Postpartum: Clean Eating & Exercising Check in Dec 20th

hey ladies! i will be typing one handed while rocking james. he is doing great! i know mel and susan have seen my status on fb but james has sllept for 6-7 hrs the last three nights. i dont have any tricks except i have noticed that he stays awake for longer periods during the day. he usually nurses, smiles and coos for about 20 min and then gets fussy. thats when i stick his paci in his mouth, swaddle him tight and turn him sideways up against my chest and he falls right asleep. james loves to be with us and fall asleep in our arms. i noticed that he is comforted much quicker and falls asleep quicker too. i have just started working on putting him in the crib while he is half awake so he gets used to falling into his deep sleep.

priscila- i have had a clogged duct the last few days because of james sleeping longer and i sleep right thru my pumping session. i took a hot shower and pressed on the hard spot to hand express the milk. i also used a warm compress and have been making sure that my breasts are empty. it also helps to nurse/pump more on the affected side but dont forget the other one too.

i am so jealous of all you ladies with shock cardio, i dont think dh will let me order that right now cause i have so many already. i did a kpc premix tonight. i have a wedding in two weeks and i want to look good so i've really been upping the intensity. my 6 week dr appt is tomorrow so hopefully i will get the green light to go all out. dh is excited for the sex part but i'm a lil worried it will hurt. thinkin of having some alcohol....

christine- i know exactly what you mean about the workouts! i havent waited the six weeks either. i started around 4 when i started to have more energy. i have a bunch of re-runs on my dvr that i watch at night while feeding/rocking james. i'm glad to hear that things are settling down for you guys and that john is doing well.

hi susan!
Christine, I've been thinking of you and your family often. I can't imagine how scared you and DH have been. I'm glad for you that you exercise to help you deal with all that is going on. Wonderful news about John's umbilical stump and penis healing. As for his sleeping, he's too young to claim he's not a sleeper yet!! Hopefully he'll settle into a better routine for you within the next month :) And thank you for all the sleep tips. Funny you mentioned bouncing on the ball HARD; Drew actually likes to play rough. Babies are strange creatures! I'm not nursing; we're a formula house. I wonder what the fuss-reducing formula offers that varies from regular....? I'll check it out -- thanks.

Priscilla, ouch on the clogged duct. I would call the OB also.

Jen, yay that James is starting to sleep better! That's wonderful news. Awesome that you have so much energy for working out! When I had my first, I didn't have the energy to do much. I was too overwhelmed to function LOL

Hi, Erin!!

Susan, it sounds like Kara is really thriving. That's wonderful! Are you done with your classes for the term?

Melanie, how on EARTH do you have so much energy?!?!

So, DH took the kids out shopping with him last night. Drew had napped for a total of an hour all day by the time he left around 5. He said Drew fell asleep about 10 minutes after he left, waking once to eat half a bottle. He slept until 6 this morning -- so 13 hours in his car seat. Guess he was making up for all those lost naps, eh? He usually sleeps about 10 hours at night, but that's starting around 10:30 or 11, waking around 5 to eat and then back to sleep for a couple hours. Not only did he sleep for 13 hours last night, he's been napping (I figured, what the heck and put him back in his car seat) since 7:30am (so 2 hours now. Babies are so fickle. I know this is not his norm, but I'm so grateful for the break from the bad routine.
Oh shoot. I"m sure I"m not going to remember everything that I've read...

Precilla~ I also have a clogged milk duct right now. When we took the twins to the doctor I only nurse one girl, and the other went SIX hours before then my breast was engorged and uncomfortable. What I do is deeply massage the hurtful areas (yes it hurts), pump it, and feed with that one as much as possible (without ignoring other breast). You can take tylenol or motrin for should pass within a couple days. Heat compresses help as well....especially right before feedings. If you develop a fever, or if pain becomes might need an antibiotic.

Christine~ I also use the exercise ball. Works magic!! I like your description of being in porn---ROTFL!!!! Has your libido returned? LOL You'll have to educate me on what type of prevention stuff you have to do with little one? I don't know much about his condition. How are your moods doing?

Jen~ Sounds like you are doing great with weight loss. I'm really happy for you. I started out at 135, but would be estatic with 140-145 for now. I can always pluck away at 5-10lbs. Sigh, but I'm at 160lbs now....WHICH IS UNACCEPTABLE

Allison~ I"m with you on poor eating choices. Jan 1st I plan on hitting everything hard----diet AND exercise. My general practitioner thinks I should start exercising now, just 15 minutes for a week & then adding 10 minutes gradually. Pretty boring, eh? I totally want to start posting my meals & exercises to keep me accountable.....especially with 15-25lbs to lose.

Susan~ Got all your cooking done?
Allison- The less fussy formulas are usually lactose free. I use SImilac, lactose free for fussiness and gas. During the day he gets the regular stuff and I switch over in teh late afternoon to the less fussy stuff, and it makes for a better night. It also helps when I give John a bath to get the poop going before bed, so he is not gassy.
Melanie- No sex drive! I wish. I think my va jay jay is still pretty beat up. There were complications in delivery and I think that this kid left permanent divets in there.
Priscilla- hOpe that your milk duct improves. Just keep aware of flulike symptoms and fever... That is an indication of infection...
Jen- SO gald that baby James is such a good sleeper. You will look and feel great by the wedding. I am doing the Terminator series and Imx 2 a lot, and running. the double stroller is a beast, though.
Many of you want information on JOhn, so here is a quick overview. He has severe Type A hemophilia. It is usually considered a disease that is strictly genetic. We have no family history. It occurs as a random mutation in about 50% of cases, and that is how we got un-lucky. It is not detectable in any way during the prenatal period, unless you have a known relative, and then you can attempt to test the blood. We were shocked. But, we have no choice, but to learn and treat it.
Blood clots as a result of about 12 proteins that work together in a cascade effect. In this type of hemophilia, Factor VIII is missing, or less than 1%. As a result, any cut or bruise can be lethal. As well, the body can spontaneously bleed into the joints. Although it sounds really bad, there are treatments. Factor VIII is not made artifically in a lab, and can be injected any time there is trauma as well as prophylactically. This is good because it minimizes the risk of getting HIV and other diseases from donated blood. John will be getting a subcutaneous port in his chest in about 6 months, adn we will dose him from home. We have a constant supply of Factor VIII in the fridge. if anythign happens, we take it straight to the ER and get him dosed. It makes life harder. Every bruise is 10 times worse, and kids get a lot. From crawling, to walking, big hugs, anthing. Teeth coming in and falling out, flossing, immunizations, tehre is a lot of blood in life! We are going to try to look at every day as a blessing and look at him smile and not his diagnosis. He is not going to be allowed to do many sports, but he can still swim and run. Good thing those are my passions!
I am having a hard time. Some days are good and some are not. I feel a bit like a failure in some way. Like I am responsible. It is on teh X chromosome, so I cannot shake that I gave him a crummy X. I know that is not the case, but it is there in my mind. On a good note, my husband is so much more involved this time. We almost lost this boy three times, two from such heavy blood loss and once in labor. THe labor was dangerous, and they almost used a vacuum. IF they had, he would have died from a brain bleed. It was as if I knew that I had to get him out, I pushed like crazy and did not listen to anyone. Glad I did. Guess there is some sort of mother's intuition after all.
Have to go wrap, and entertain Jimmy too. John is cashed out on my chest and farting. Great.
HI lades-we made a quick trip to Little Rock which turned into an all day trip.
Christine-you have a heavy load to deal with..your strength in amazing...even under everything you still crack me up girl..the porn comment made me LOL! Hang in there and vent here whenever you need to! Baby John is very lucky to have you as a mommy!
Melanie-you jogged???You go girl! I can't jog anymore..feels like my vagina will plop on the floor..not to mention my bladder.
Allison-yes, classes are over and I kept my 4.0! I wish I knew tricks to get Drew to nap..but at least he's sleeping at night some.
Pricilla-I never have had a clogged duct but have heard its very painful! Keep us posted.
Jen-Hi! How is Mr James doing?
I only worked out 1 time this week and havent been eating very well..notice I havent posted meals!!!
I weighed I have gaied a couple pounds...Im out of control!!
I havent wrapped a s ingle present..grrrrrrrr...gotta get on it tonight!
Family is about to watch Harry Potter....bbl.
Waves to everyone!
Susan- I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like there vagina will fall out. I thought something was wrong! I am dying to run again! James has been sleeping 6-7 hrs the last few nights.

Christine- I agree with Susan. You are an amazing mommy and John is so very lucky to have you. Try not to feel guilty even though it is normal to. He's going to have a great life!

Don't worry Mel, the weight will come off. I just want to get rid of this saggy belly. I don't care about the number, just give me my abs back!

Had six wk check up today and dr said everything is good. Got the green light for sex and working out (which I already was but didn't tell him). More excited about working out than the sex at this point but don't tell my DH. SHHHH!
jen- thank you.
also, get ky beads. trust me, you will still be sore. lube and alcohol help so much. and if family are around, go away for the night. get a massage, facial, a little drunk and remmber the lube! it took me about 6 months for fun again.
we are relaxing. my hubby has xmas eve bday so i have a lot to do.
Christine~ I agree, you are an awesome mom! ...and God knows you are a strong woman...a perfect women,...designed to be the mother of your boys. You will do a great job! Thanks for educating us. So...what will you be able to give him prophylactically? Then you'll have factor Viii to bring with you to ER in emergencies?

Susan~ one good thing about not being around family is we don't have any snacks/pies/cookies to pig out on. Just us and whatever we can muster to put together for dinners. LOL Looks like we'll have pizza again for Christmas meal.

Jen~ my va ja ja feels perfect. I'm sure it has to do with my C-Section rather than vaginal delivery. Am I the only one who had C-Section? Allison, did you have C-Section? My vaginal lips are back to themselves, varicose veins are any other issues. :D ......wish I could say the same about sagging skin....this just takes time for the elasticity to bounce back (along with widening of hips).

Allison~ we're expecting a big snow storm over the Christmas Eve/Christmas Day holiday...18-30 inches!!!!

We'll have to adventure outside tomorrow for stocking stuffers! We haven't gotten anything for that. Oops!!
HO HO HO Mommies!
Hope you all are enjoying the day and have a very Merry Christmas!
I have a little stomach bug and was up all night..but feeling MUCH better today. Weather is bad so mom is not coming. I"ll be up late wrapping presents tonight!
DH, Haley, kk and I will just hang out today..and go look at lights tonight. Haley is sooooo excited about Christmas!
Kara has been getting up at night for the past few nights..but just not too bad.
Merry Christmas!
I've had enough of not fitting into my clothes!!!!!

I started Insanity today....just finished day one. I'm so excited!!!

Merry Christmas ladies!!
Melanie, tell more about Insanity, how did it go?
I worked out today as well after 5-6 days of not working out at all. I did Athletic Step and got pretty winded to the point of taking a lot of breaks and modifying like crazy but felt great afterwards...
Is anyone downloading Cathe's library?, I would love to but I cana justify the expense right now...

I went to the OB yesterday and she couldn't find any hard areas when she palpated my breast, however she said that she would treat it as if it was mastitis (antibiotics) and would see me back in 1 week. I'm using moist heat pads as well and it helps a lot. Thanks all for your advices, I see that it's more common than I thought.

Eriniski, that's excatly whay DH said, he was in the Army for a while.

Off to feed Daniel

Merry Christmas to everyone
Precilla, you can find out more about Insanity here:

The first day is the fit test, basically you do a series of 8 drills and count how many of each you can do in one minute. You repeat every 14 days to see your progress. It's a cardio challenge to it's maximum. I"m such a cardio junkie, so it's right up my alley! :)

I'm glad you had your breast checked out. Mine feels much better today. It was very painful yesterday....but with massages & heat pads it's almost completely healed today. It normally only happens once or twice to me the entire breastfeeding duration. Hopefully you won't get it again.
Hi everyone and happy holidays.

It almost feels like I'm back to the days of pregnancy seeing all of your supportive names and stories. As usual I did not take notes, so will probably miss a few personals.

Christine, you are so strong and if you can laugh at not sleeping, go for it! Laughing is very wise advice. Sometimes you really need to. Also, in the beginning when I had no idea what I was doing, I felt like a failure all the time (I think it may be part of motherhood). X chromosome. Fue! You have amazing strength! Your children are blessed in many ways and to have such a strong mother is one of them.

Hi to everyone else. I'm with you on the bouncing to put a baby to sleep. I find it interesting that my little one is so tired at night. I just know she is, but she wants only to sleep in my arms not in the crib. WHen she turned 11 weeks, I tried the cry-it-out method. (Talk about guilt!!) Now she only cries for about 5 minutes after I put her down then falls asleep. It's torture, but I was mentally falling apart rocking her to midnight every night.

Speaking of torture--little lessons learned to share . . . never do Butts and Gutts in the morning and skip the cool down to save time, then part of MMA Boxing in the afternoon, again skipping the cool down because baby was waking. And on top of that lift a 12 lb. baby up and down and down to a swing and up, etc. etc.

Unfortunately, I think I was trying too hard to squeeze in tough workouts and not lifting the baby right and pinched my sciatic nerve. Ouch! I will not skip cool downs and stretches again! I also have tendinitus in my thumb, which the doctor said is common after you have a baby and the fluid levels in your body are severely shifting at the same time you are using new muscles (I think the car seat did my thumb in). Luckily, a cortisone shot seems to be helping.

Anyway, I'll write more later and get back to the forums. Miss you guys and glad everyone is still hanging in there.

Happy holidays,
Ouch, Dawn!!! You better be careful!!!

I have completed day 3 of Insanity. It is REALLY tough. I'm sure it would have been tough "in my prime",...let alone postpartum!!! I don't doubt that it won't help get me back into shape...I just wonder how much weight it will help me lose, as I'm not able to complete all the moves...I walk around huffing & puffing during much of it. :eek:

I saw a picture of myself from yesterday & wasn't very happy. I looked like a chubby girl. :( I'm going to have to work much harder to eat cleaner so I can get rid of this weight. It is affecting my moods, so I need to get focused & get to work!
HI Ladies
HOpe you all had a great Christmas. Besides me being sick as a dog...we had a nice I have spent the last 3 days with diareaha and feeling like I am feeling more like myself and belly is much better.
We take Haley to Memphis tomorrow to meet her friend from Nashville and she'll stay til Friday. She always has a blast there.
I have decided that on Monday I am starting 4DS and combine the weights from that with shock cardio. It feels good to finally have a plan of action.
Dawn-ouch is right!!! Be careful girl!
Melanie-good job on Insanity!!! Stop being so hard on yourself. You just had twins after being on bedrest for months. The weight will come off!!! We are all about to HIT-IT-HARD and stay accountalbe right here with our eating!
Kara is out and Haley is headed that way..then I am next...yayyyy!
See you tomorrow!
Merry Christmas a day late!

Christine, John is a lucky boy to have you for his mom. Yep, your instincts have already saved him. Reading your post, I could only think, "Wow. There *is* a lot of blood in life." I never would have thought of a few things you mentioned. It's great that DH is more involved this time, so you don't feel all alone with this. I'm glad you have exercise to help you maintain your sanity.

Priscilla, did you like Athletic Step? I tried the other step one. One thing I don't like about a new workout is how often I have rewind, stumble, and rewind again!

Dawn, ouch. Hope you're feeling better.

Susan, congrats on the 4.0 -- with a newborn, no less!! Your plan of exercise action sounds good. I need a plan. I've just been doing whatever sounds good that day, and it feels rather scattered.

Melanie, I can't believe you started Insanity! I *think* I want to get it, but I don't have extra cash right now anyway ;) I hear you on being tired of clothes not fitting (of course, Drew was born in September, so I'm feeling like a REAL fat load LOL). I stocked up on veggies, and have been trying hard to snack less. So how much snow did you get?

Since Drew doesn't think he needs naps (sigh), I bought a Leslie Sansome DVD today. I figured I can always hold him (all 18 pounds of him!!!) while doing the walk, and modify as necessary. Not ideal, but better than nothing on days he won't cooperate.

And no, I did not have a C-section. But I held out on sex as long as possible. No interest, and no desire to experience the pain! Actually, it wasn't as painful as I remembered from last time, but I still have some discomfort depending on the positioning of things.
I dusted off two books from my shelf: "You on a Diet" and Tom Venuto's "The Body Fat Solution." Never read either LOL Anyone familiar with these?

Also got some DVDs:
- Shock Cardio series (of course :) )
- Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga
- Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout
- Biggest Loser Boot Camp
- Core Fusion Thighs and Glutes (OUCH! This one hurts so good! I also want their new Arms & Abs one.)
- Pilates for Weight Loss with Brooke Siler

AND, I picked up the latest Clean Eating magazine and today found Better Homes and Gardens' "My Weight Loss" mag.

Any other suggested inspiration/motivation (other than clothes that don't yet fit!)?

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