Premix Request - Lift it hit it Total body premix

A few months ago I would have agreed with you about preferring longer workouts, but I'm now on the last few weeks of a rotation which has so completely changed my body that I've had to rethink my opinions on workout length. I do 30 minutes weights almost every day. Heavy weights. So heavy that I need to lie down afterwards!!! Each day I also do 30 mins steadystate (fast walking) and 30 mins yoga. A couple of times a week I do a little bit of HiiT. The sessions are dispersed throughout the day - not in one long session. There is no dread, and I give 100% to them all.

I agree with Nathalie, though, - premixes allow you to do whatever length of workout you wish. So, yes, create long total body workouts, but keep making awesome, shorter premixes.
Hi Justine,
What type of workouts are you doing? I would be interested to see what your rotation is.
I would love a total body workout in under an hour. Sometimes I only have 50 min, but want to do total body. Right now, I will take MM, PH, STS-TB etc, and fast forward through certain parts to fit the total body in within my time limits. Or sometimes, I will skip a set on each body part to make the workout shorter. I get what I want within my time limits without compromising the workout itself.

I would love a workout already set up this way so I won't have to stop, grab the remote and adjust the workout. It does work though, so if we don't get a premix or workout like this, I'm still good.
Rhonda - I'm doing Body Beast and, on recommendation from other Catheletes, PiYo on top. Almost finished - and it's been amazing.
Hi everyone,

I would like to share cathe's article explaining advantage of circuit.

Hope this help in clarifying maximising calories expenditure versus building muscle mass, gaining strength and burning more FAT.
Endurance 40-60% rep max versus Hypertrophy 80% , building bone density :) who would not want that :-?

Burning more calories or burning more FAT, the goal is yours ;-)
Happy reading everyone
So I read this article but didn't fully understand the implications with respect to re-structuring circuit workouts to use weights at 70+% of 1RM. Are we supposed to just go heavier on circuit workouts that are structured for endurance? Or heavy up and lower the reps on these workouts? Or are the new RWH circuits hypertrophy/strength circuits?
Thanks in advance for any insight!
There is no rule to really follow when doing circuit workouts as there are many different types of circuit workouts that you could select from. It really depends on what your goal is. If endurance is your goal you should select lighter weights and more reps and if you want to skew things more to strength and hypertrophy you should increase the weight and reduce the reps.
Thanks for your reply!
So I could, for instance, take one of Cathe's circuit workouts that's endurance-based and lift heavier weights for the same amount of time as Cathe lifts, but slower/fewer reps?
Also, should I aim for failure on at least some exercises if I'm doing circuits for strength/hypertrophy?

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