Post Partum Hair Loss


Help! I am losing tons of hair. Doctor checked thyroid and iron, and everything is fine. He checked something else too--and that was fine as well. I learned that 3-4 months after giving birth, some women lose a lot of hair. My hair is typically very long and thick, so I have been shocked at the handfuls of it in the drain. I pulled a wad of it the size of a soccer ball out of the vaccuum cleaner. Alarmingly, I have found long hairs in my baby's stool. I am now 5 1/2 pp, and I have learned that hair loss is very common around this time. When does it stop? Did this happen to anyone else?
With my 2nd,I had major hair loss. To make it worse,the hair stylist use a semi permanent color instead of the rinse, and my hair fellout in clumps.
With my 3rd, my hair grew,and so far 7 weeks PP,my hair is the same. I hope it stays that way.

This happens to alot of women a few months after giving birth, including myself! Apparently, when you are pregnant, you don't lose the normal amount of hair you usually do. Its a hormonal thing. Once the hormones have calmed down, your body makes up for it, and sheds it, usually in large amounts!! It does eventually slow down. Get ready for a surge of new growth; especially around the hairline!!
My drains were all clogged with hair during the "shedding period". I am a hairstylist, and I hear about it all the time from my clients who gave birth. It will end, and its very common! Take care, Nancy J.~~~
I have been losing a lot of hair also. I usually never saw my hair in the drain after i had taken a shower and now i pull clumps out also. I think it has something to do with the extra hair you grow during the pregnancy and your body is just getting rid of it. Its kinda gross but it does eventually go away

Happened to me with both of mine. I'm 9m pp and it has finally slowed down. I also added more flax seed to my diet and my hair and nails are a lot healthier. My hair got so think, shiny and I actully had some body to it while I was pregnant. Now I'm back to thin flat hair.

Thanks everyone. I'm just relieved to learn that it is normal and nothing harmful. I kept thinking I was horribly vitamin deficient and that this probaly wasn't helping my breastfed baby. I guess I'll just sit back, relax, and wait until it's over.
It happened to me too. The hardest part is a few months later when you have all of these short little hairs that are growing back in sticking out all over the place. They were just so hard to tame!
I had DD 5 months ago yesterday. My hair is still falling out. It started at about 3 months...coming out in clumps. I was sooooo scared. Now, it's not so bad but it's still falling out like crazy. I feel like I'm in the story Hansel and Gretel. You can follow my trail with all the hair loss. LOL!
IT happened to me!!!(raises hand;-))

After my son was born(who is now 3) i had major hairloss. It was all over AND in the middle of my scalp towards the front hairline:eek:. After getting some great advice from a Cyber friend i started taking 'Hair,Skin and Nail' Vitamins and WOW what a difference! It took a couple of months for them to kick in though....

Ive been taking the vitamins for over a year now and my hair is growing back and filling in nicely! I also eat a heatlhy diet(most of the time:+ ;-))and drink lots of h20:)

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