Pregnant Mommies Check in June 14th week

Christine~ I didn't think you sounded overly concerned with your weight! Congrats to you & all the weight you've lost with Cathe!!!!!! That is a true success; it would only make since that you'd be cautious not to gain too much weight. No worries,...we are all women,...and have tackled with the numbers on the scale. :)

Court went fine, it's 100% out of my hands now....
Christine- I don't think you sounded overly concerned either. I know I am concerned because I don't want to gain too much but I just think everything in moderation. I think its normal pregnant woman conversation to talk about it. That is awesome about your weight loss!

Melanie- Perfect outlook about court!

Allison- I have people offering clothes to me which I think is so wonderful! This baby is going to have more clothes than me....and I have ALOT!

Susan- We actually have our boy name, well the first name will be James (after DH's dad) but we can't settle on a middle name yet. So far its between James Ryan (my choice), James Michael or James Matthew (both DH like). I like them too but I just like Ryan better. DH and I both have JMN as our initials and he wants baby to also.
We are sooooooooo far away from having names. It's all so surreal. I'll probably be in labor & delivery and looking at my husband all confused-like,...."are we having babies?"

Oh, how I long for a deep deep deep refreshing night of sleep. It's been a long long week. I have so much on my mind,...want to clear it out. Too bad I couldn't just shake it like an Etch N Sketch. ;) Very little is actually in our control, eh? So why boggle down? LOL

I work tomorrow, so you ladies behave. :D We'll have to remember to update Jen's intro to (boy)!!!!!!!!! Boys are sooooo fun!!!!
Evening ladies!
Christine-Congrats on your loss!! Very impressive! I agree with Mel and Jen-you didnt come across as overly cocerned at all. I think every pregnant woman thinks that least I know it did/do.
Jen-I like how James Ryan sounds, but also like James Micheal. We have a couple names. Haley and Dh are stuck on Kara/Cara.....I wanted to use my nana's name, Frances. Dh says no to a first name ( I understand where he's coming from) so Frances will have to be a middle name. Maybe Kara Frances.

Mel-I hope you get your good nights sleep you need! Hope our work day goes well tomorow.

Haley is asleep and dh has been hinting I better get going (not really in the mood, but I"ll see what I can do) See you guys tomorrow.
Haley is asleep and dh has been hinting I better get going (not really in the mood, but I"ll see what I can do) See you guys tomorrow.

Thanks for the good chuckle, Susan! Hope you were able to find your mojo :)

My maternal grandparents were Francis and Frances. My cousin named her daughter after my grandmother, but changed it to Francine. They call her Francie. Just a thought ;)

Ended up doing the standing portion of Butts & Guts. Whew! I've done it twice now (both times while preggers) -- I'm excited to think how this will truly shape my backside post-pregnancy when I actually use the weights and do the floor work!

Christine, I didn't detect any unusual concern about your weight comments either. I gained 40+ with DD. i don't want to do that this time either. Even just gaining 35 sounds better than 40 to me, like 5 lbs will make that much of a difference LOL
"(not really in the mood, but I"ll see what I can do)"..... Susan, what does that mean?!?!? LOL Hope you managed alright,....

One more day of work, then I finally get a couple days off. I don't want to go ANYWHERE!!!!! The house is pretty messy. I have folded clothes that need to be put away from a week ago. *urgh* And someone really should clean the windows. My spring-time was a whirlwind, spring cleaning this year. It feels like it just quit snowing last week!!!!

I want to go to the beach. Do you think my bathing suit will fit? I dont' have a maternity one. what if I wore a really long tank top to wrap around my top & belly? I don't want to stretch my suit out...

Oakie doakie, well I'm off to work. Chat later. Waves to all!!!
Susan- I think Kara Frances sounds very nice.

Melanie- I just bought a bigger tankini to wear. But now its getting small cause these ta-ta's won't stop growing. I thought about wearing a tank top with board shorts if I don't find another suit.

Allison- DH's best friend is James Michael too so that is the only reason we hesistate but oh well. His friend is a great guy and many people all over the country share the same name.

Well I am off to do some shopping with my mom today. She has offered to buy me some maternity clothes because she keeps seeing really cute stuff so we are headed to Burlington Coat Factory (good prices). Have a great day!
I was able to muster up a little energy last night. I wouldnt say the earth moved, but dh was satisfited :D Of course this morning Haley gets up early and and I AM in the mood..figures!

Today will be weights..Im thinking MM.
And about weight gain....I started this pregnancy out 10 pounds heavier at 118. I was 108 when I got preg with dd. 118 is not overweight for me as I think a good bit of it was muscle gain over the years, but I defineitly feel thicker this time around. I just dont want to go overboard while still enjoying this.

Melanie-have a good day at work!!

Allison-hi..Francie in cute!! I also like Mary Frances, but there are so many Mary's already in the family. This baby will be grandchild #25 on dh's side...and there are already 7 great-grandchildren! My dh is the youngest of 7 kids. I was an only child!

Anyhoo-hi to everyone...bbs.
Pharmacy was slower than normal,....I got to order a maternity swimsuit from OldNavy.....they're clearancing out summer stuff already,.....crazy!!!!!!
Mel-glad you got a slow day today! I got my swimsuit at Old it! And you mentioned tank tops. I got some from Gap Maternity to sleep and workout them too.
We did some shopping today. Got the stroller I wanted, a sling, a few gowns, onesies, and our first case of daipers and wipes.
Jen-did you get some good stuff?
Susan- I bought a cute outfit for James for $3 and some khaki shorts when he is older for $3. I bought some cute maternity tops and got two pairs of capris and a skirt. Not too bad. I think I can make it the next few months with the maternity stuff I have now.

Melanie- Old Navy? I love Old Navy! Maybe I should check out their swimsuits. Thanks!

Boy, I am wiped. Our friends drove down from Jacksonville to visit and bring me Al's Carribbean Chicken Pizza after mom and I were shopping all morning and afternoon. It was so nice to sit and visit and not clean and do laundry. DH is starting to re-do our bedroom now so our mattress and box spring is in the baby's room, where we will sleep now. Hopefully I am so wiped tonight that I sleep soundly in a different room. But its still my bed and pillows so that's good. And it should only be for a week.

Talk to ya later!
Jen-sounds like you had a nice day! I love Old Navy too!

I just ordered a mattress. We have spent just under 1000 already....geez! At least I have bought the big items. My good friend in Mississippi is giving me a shower so hopefully I'll get the clothes and little things I need.
Haley and Paul are watching Star Wars and I have just been doing laundry etc. I did do MM this morning and I hope Im not sore in the morning..well maybe a little wouldnt hurt...that way I will know I did some good.
Hope everyone sleeps well!!
I'm exhausted, despite a slow day at work,'s been a long week.

I think my belly grew about 3 inches today....I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep...soon......getting sleepy...
Hope all the dh's are having a nice father's day. My dh got french toast and the works for breakfast and his gifts so far. We are all hitting the pool soon.

Melanie-hope you got a good nights sleep!!

I slept ok when I wasnt peeing...geeez I got up every 2 hours to go. Kinda tired today. Tried to start a workout but just wasnt into today will be a rest day.

I'll be back later to check in!
Waves to all the preggos!

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