Power 90


New Member
Has anyone tried the Power 90 workout video? If so, what are your results and would you recomend this video?
I have Power 90 and I dont like it at all! I think Tony Horton is very boring and there is no music whatsoever! :-( He makes stupid jokes that he thinks are hilarious, and I was wishing this agonizing workout would be over soon. There is a clock at the bottom of the screen so you can see how much longer you have. In my opinion, save your money and stick with Cathe or the Firm!
Wow! That's surprising and good to know. The infomercial made it look so interesting and exciting. A couple of the people on it were all teary eyed telling their stories.


Hi...Im sorry to be such a bad critic but I didnt like it at all....The weight tape is better but again no music and Tony is really quite corny....My friend has the Slim in 6 and she is previewing it tonight. When she tells me about it I will let you know...Actually, I think Im going to see it myself then I will critique that as well. Maybe that is better.....Tracy
I would be interested in hearing about the Slim in 6. One thing I didn't like when I read about that program is that you do what they consider weight training daily to "stunt muscle growth." I think I understand the concept they are getting at where your muscles can't grow bigger because they don't have any recovery time, but I want my muscles to grow and be stronger. But then I wonder if their strength moves are even intense enough to build muscle. I don't know if this makes any sense, and maybe I've misunderstood their principle entirely. I'd be interested in your thoughts!

I have never seen these tapes but my best friend did this program and she got bored. You do the same tape everyday 6 days a week for like 4 weeks and then you go to the next level for four weeks. I think she said there was 3 tapes and each one got a little harder but she had no where to go after that. Doing the same tape everyday would bore me to tears.
I must agree here. These tapes are cheap looking and so cheesy. Tony thinks he's quite the comedian and you just wanna smack him. Anyway, I think it's a waste of money and Cathe and the Firm will keep you getting your money's worth.
Sharon in Houston
AHEM, I don't wanna be the meanie here }( so I hope you understand this is just a FYI. I myself didn't even know it until someone told me OK.

This forum is only to discuss Cathe videos. We are supposed to talk about non Cathe vids on the Open Discussion Forum.



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