Post Lasik Advice needed


Hey all,

I have a quick question. I just had lasik surgery yesterday (6/20) and I was wondering if any of you have had it and how long you waited before you started exercising again. My instructions say to wait 4 weeks, but that has to be for more extreme stuff (I hope).

Please let me know if you have any advice!!

Why? I had lasik surgery about 4 1/2 yrs ago (still see 20/15) and only remember the doctor stating to take it easy for a couple days. 4 weeks seems.......LONG??!!
Did you have a lens replaced or something or just basic lasik surgery?

I ran a half-marathon 3 weeks after I did mine--I'd say that was pretty intense exercise ;). I was fine, though. If I recall, I started running again about a week after? My doctor didn't really tell me to stay off exercise, but he did tell me to make sure I avoided activities in which I could be in danger of hitting my head (i.e. so I couldn't go surfing, which I wanted to do, since I was traveling to Maui for that particular half-marathon).
Awesome!! I thought it was extreme too and I am running a 10K on Saturday. I just wanted to make sure it was ok and I wanted to find out from some real life lasikers...ok, that's not a word, but you know what I mean :)

I had mine about 9 mos ago and I was very specific in asking my doc about exercise. Her only concern that was that I avoid getting sweat in my eyes for about a week. That was it.
Yes, that was the advice for me too--make sure sweat (or water or any kind of liquid) got into my eyes. I always wore my hair in a ponytail so it wasn't really an issue, but I remember being all paranoid and showering with goggles on LOL. Probably wasn't necessary, but I didn't want to risk it ;).
we went on vacation and I jumped off a cliff at 3 wks and no probs...just had to use drops a lot while traveling. The eye dr. just didn't want me wiping sweat near my eyes, so I looked SWEET in my circa 1980s sweat band :D I wore my googles during weight lifting as one of my dumbbells had a little coating that was flaking off at the time...congrats on the surgery-one of the best things I've done, no regrets!!!
Congratulations on getting your lasik! You are going to love it. I can't remember advice about exercise --it's been too long --9 years and still 20/20!!!!!!!!!! However, I do remember I was told not to rub my eyes.

Do you ever go to take off your glasses, but they aren't there anymore? I did that for the longest time.
Yeah, I don't think I had any special instructions to avoid exercise. And I was taking a tennis class at the time too. I just was extra cautious and had no trouble at all.

I had it done a year-ago April and I was advised to take it easy for about 2 weeks (so I did low-impact) but the main concern was to keep the SWEAT out of your eyes.
Same here. I had mine done about 5 years ago now, I think. My eye doctor told me not to let sweat get in my eyes for about a week. I, too, sported the very stylish 80s era sweatband. Maybe your eye doctor is not an avid exerciser and therefore doesn't mind telling people to take 4 weeks off?


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