hello all power 90x users. okay the informercial is haunting me, . . seems like everytime i turn on the tube which isn't often its there. so my last question to all you power 90x users, . .i promise is what is the music like? part of the reason i love cathe is because the music is fun and upbeat. yes, . . i am an ipod runner and asking me to jogg without it would be like asking me to give up coffee, . .no can do (unless i'm trail running of course when i have to keep my eyes and ears open to the nature around me, . .have to watch out for wild pigs and mountain lions). i cannot stand home workouts with boring campy elevator music, .. i just can't. it makes every rep or jump like torture to me. when i watch the power 90x infomercial and even on the website it doesn't seem like there is any music. i appreciate any feedback and if this has been asked before my apologies.