Premixes, Blender and SMN


Frankly i'm more than happy with the quality of Cathe DVDs and i love the extras. I would like very much if SMN kept the Premixes, but i could care less about the blender. I rarely use it and frankly would rather have more options on the premixes. I also don't mind paying extra for my DVD's that have these extra options. I think that Cathe and SMN have produced some of the best fitness dvds ever and regardless if the new series have the blender, premixes, etc...i will be more than happy.

My words exactly too. Not just paying a little more, but also waiting a little longer.
Susan C.M. :D
I agree as well. I don't use the blender at all but I use my premixes just about everyday. I also don't mind waiting for my dvds so they can be done right. I know it's coming.
Bless your hearts! I know we're all driving you nuts here...but ditto for the premixes!!!!! Just had to let you guys know....again...tee hee! Cathe...your workouts are worth every penny I have spent and will spend! Thanks for listening!
uh, oh - a dissenting vote!

Ulp, sorry to butt in but I actually disagree, I use the workout blender all the time :D

I also use many of the premixes as well :D :D

My DVD player is not programmable, so if there is no workout blender feature on the HardCore DVDs I would have to select every single chapter I wish to play...

RE: uh, oh - a dissenting vote!

Unlike Dawn, I agree about the workout blender. My player is programmable, but it takes much longer to program than to just pick each chapter (or section) one at a time. Dawn, you don't have a programmable player to compare this to but if you did, you might agree also.

Since the workout blender can only be choose sections within one workout, its benefit is severely limited. People who want to blend, want to use different ingredients. Yes, the blender is quicker than choosing each section as you want it, but not by much.

I feel that the workout blender feature is not worth including. My opinion is, save effort for other, more used and appreciated features.
RE: uh, oh - a dissenting vote!

The blender option actually was a great idea that fell short, because you can't cross program or choose more than 4-6 chapters (I can't remember exactly how many).

If they could find out who created the blender option on Firm Super Cardio and employ that firm to help create a blender option that you can cross program with unlimited choices that would be fantastic. In fact, with a blender option that worked this way, you really wouldn't need premixes. :)
RE: uh, oh - a dissenting vote!

I have Firm Super Cardio too and love the way you can blend the workout, I have no problems with it playing in my player and I like how you can visually select a scene and put them in order ect. I had trouble playing some of the Body Blast DVD's in the same player.

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