Powerstrike M3


Although this was my first time doing it, I think it will be one of my favorite kickboxing workouts!

It is different from both M1 and M2 in several ways.
The warm up is 15 min, and you're doing slow paced jab, cross, hook, upper cut drills, really focusing on form and execution. Also there is some balance/core stability focus with slow paced front push kicks and side kicks. And then of course stretching for the lower body (quads, hip flexors, calves) and their standard push ups.
Then you go into drills, but rather than doing all the drills on one side then turning to the other, they do combo 1 in the left stance, then change over to the right stance and do combo 1. Then you move on to combo 2, left stance first, then repeat it on the right, then the same with the 3rd combo. All different arm drills and kick drills from either M1 or M2.
They use front kicks, round house kicks and side kicks, no back kicks at all.

As with the first 2 videos, it is a sweat producer, but this one was really choreographed and seemed to flow smoother, and the counts were better, and no combo was "repeated to death" before putting it all together. A really good workout, high intensity, but low impact.
2 Thumbs Up! :)


p.s. and wait until you see how both Patricia and Ilaria's musculature have matured! WOW! They look fantastic, both are beautifully sculpted, and Ilaria'a abs are even more defined than in her previous videos. They both look great!
I can hardly wait. Unfortunately, I have to wait for the DVD. They told me when I ordered it that it would be chaptered for upper and lower body. Hopefully, I will only have to wait until the beginning of November!

Thanks for the review. I really want this one. I just recently got the first 2 and I love them. I'm glad to hear that this one is even better.

Hi! Thanks for the review. Sounds great! Would you tell me if the music is different than 1&2?

Yes, the music is different. I'm not sure what music it is, when I did the workout this afternoon it was also my first preview (something I usually don't do) so I was concentrating more on the moves and what they were saying, but I remember thinking to myself, "oh, different music", and it might be a soundtrack with several different pieces of music because I don't recall hearing the same thing playing over and over like in 1 & 2.

Can you tell me where would I find this video? It doesn't sound to be a Cathe tape... Thanks. Kathleen
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-02 AT 09:29AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Kathleen, here's their site where they sell their tapes and dvd and bunch of other informations: powerstrike.com
Thank you very very much. I've already ordered the number 3 tape as well as a CD - as I teach KB so this will be helpful for music variety!
Thanks again,
K-I bought the Powerstrike CD and it's really good. I love using it in my kickboxing classes. I hope it's the one they use on the new Powerstrike video. I know it's not the one on the first 2.

Donna....I sure hope this workout is good girl! :-jumpy

I took the plunge and ordered the DVD 'cause of your great review. I wanted a kickboxing workout that was not as high impact as Cardio Kicks (hops, etc.), which I still use, of course.

BTW, WHY, just WHY is shipping & handling sooooo expensive! My goodness, I even emailed them a comment on that. They do not have to use Fedex you know...Oh, well, just trying to save my "Cathe workouts" money, if ya know what I mean! :)


Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon

I hope you like it, it was different from the first 2 Milleniums, but alike in that they are high intensity, but low impact.
I was surprised to wake up this am with a little soreness in my glutes! I guess there was a tad more kicking in M3. :)

The shipping & handling is what kept me from ordering the tape, how do I get them to send it ups? If there is a phone # to do this I would appreciate it, Thanks, Karen
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-02 AT 03:05PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Karen!
Powerstrike phone # is: 212-496-1254 (I don't think they have a toll free number)if you want your tape to be shipped for $3.95.
You can also email them at [email protected] they will provide you with the info.

Thank you very much BJ for the #. Everytime I get into their webiste I receive an error messag, don't know what is wrong. Once again, thanks for your help Karen
Hey Karen!

Just a quickie note to say that I E-mailed you yesterday making you aware that the presale of the new vids will end the 31st. of Oct. (Not sure you recognized my address?) I am assuming you saw the notice already since I see you posting. Just wanted to be sure! WooHooo! Can't wait!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey Karen!

Hi Debbie, thanks but I must have deleted it. Anyway, I did mail my check to them on Friday, thanks again Karen

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