Preorder the New High Step

This photo NEEDS to be made into a full sized poster for my workout room. Cathe looks so beautiful and my walls are screaming for some inspiring artwork.

Cathe- please make this and some other photos from your workouts into posters. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be happy to buy them!!!

I agree 100%!! That is what I have been thinking each time they post a picture from the new series. Nothing motivates me more than seeing how great everyone looks and all those muscles!! It actually is what got my off my butt after a two week rut I was in. I have actually printed a couple to hang in my work out room. However, it does not have the same impact that a poster would.

Cool! It's been on my fitness equipment list for awhile, so this is great new :).

Cathe, what a great picture!

I would love a poster too for my workout room (okay it's actually just the extra bedroom but I would love a poster to motivate me). I would love an action shot however or a shot of the whole crew such as the legs and glutes crew picture #1 that was posted.

Either way when SNM offers a poster they will have my money.


This is great news but what about International Cathe fans ? It would be great if you could let us know, please, if there will be plans to sell it in UK/Europe/Rest of World ? Thanks :) I can imagine the shipping from the US will be horrendous ! :eek:

Thanks SNM

Anna :)
I know you can order a fairly large photo, about 20.00, from You may have to find a way to save this to your hard drive then upload it to shutterfly.....just a thought if you really want the inspiration! I love that site.
There are two versions of the High Step. The one we will sell will look exactly like the picture above. This will also be the version sold to health clubs.
Does this mean that the "topper only" option will be as shown? I prefer that to the blue, since it will clash less with all the other color risers (fushia, lavender, purble) that I already have!
Yes, the topper will be just like the picture above. The unit eventually sold in stores will be blue, but I don't think you will be able to buy just the top at stores.
Okay, true confessions time. I don't NEED this new item, because the arrangement I have is fine with an old DP step stacked on top of my Club Step. However, I am going to justify getting it to myself because 3 of my bassets are too old to jump onto the furniture any more and they could use another boosting station. If I don't hurry and replace the Club step next to the couch when I finish working out I get plaintive looks. Am I a whack job or are their dog lovers out there who understand?

Awww Ann, I understand. We used to have a Bassett and as she got older those little legs and that long back of hers needed all the help she could get. We also has an Olde English Sheep Dog at the same time and they looked adorable together and we all miss them a great deal. I think it's sweet that you're buying an extra step for your Bassetts :) We have a beautiful cat now and she doesn't need help getting anywhere, she's so agile and also adorable. She's fond of yoga but she's not yet convinced about cardio and strength :)
- Lisa :)
Will the risers be sold seperately? I already have 4 risers and will only need one more to make a 14 in. step. Can I buy the topper with only one riser?
>Will the risers be sold seperately? I already have 4 risers
>and will only need one more to make a 14 in. step. Can I buy
>the topper with only one riser?

Sunnyside: If they don't sell the risers separately (and I kind of doubt they will), I've seen them sold (in pairs only) on some sites like The 16" height would be nice as a seat or to use as a support for doing 1-arm lat rows.

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