Power Yoga Videos


I keep hearing about all the great benefits of power yoga, but I'm having a hard time "getting it" even though I think that is the style that is more "me." I really want to get in to the flow of it because I know that is how you get the true benefit from it. BUT I feel so distracted because I feel like I keep having to look up at the TV. What are the educated crowd's favorite Power Yoga videos?

I like Bryan Kest's Power Yoga series (3 workouts, each 50 minutes - one beginner/"Energize", one intermediate/"Tone" and one advanced/"Sweat"). The beginner tape is a good workout and a good intro to power yoga. You're not being contorted like a pretzel but the moves are fluid and you'll feel like you got a good stretch. The intermediate workout builds on the beginner-workout poses and makes some of them more intense/advanced. The advanced tape is fast moving and requires a lot of strength and flexibility.

Bryan talks a LOT but most of his chatter is guiding you through your practice, and it gives you something to listen to and focus on while you're holding a pose. You can watch the tapes through a couple of times to become familiar with the poses before you do the workout - his cues are very good as are his descriptions of which body part should be doing what and where :D , so you won't have to glance up at the TV.
I started out w/Rodney Yee's tapes that are only 20 min.; then graduated to Karen Voight's YogaSculpt (great tape!) & now I do Rodney Yee's Intermediate tape. If your not into invertions (shoulder or head stands) you can just skip this part of the tape & move on. I also used Ali McGraw's Mind & Soul Yoga. There's also Yoga with Ateeka. This one is 60 min. & it has everything in it. Beautiful landscape of Hawaii. HTH, Kathy
Hi! I just started doint Bryan Kest's Power Yoga...I new to "real" Yoga and I just love him. He describes everything so I don't have to look at the TV. Karen Voight has a Yoga tape but I really didnt' enjopy it she moves very slowly not a power yoga tape. But good if you like to take it slower. Bryan has a 20 min beginner tape and then the tapes for intermediate and advanced 50 min or so. YOu can find his stuff at www.poweryoga.com
God Bless America!
Power yoga is a spinoff of ashtanga yoga, the most incredible and athletic form of yoga that there is, in my opinion. There are actually six series in ashtanga, and even mastering the first two can take years. check out david swenson's primary and secondary series. he goes slowly and gives a lot of instruction on alignment. if you practice ashtanga regularly, you will be amazed at how your body responds and by how relaxed you feel afterwards. baron baptiste is also very good, he has produced several power yoga tapes.

p.s. david swenson also has made a practice manual book, if you are sick of trying to follow along to a video!
I second David Swenson. But, don't let his gentle voice and calm nature fool you! His series is tough! A good video to start with is Short Forms. You get a 15 min w/o, a 30 min. beginner workout and a 45 min. intermediate workout. Once you've mastered this, you can move on to his Primary Series, which is 90 min. I bought the Primary Series first, but I found it to be a bit intimidating! One of these days I'll challenge myself and do the entire video.

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