Well, I know now that the woman is a nutjob, and even though my mother made many bad decisions when I was a child, she did defend me and was as supportive as she knew how to be. She was always open with communication and explained all of the details of puberty to me, so that at least I knew what it was that I was going through and it was very early due to some sort of quirk, not because I was a bad person--it just sucked to have ignorant people treat me like that. That woman's daughter also ended up becoming pregnant at age 16, dropped out of school, had drug issues, etc.
I really didn't mean to take the focus off of EricaH's situation. I just wanted to illustrate how important it is to take the situation seriously. I also wanted to commend her on being so proactive by helping her daughter. Even with the best of parents, which it sounds like EricaH is, precocious puberty can still be difficult. I'm sure her girl will have a great childhood because she has a cool mom and she's getting medical attention, rather than just dismissing it as nature coming early.