Popular shows you've never watched?


I've never seen:
Desperate Housewives
The Sopranos
Grey's Anatomy
any show involving celebrities/ex-celebrities living
West Wing

I'm embarrassed to say that I enjoy the Apprentice even though I desperately want to cut Trumps hair each week. Please don't spread that around.

Nancy - they were Ding Dongs that she ate. Why do I know this? Because I am a Ding Dong-aholic and if I remember correctly she ate the hard chocolate off just like I do. I'm glad to hear that show is coming back. I liked it too.

I had never seen 24 until yesterday when DH and I decided to rent it - starting from the beginning - b/c we had heard how great it was. We're really enjoying it. :)

I like to knit when I watch tv sometimes so I don't feel like a total slug. But I must admit I do like to watch tv with my dogs cuddled all around (can you tell I don't have kids?).


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

We get them through Netflix most of the time hubby and I can not commit to a whole season we are too busy. We do commit to Rescue Me, The shield, Nip Tuck (they come on at 10), The Unit was great and Thief and we did Dancing with the Stars last season but missed a lot here and there. My daughters buy me 24 every Christmas. I was strongly against Desperate Housewives until I gave it another try and my hubby and I both ended up loving it.

I do not watch American Idol, Only saw the first Survivor, The only way I saw Friends, Seinfeld, Beverly Hills 90210, Charmed and Dawson's Creek were through re-runs Oh and E.R.

I was very disappointed when Alias had there final show. We are waiting for the last seson to come out on DVD, as well as Sopranos.

West Wing is in the mail on its way next.

Anyone watch the one with Gena Davis? Commander and Chief was it?

>Do you remember the episode where Kyra goes through all this
>difficult stuff and at the end everything comes out okay, and,
>filled with relief, she goes into her office, locks the door
>and takes out a package of something like Little Debbie
>chocolate cupcakes and starts to devour them at the end of the
>show? I remember thinking "now that's a real woman" because I
>know so many people like that, including myself. I loved it.

Nancy -
I remmeber that episode. Can't wait for the new season to begin.

Shows I have never seen:

American Idol
Will & Grace
Grey's Anatomy

I'm sure there are others but cannot think of them.

Any of the Survivors
Sex and the City
the O.C.
West Wing
Ally McBeal
Nip Tuck
2 1/2 Men

There are a bunch that I don't watch, but I can't remember all of them. I basically just watch Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy and American Idol. But that takes up most of the week. :)

Shows I just can't watch:

American Idol
Anything on the Lifetime channel or Lifetime movie channel
Any game show except Jeopardy
Any reality show dealing with plastic surgery (but I used to love them, I'm so over them now)
the OC or anything like that
Gilmore Girls or 7th heaven
Anything that is a medical drama (used to like those too)
Desperate Housewives
The Real World (it's like an endless circle of the same dramas with different people)
True Hollywood Story (98% of them are so boring)

Shows I love love love:

The Office!!!!
The Daily Show
Family Guy
South Park (although I don't always watch it...it can be too much some days)
The Simpsons
Airline (fun show on A&E)
Bulls!*t (we have showtime just for this show)
Friends (oldie but goodie)
Northern Exposure (another oldie)
Sex and the City (oh, how I miss that show)
The Colbert Report (it's starting to grow on me)
Unwrapped (strange I know)

That's all I got for now
Shows I just can't watch:

American Idol
Anything on the Lifetime channel or Lifetime movie channel
Any game show except Jeopardy
Any reality show dealing with plastic surgery (but I used to love them, I'm so over them now)
the OC or anything like that
Gilmore Girls or 7th heaven
Anything that is a medical drama (used to like those too)
Desperate Housewives
The Real World (it's like an endless circle of the same dramas with different people)
True Hollywood Story (98% of them are so boring)

Shows I love love love:

The Office!!!!
The Daily Show
Family Guy
South Park (although I don't always watch it...it can be too much some days)
The Simpsons
Airline (fun show on A&E)
Bulls!*t (we have showtime just for this show)
Friends (oldie but goodie)
Northern Exposure (another oldie)
Sex and the City (oh, how I miss that show)
The Colbert Report (it's starting to grow on me)
Unwrapped (strange I know)

That's all I got for now
I'm the same. We don't have cable, our TV only works for watching DVDs and playing Cathe DVDs. I am out most nights with the girls at either soccer practice or swimming class, and when we get back from that there;s homework, dinner, bath and bed to see to and that leaves no time for TV. None of us misses it. Years and years of grad school also have put paid to any degree of TV watching.

I have watched and am hooked on "House, M.D" and "Grey's Anatomy" and "Scrubs" on DVD and I also watched all of "Sex in the City" and "Desperate Housewives" on DVD.

The rest, I am not interested in. Hate comedy sit-com shows and never watched a single episode of "Friends." As far as I can see, I didn't miss a thing!

:) :) :) :)

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