Powerstrike Millenium


I am interested in buying these and evetually the 3rd one when it is available. Any positive feedback on these? I really think they would be challenging and fun but I would like an opinion from anyone who has tried these. Thanks
I bought both Milleniums. I like them... but they too much alike to me that I got rid of Mil 1. I don't like roundhouses that much and Mil 1 has lots of it. And I can't fit all my favorite Cathe workouts if I try to do both Mils. I am planning to get Mil 3 on DVD though. If it's kind of the same, I will get rid of Mil 2... just depends if I like one better than the other.

Hi veganchick
I have vol 1 of the series.It seems to get better each time I do it.At first I thought it was a good workout.Then the more I do it the more energy I seem to put into it and it's an excellent low impact workout.I have started to suffer from sore knees (to much running,Imax & Circuit Max)I have not had any pain since starting Powerstrike.Try it out I'm getting vol 2 and 3 when it's available.I want my knees to last.
Thanks for the info ki..I am going to buy the first one and see if I like it then I will get the 2nd. They sound like fun. Cimparing Powerstrike to Cardio Kicks, which one is more intense?

I have them both (Powerstrike Millenium 1 and 2) and like them both, but Cathe's Cardio Kicks is more intense.
But the powerstrike tapes are really fun; the music rocks!
I find cardio kicks more intense.I find anything high impact more intense but my joints get sore.You have to push yourself on powerstrike-fast low impact moves -when they kick you must kick low and real hard.when they squat-really squat low etc...it's hard to explain I have to push myself harder to get the same feeling as high impact tapes but I do feel better.
take care

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