Post Your October Rotation


I'm posting what I'm doing in October and invite everyone else to do the same. My goal is to trim my hips and thighs and lose 5 pounds. If you see something that ought to be tweaked, please let me know. I made each week with a different focus. First week is total body, second week is Intensity Series, third week Kickboxing, fourth week CTX.

- Shopgirl

October Rotation

Mon. 10/4 – ME
Tues. 10/5 – KPC cardio conditioning + lunchtime run
Wed. 10/6 – Boot Camp + lunchtime run
Thurs. 10/7 – L&G + LL abs
Fri. 10/8 - CTX 10-10-10
Sat. 10/9 – KPC
Sun 10/10 - rest

Mon. 10/11 – ME + lunchtime run
Tues. 10/12 – IMAX2 + abs
Wed. 10/13 – Boot Camp
Thurs. 10/14 – PUB + CTX abs + lunchtime run
Fri. 10/15 - PLB + abs
Sat. 10/16 – C&W
Sun 10/17 – rest

Mon. 10/18 – ME + lunchtime run
Tues. 10/19 – CTX Kickbox
Wed. 10/20 – Boot Camp + lunchtime run
Thurs. 10/21 – KPC
Fri. 10/22 - L&G + abs
Sat. 10/23 – Cardio Kicks
Sun 10/24 – rest

Mon. 10/25 – CTX Leaner Legs + lunchtime run
Tues. 10/26 – 10-10-10
Wed. 10/27 – Power Circuit + lunchtime run
Thurs. 10/28 – CTX Kickbox
Fri. 10/29 - Power Hour
Sat. 10/30 – CTX upper body
Sun 10/31 – rest
This month I’m concentrating on one body part per day. My particular video selection may vary a bit, but the basic exercises remain the same for the day selected. Cardio and abs are done three times per week.

Monday: Cardio and abs

Tuesday: Legs; SS Lower Body Blast, followed by L&G step mania

Wednesday: Chest; PS chest (moderate weight), then 20 minutes of varied pushups and SH chest;
Abs, KPC then with a 25 lb. Plate, crunches – 3 sets of 15

Thursday: Back; PS back (moderate weight), 20 minutes of pull ups and lat rows (heavy), SH back with supermans and planks

Friday: Biceps; PS biceps, 20 minutes varied arm curls, SH biceps, then Cardio and ME abs

Saturday: Triceps and Shoulders; PS, SH then PUB, followed by cardio

Sunday: Off

I'm on week two and hoping to continue for the remainder of the month. Susan C.M.:D
This month I've been longing for a little variety, so I've decided to mix it up!

Week One (Total Body Strength 3 X per Week)
Monday: Muscle Endurance
Tuesday: Imax 2
Wednesday: MIS
Thursday: Kick, Punch, Crunch
Friday: Powerhour
Saturday: MIC/ Flexibility Workout 20 Min
Sunday: OFF

Week Two (Upper/Lower Body Split 2 X per Week)
Monday: Pyramid Upper
Tuesday: L&G/KPC Combo and Standing Legs Premix
Wednesday: Imax 1
Thursday: Timesaver Upper Body, CTX Step and Intervals
Friday: Pyramid Lower
Saturday: Step Blast /Flexibility Workout 20 Min
Sunday: OFF

Week Three (Circuits 3 X per Week)
Monday: Bootcamp
Tuesday: Cardio Kicks
Wednesday: Imax 2
Thursday: Bootcamp and Muscle Endurance Premix
Friday: MIC Hi/Lo, CTX 10-10-10
Saturday: Step, Jump, Pump / Flexibility Workout 20 Minutes
Sunday: OFF

Week Four (One Body Part per Day)
Monday: PS Legs and Abs
Tuesday: PS Chest, MIS Chest, Kick, Punch, Crunch Cardio Premix
Wednesday: PS Back, MIS Back, Ab Hits 10 Min, CTX AS Car/RS/SB Chal
Thursday: PS Shoulers, MIS Shoulders, Imax 1 Int. 6-10
Friday: PS Triceps, MIS Triceps, CTX PC Abs, Flex Workout 20 Minutes
Saturday: PS Biceps, MIS Biceps, Rythmic Step
Sunday: OFF
This week.....

Well I have only planned for this week so far. I was out of town for the beginning of the week.
Here is the plan:
Monday: run/ walk 5 miles, stretch & abs
Tuesday: 95" Yoga class at Baptiste studio (I stumbled upon this while running!)
Wed: 30" cardio choice hi intensity & 30" baptiste vinaysa yoga DVD
Thur: full body MIS
Fri: 45" cardio choice steady state ( non step~ did step in Wed)
Sat or Sun: yoga and cardio if time.

AKA Likes2bfit
RE: This week.....

Here's mine:
10/1/04 F: Rest
10/2/04 S: PH
10/3/04 Su: Imax 2/L&G stretch only
10/4/04 M: PUB
10/5/04 T: PLB
10/6/04 W: Imax/L&G Stretch
10/7/04 Th: Rested

10/8/04 F: BC
10/9/04 S: MIC or KPC or CK
10/10/04Su: MIS
10/11/04M: Imax 2
10/12/04T: CTX Upper(short cardio optional)
10/13/04W: CTX Lower/Floor work of some kind
10/14/04Th: Cardio

10/15/04F: Rest
10/16/04S: BC or BodyMax or SJP
10/17/04Su: Cardio
10/18/04M: ME/BC Bonus Combo
10/19/04T: CK or KPC
10/20/04W: PS Upper
10/21/04Th: PS Lower

10/22/04F: Rest
10/23/04S: Imax 2
10/24/04Su: BC
10/25/04M: Cardio
10/26/04T: ME or PH
10/27/04W: Imax
10/28/04Th: MIS Or PP Upper Body 2 or 3 set premix

10/29/04F: PP Lower Body 2 or 3 set premis(if I do MIS on Th I will rest today)
10/30/04S: RS
10/31/04Su: CMAX
Angela :7
After 3 months of just AM workouts 5X a week, I have just changed my plan to an AM/PM it goes:

Week of 10/11-10/17
Mon: AM-Pyramid Upper, PM-Pyramid Lower
Tue: AM-Chest, back & abs, PM-Stepper (50 min)
Wed: AM-Legs & Glutes, PM-IMAX 2
Thu: AM-Muscle Endurance, PM-Rhythmic Step
Fri: AM-chest, back & Abs, PM-Legs & Glutes
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest

Week of 10/18-10/24:
Mon: AM-Legs & Glutes, PM-Boot Camp
Tue: AM-Muscle Endurance, PM-Cardio & Weights
Wed: AM-Pyramid Upper, PM-KPC
Thu: AM-chest, back & abs, PM-Legs & shoulders
Fri: AM-Pyramid Lower, PM-Pyramid Upper
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest

Week of 10/25-10/31:
Mon: AM-Chest, Back & Abs, PM-Stepper 50 Min
Tue: AM-Pyramid Lower, PM-Triceps & Biceps
Wed: AM-Legs & Glutes, PM-Stepper 50 Min
Thu: AM-Pyramid Upper, PM-SJP
Fri: AM-chest, back & abs, PM-Supersets
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest

Wish me luck! Crazy? Yes, but also very determined!

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