Pregnant Mommies Check in June 14th week

Pretty uneventful night at my place last night. I got a full night's sleep, despite my leg cramping up throughout the night. They are still tight this AM. I'm going to try to add milk back into my diet. I haven't thrown up now since Friday,....can I go an entire week?!?!?

I'm off to work ladies. Have a great day. Try to keep things down to a "G" rating today. I think you guys were getting a little carried away. This is supposed to be a family friendly forum. lol :p
Thanks for all the comments on feeling full. It really does help to know others going through the same thing. I just ate a mere 5 strawberries and feel stuffed...ugh.
Woke up at 2 with butt pain but was able to get comfortable eventually. Haley woke up right after so I got in bed with her. She is such a cuddler.
I don't feel very rested today though..oh well. Who needs sleep, right??

Melanie-have a great day! No hear me!
Pricialla-sex was the last thing on my mind the first trimester. It will come back, promise.

Today I have a walk planned. Haley wants to give each other we'll do that and most likely get in the pool.

Hi to all the great preggos here. BBS
Ultrasound pics are below.

The top picture shows: Twin "A" is facing us, if you look just to the left of his/her head you'll see Twin "B"'s foot.
The bottom picture shows: Twin "B" with his/her legs completely out.

*sigh* I am sooooo in love. :D

oooh. They are so cute! I say eat up, rip off the bra and panty hose (oops I meant to keep it G rated sorry), and play some romantic music for the DH. We deserve it. :)

Thanks guys for sharing great pictures and keeping me smiling!
Susan- Sorry to hear about your pain. At least you got to cuddle with your little sweet. Ahhh...the pool sounds great. I actually had a dream about the pool last night. Wish I had one.....

Priscilla- I don't know if its because I am so tired but my libido has not changed a bit since entering the second trimester. It's funny because looking back, I think it increased in the first trimester more than now.

Melanie- Milk at night and Gatorade during the day has seemed to help my leg cramps. Also a warm bath and stretching my calves at night if they feel tight.

Christine- I agree that showing a house with a toddler is challenging.

Hello to all! BBL!
Got a question Do any of you feel overly full after eating just a little? I feel so full and bloated all the time. I have a really short torso so Im just guessing my baby bump is moving up into my stomach area. I can just imagine how bad this will be get as I get bigger. Maybe I felt like this with Haley and just dont remember??

Susan, this happened to me, too, especially in the first trimester. I was starved, ate a meal, and when I came up for breath, my stomache actually hurt. There were a number of times that I had to lay down and breathe because I felt I ate too much--when I really hadn't had that big of a meal.

I'm realizing more and more how important it is to eat many small meals while pregnant rather than three regular-sized meals.
Hi Everyone!

I went to my OB yesterday and so far all is going well. They told me I'll have weekly non-stress tests starting at 30 weeks. Then at 32(or 34?) weeks I'll go 2x a week for Biophysical profiles to ck amniotic fluid, HR, baby movement and something else. He also said I'll stop the shots at 37 1/2 weeks and they'll induce me at 38 weeks so I'll be having a Columbus Day baby this year(Oct 12).

Is anyone else peeing when you sneeze, cough or when you just can't get your pants down fast enough when you go to the restroom? I feel like I need to wear a Depend and I'm only 21 weeks!

Melanie - It's funny you mentioned naughty dreams- it's the best thing about going to bed at night. The worst part is when you wake up just when it gets REALLY good. I had a great one last night then the alarm went off. I hit snooze trying to get back to paradise but no luck.:( Oh, and kudos to your DH (and you;)) if he'd actually make contact with those bambinos. You lucky girl!

Priscilla- O.K. You are just WAYYY too cute!

Susan - it's so sweet that Haley is so excited about the baby. And there's nothing better than a good snuggle.

Christine - I can't imagine all the stress you must be under. Good luck with it all.
Hello Ladies!
Well, I am now scheduled for my ultrasound, but it will not be for three more weeks. I want to see my baby again more than I care if it is a boy or a girl.
I am still trying to figure out what I will get from hand-me-downs and showers vs. what I need to buy. And I am keeping an eye on Craigslist for any great deals.
I am 18 weeks and my libido still has not picked back up :(

Priscilla - Love your pics. You look great with your bump.
Susan - I have been having trouble figuring out how much to eat as well. I am soooo hungry, but I fill up so fast.

May everyone sleep comfortably tonight!
Ladies- I have found my first REAL craving. It is the peanut butter crunch with Butterfinger ice cream from Bruster's that I had this weekend. I drove out of the city I work in, into another, (about 10 min) to get a pint of the ice cream. I just had a couple scoops and I SWEAR I can eat the whole pint! It tastes that good! Just thought I'd share.... :)
Soooo... baby must have really liked the ice cream because I just got kicked real HARD! Well, enough to startle me and I actually felt it again on the outside. Awww... I am so in love!
Jen-YUM! My dh loves Butterfinger and keeps some in the freezer to put over ice cream. Arent the kicks great! They get stronger and stronger too.

Wendy-great about your dr's visit. You sure have a full schedule'll be going alot!

HI Cee-3 weeks will be here before you know it. I go on Thursday and hope I get an u/s but I doubt I will. I guess he'll just weigh etc.
Got a 4 mile walk in. Haley and I just returned from Walmart. She wanted to baby shop more. We got some simple stuff...wash clothes, burp clothes, mattress pad etc. She is having a blast. Oh and she bought the baby a blanket with her sweet.
Hey, all!!

Susan, how sweet that Haley bought the baby a blanket with her own money. It sounds like she's going to be a fantastic big sister. My 13 year old stepdaughter is amazing with DD. They have a special bond that melts my heart :)

Jen, that ice cream sounds delicious. Thankfully, I've never heard of that brand, so I won't be looking for it here in the Northeast! Sounds like it definitely energized the bambino ;) You find out gender this week, right? Exciting!

Cee, your U/S will be here before you know it!

We went to Ruby Tuesday's today for lunch. I usually get the salad bar with the white chicken chili. I decided to splurge and get the avocado turkey burger today. Oh, yum! I left most of the bun and the mayo-soaked lettuce, but it was still delicious. Salad for dinner LOL

Today I did PS Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and Winsor Pilates Bun & Thigh Sculpting. I rarely do the PS series, which I actually bought last pregnancy because so many on the Cathe boards said it was great during pregnancy. It is, as it's very easy to modify.
Hi ladies. I thought I best check in on ya'll and make sure that you all had pure thoughts today (to make up for all my naughty ones). :p Yup, pretty predictable you ladies are,........which is why we are all in this predictament!!!

No puking today, extreme fatigue & ankle soreness. I plan on sleeping well tonight. Tomorrow is my only day "off".

Jen, I HATE PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!!! Ewwww. And GATORE ADE?!?@?@ That would be close 2nd. Yuk,....I've thrown up that stuff more than I ever want to remember. The milk didn't settle too well this AM,...I'll try again in a couple days.

Waves to all!
We went to the office to see daddy adn took the coast home. Note to self, bad idea... Sunny day, 80 degrees, what do you think was along the Pacific Coast Highway? Agh. Almost naked men everywhere changing out of wet suits after surfing. I almost took pictures. My son asked why I had a happy face. Good god. So anyone who is not feeling lusty, please take some of this. I just pray I do not talk in my sleep. Off to bed, yes it is almost 7pm. No nap for son, husband has slept 5 hours in 2 days. We are all zombies.
Melanie- I am not a fan of Gatorade, not sure why, but really like the electrolyte enhanced water with no flavor...
Ladies, pure thoughts. My tummy and I are off to dream about surfers half my age...:eek:
Christine?!?? I think we may be more than just microbial sisters!!! Wowzers! I woke up the other night,....after having one of those "vivid dreams",....and I could swear I was actually moving my hips & moaning out load. :eek:

I live out in the boonies, random men walking around 1/2 naked around here. :( Can I come visit, Christine?!?!?! PPPPPPPLLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAASEE?!?!
Good evening you bad bad girls!!! Melanie-I swear your dh doesnt know how lucky he is..he just needs to take major advantage of it!!
Christine-you crack me up!! You girls are a bunch of horndogs!

OH I love peanut butter...could take or leave gatorade though.

Night night..see you guys tomorrow!
Yes, I have my appointment tomorrow for the gender u/s. It's not until 3:45 pm so I will have to update you guys tomorrow evening on the gender, (fingers crossed) baby cooperates. I plan on having a few sips of Coke and some m&m's before the appointment to make sure he/she moves around.

I wish I was having all these erotic thoughts! The closest I got last night was I dreamt that I saw NKOTB on a TV show. How sad.... maybe because I did have some raunchy dreams in the first trimester I am not so hot and bothered now in the second. :) I will just live vicariously through the rest of you horny ladies!
No butt pains last night! Does everyone pee as often as me? I go every 2 hours.

I just got done with Power Hour. Havent done that one in a while. Felt easy but good. Im trying to keep as much strength as I can...but have def lost some!!!

Jen-yayy about your u/s tomorrow. We'll be looking forward to hearing about it!! I go to the dr tomorrow too, but doubt I will get an u/s.

Not sure whats on tap for today. Will bbl
Hi Stephanie~ Nice to see you over here. You sure you aren't going to want to have another bambino? ;)

Well, I got some tension released today,...I feel more human now,...finishing off a frozen pizza & Coke, is good. :D

What are you guys doing today?
Hey Melanie-Im so glad you got what you needed! Pizza sounds soo good right now!

Haley and I have just been hanging out. I went to get a haircut...thats about all the excitment here!

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