Power "Ow"-er!!


Hi All,

I have just finished an 8 week rotation using Power Hour twice a week. I have to say, no matter how many times/how regularly I do this workout, it does NOT get any easier, LOL!

However, despite my love of this workout, there are sections which I have come to dread - heck, they're all hard, but in particular:

1) the biceps section - this, to me, always seems to go on forever! My biceps feel like mush by the end of this one!

2) those side-lateral lifts in the shoulder section, which Cathe says "make you feel powerful", just make me feel sick, LOL! And those over head presses, with "work the top-half" in between. "Just imagine you're placing clothes on a top shelf" says Cathe. Simple. Yeh, right! By the end of these it feels like I'm trying to lift a small elephant onto MY shelf!!

3) And of course, those lunges! Cathe says " remember - two 90 degree angles - although no guarantees at this point, right?" NO GUARANTEES!! Crazy lady, I can't even FEEL my legs, let alone tell you whether they're at 90 degrees, 3 degrees, or have packed their bags and headed off to the Bahamas for a holiday!

All joking aside though, I think this is the best endurance workout on the market (IMHO) and I have seen some really great results from doing it in a regular rotation. My biceps and triceps have some definition (at last!!) and my legs have toned up considerably - I even have that nice hamstring muscle "bulge" on the back of my thigh, which I've always admired so much on women with toned legs!

What about you guys - what results have you seen, and what are your "dread sections"??


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
I too have been using this in a rotation for about 6 weeks. Every time use it I feel a tad stronger than the time before.
The segments I dread?? Well, starting off with squats always is a pain. Those go down for 4 and go up for 4's kill me!!
The biceps are killers and when she does those half way from the bottom and then from the top Ouch!! Then of course she goes right to triceps and my arms are still shaking from the biceps!
My favorite part is the shoulder workout I love the music and the exercises. My shoulders are one of my better attributes and I love working them! I have even begun to like the lunges!! Okay, those low ends for 7 are killers but I can really see a difference in my legs!
I know this is one tape that I will be doing for a lifetime! Susan
I love/hate those barbell biceps curls! It's always unbelievable to me that I can get such a major burn with just 15 pounds. The first time I did it I thought I misheard when Cathe said her barbell was just 15 pounds, but I quickly followed suit. I know she doesn't play around and if she says 15, I'm not going higher. It starts out easy but as she likes to say, it quickly catches up with you!

And I love that biceps song...I think the lyrics are something like "come on and talk to me" --at least that's how I hear it, because that's what my biceps start doing to me!! LOL
Oh that's easy, the lunges! I have had transcendental, near-death experiences during the low-ends. Aside from that, just an average workout, LOL.
Anna, I'm w/you I think my wallet's going to be lighter!

I too can't believe how light my weights are on some of Cathe's tapes yet I'm ready to break into tears at times! LOL

I love the wording, Power "Ow"-er!!!
Funny how those "sit 'n' stands" seem like a walk in the park now that we've been introduced to "low ends." I like it in LL when Cathe asks which is harder. The first time I did the workout I yelled, "These are!" Then a beat later she says, "I heard you guys - these are!" Very gratifying to know she's listening to us...
My legs are getting more defined but at what a cost! The lunges bring tears to my eyes and although I can do the entire workout no problem, including 30 lbs for squats, about half way through the lunges, I can't use weights any more. And I was only using about 15 lbs on lunges to start off with!!

I just did it last night for the first time in a month or so and I feel exactly like the subject suggests..."Ow"!! I missed out on this video the most while we were finishing our basement. There was no place for me to workout, so I took a small break.

I must say those lunges are a killer. With every section I tried using the weight I used to and I always had to drop it down.

Anyway, it feels good to be back in the exercise routine. It's a great tape.


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