra challenge will be. If I take it outside, I'll probably tack on another CC segment, if I do it inside on the elliptical I think it'll be the blasts only from one of the IMAXes. Who else is in???

I'm in!! :D :D :D

I'm not sure if I'm going to take it outside for a run, or stay inside and do it on my elliptical -- it just depends on the weather -- but I will not be adding an extra challenge. I'm looking forward to it, and I'll remember each of you and any special requests you have that day. <3

P.S. I've been doing my level best to avoid the evil Reese's PB pumpkins! :O :D
I am in too! Going to make it a special trick or treat edition and do two added challenges...then I will have the treat portion that night :D And I am going to hope for a swim too - need to get some good swim, bike and running in.
I am in! I did CCPP on the TreadClimber on Monday:p burned over 700 cal! I will do it again on Sunday:p I need to burn off some calories.
I'm in! No extra challenge for me - it just takes too long. :p But I may try to set some PRs for each challenge. Happy Halloween to everyone, too. No trick-or-treaters for me - I live way out in the boonies with no neighbors. So that means I don't have to worry about the temptation of candy. Whew.
I'll be dedicating my workout to Beavs and her mom, and Robin (buffettgirl) and her DMIL. My thoughts and prayers are with you. SMOOCH!! <3

I'll see y'all in the workout!! :D

P.S. Hi cuz!! Oh hey we have SCADS of trick-or-treaters but I'm going to ignore them this year and pretend like I'm not home. Is there such a thing as a Halloween grinch? :p :D
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I'm in!!!

Great idea-burn the calories before you consume!!! I will dedicate this to my mom...she had her knee re-replaced (dislodged during a fall last year) on Wed and I hope she will be able to increase her activity soon!
I will be doing PP sometime this weekend just not sure if it'll be Sat or Sunday. I will be dedicating to My SIL who is having surgery on Monday as well as Patti and her family and Robin and her family.
Julie, my mom just had hip replacement surgery so I know what you are going through with your mom! I will dedicate this PP workout to my mom as well! I hope your mom gets well fast!
I'm in...

I'm going to try to get up early tomorrow morning and bang this out before DD's soccer game.

Tacking on V8 C3. Can't get enough of this one lately!!!

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