Power 90X


Who got their tapes?

Mine supposedly shipped April 17th and I still don't have them! Fishy or not?

Edited to add that I just looked at my credit card bill...it is not on it!!!!!!!!! Aarrgghh! Oh, that's it, they'll be sorry now....I am calling tomorrow. Looks like mine must have gotten "lost in their system" too. I wonder if the customer service rep will be just as dumbfounded as she was for Kathy?


As I said before - I have not got my DVD's - but they sent me the bands I ordered on April 19 - but the order date on statement with the bands said April 25, which I found odd.

Another fishy thing is why send the bands and wait 8 more days to ship out the DVD's? When I called CS said the DVD's were to ship out on Monday. Well, what good are the bands without the workouts?

I was so looking forward to getting them - it was the looking everday that got to me, now they say to expect them between Friday May 7 and Monday May 17.

It isn't very good customer service if you ask me - You should call them - I will be interested in what they tell you.

Didn't Kathy say they were going to send hers Fed Ex? I think she was suppose to get hers today.

I have been told several different things. I ordered on 4/19. I was told they shipped on 4/23. I was told, no, they didn't ship on 4/23 because they were backordered. Last Friday I was told that they hadn't shipped but they would 2-day them to me no charge. Monday they told me that it was going out Monday. Yesterday, they told me that they went out 4/23! I asked why my cc hadn't been charged yet, and they told me that "it was in the process of getting approval" which is a bunch of doublespeak hoo-haw.

When I let them know that there were a lot of people out there that were unhappy with them for this reason, she assured me that everyone was very happy with their service! I thought that as a manager, she would want to know that four different customer service reps gave out four different answers and she blamed it on them "being new." I'm sure that every time I call, they put me back to the bottom of the list! We'll teach HER to ask about her order! LOL! I've given up checking my cc and calling them. When I get them, I get them, and then I will write a letter to the BBB. As a first time customer, I am SO not impressed.

Gretzky (the OTHER Janice! :7 )
Man, what a nightmare!!!

Yeah, I called em. Larry said that my DVD's shipped on the 30th (I ordered them on the 15th, when I called before the other customer service rep said they shipped the Mon after I ordered them!), that they had been on "backorder" and that since they are in CA and I am in AZ that it should not be long. He, also, said my CC was "in the process" of being charged. Okee dokee. So, again, I guess I just wait and see. I told them I was fuming because I had ordered this for a gift for my sisters birthday this coming Wed (white lie). I thought if my order had also been "lost in their system" they would then send it Fed Ex if I griped enough. I asked why they don't think they need to send out and email when their products are on backorder and they know there will be an extreme delay in shipping and he just hemmed and hawwed. You can tell they really don't have it together!

Frankly, at this point, I am thouroughly convinced that Beach Body consists of someones living room and 5 people. It has to for them to be so horrible, and so horribly unprepared to handle all the orders!! So what, the first rep just blatantly LIED to me? That is what really bothers me, they are just lying to us..... there was a whole bunch of people laughing in the background when I called..... Please let me know when you guys get yours and I will you. Not that it is going to help at this point, but I would like to know if and when I should instigate call #3.

More than just disgruntled in Phoenix,
When I ordered P90X, I also ordered resistance bands. I received the bands very quickly and it was a week or 2 after that I received my DVD's. Go on the Live Chat with Beachbody to check the status and if they tell you it has shipped, request the tracking number. HTH!
i had an awful time getting mine. i ordered them the minute they became available to beachbody members (i wanted one of the autographed ones). then i just happened to call up to cancel my automatic vitamin delivery and was told there was a problem with my credit card for the P90X order. so i had to place the order again. i never did find out what the problem was. i was told i'd get it in about two weeks. didn't get it, called up again and was told they were on backorder, they had been swamped.

so maybe that's what is happening now. in any case, they offered to upgrade to fedex for free.

they were really worth the wait though, i just think they didn't expect to get overwhelmed with orders, they don't even have an infomercial out yet.

and they don't charge your credit card until the last minute.
Honesty is still the best policy. I would have no gripe with this company had they contacted me that they were on backorder and explained that the demand has way exceeded their expectations, so they are swamped. I would have understood. Covering up for yourself by flat out lying though is simply unacceptable. I won't order from this company again.

.....but I am glad to here that they are worth my wait!!:)Cuz it was a long one...

and, by the way, there is no tracking number. They came USPS, which doesn't track. Only if you were lucky enough for them to go Fed Ex to they track....

I also ordered on 4/22 or so. I was told that they shipped USPS and that they did not have a tracking number. I ordered the DVD's and decided to try some of their protein bars. Well, I got the protein bars via Federal Express on Friday, but no sign of the DVD's. I talked to a customer service rep yesterday who said that they did not ship until 4/29 (the DVD's) because they were on backorder. She also claimed she was going to try to look it up on their system, because supposedly they could tell when USPS delivered the package. Then, she said that she thought she had a bad tracking number, because she could not tell according to their system. Frustrating! The other part is that my postman will not leave packages for me, but UPS will. So even if it comes this week, I probably won't get to the post office until Saturday morning! ugh.

Well, hopefully it will be worth the wait.

Thanks, Sandra
They do have a USPS bar tracking number. Wendy at VF posted a thread about BB. Amber contacted Wendy and has asked that if any VF member are having problems to contact her and in the title put, Video Fitness member. You guys might want to contact member and put this in the title.
I emailed Amber today at BB and she hasn't gotten back to me yet. I'll bet she got a gazillion emails after www.Wendy's post...
Janice (naughtoj)...you got yours by now right???

I got mine last night and did the first one today (just couldn't wait). The first one being chest and back and the ab ripper. Funny thing was, chest and back went okay, but that ab ripper....maybe I was just tired from chest and back, but about 12 seconds into it I thought....I'm gonna die, I just can't hold my legs up any more. It was a half hearted ab ripper to say the least. I may have to split them up so I can give a decent effort to the ole abs.

I think your right....they are 5 guys working out of a garage. But, I'm anxious to see what this can do for me. As for the chest and back......interesting.....I have a harder time doing Cathe's endurance stuff. As for this .....you go strong and hard on pushups and pullups and then your done (okay a few heavy back rows thrown in for fun). I may hurt more than I think tomorrow morning. But shoot, that ab ripper afterwards.....yeesh

My thoughts on their ordering department... You know those 800 numbers you call to order stuff from TV commercials? Well when you call those, you do not reach the company. You are reaching a number that transfers you to a rep who most likely works from home. That is why there is sometimes a long wait and then a click when you call in. He or she will take your order and then email it to the mail office. Sometimes he or she may not email the order in immediately. So the main office may be only a minimum few number of people who are working in a building/warehouse. If the product has to be delivered from another facility then the warehouse can run out of product.
Sometimes these companies don't have the product on hand but have to ship the item from another State even.

I know about the 800 numbers because I was interviewing to work for a company that handled the infomercial numbers. This is a company of it's own who has a pool of operators answering the phone from their homes.

That still doesn't explain why the Beachbody wasn't upfront with your answer, Janice. We can handle the truth, so why hee haw around the bush. I just experienced this same thing with my teacher. She wasn't truthful with me. Long story.

But hey, I got hold of Amber and also the Customer service on a concern of mine. While I had both their attentions, I told them about you having to wait since April 19 and you still don't have your workouts. Hope this will help speed things along. I'm sad for you.:(
So once again...Janice did you get your DVD's. You ordered like 1-2 days before me and I've got mine. AND I live in the boonies...it always takes UPS a whole day longer to get anything to me...doesn't make sense!!! (maybe I needed them more ;( ;( ;( )

Hi Briee,

Chest and Back surprised me - I didn't feel like I had worked hard enough - but I had soreness the next day! I think the second time I do the workout, I will be able to work harder because I know what to expect.

Ab Ripper is really tough. My core must not be strong because my hip flexors were so sore! I'm going to have to work on that one!

My 18 year old son - who is athletic - thought Ab Ripper was really tough, too!

>Ab Ripper is really tough. My core must not be strong because
>my hip flexors were so sore! I'm going to have to work on
>that one!

Those first three exercises bring in the hip flexors a lot. I don't feel them as much in my abs (especially the first exercise). Im with Tony in that I HATE ab ripper X...but I LOVE ab ripper X.
No guys, I think I am screwed. For lack of a better word.

I should have gotten them by now, so I don't know what to do. I guess I should not call and complain until next week since they said they shipped on the 30th and were expected to arrive on the 12th. WHY does it take so long? Maybe I will call and complain some more today. I am atleast going to check again if that charge is on my CC. Briee....when did it appear on yours? This is insane! AND, I am getting FAT waiting for these DVD's! These were my motivation back in Mid April. Everything has been horrible since then (workout wise).

Oh yes yes Janice I understand this lack of motivation. I didn't do anything Sunday through Wednesday of this week because I was so depressed that I couldn't start the P90X. It appeared on my credit card about two days before I got them, I remember asking Debbie H if that meant I would get them quick and I think I got them the next night or the one after that. I've been dreaming of pullups!!:7 :7 :7 for two weeks.


funny note...my daughter was watching the DVD and you can see the "other" camera man moving around the room and she said "mom I think the cameraman didn't "bring it". oooooooo :eek: :eek: :eek: I think my pursuit of fitness may be rubbing off the wrong way if she is critiquing the cameraman's physique. I better work on that!!:-( :-(
Thanks for the reply Briee. That is somewhat encouraging. I waited with bated breath yet again today for that little suprise package and it never came. So, I still wait. I thought about calling them back tomorrow, you know, just to check on status, and see if I get something new this time!!! Hubby and I are taking bets on what they will tell me!!

Personally, I don't think the videos GO ANYWHERE until they charge your card. I think those vids ship the day the card gets charged. Sorry, but it would make no sense if they shipped them and then halfway through that process charged your card. Have any of you EVER had something like that happen? I have ordered a lot of stuff on the net and I never have that kind of thing. AND, USPS is not THAT slow.

( Sigh )

I beg to differ....UPSP is slow and they loose things on a regular basis, but hopefully not this time!! I gotta say if I were you and I had the time I'd call them every hour and tell them to get their tush in gear and get the DVD's to you - quite possibly they will get sick of hearing from you after a few hours and either refer you to someone in charge or ship them for free immediately just to get you off their back. Of course...that's just me}( }( }( with incredible drive to go extreme presently. ;-) ;-) ;-)


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