Popular shows you've never watched?

I've lived without cable or satellite for 10 years. Prior to that I had no tv at all for 5 years. I prefer renting movies and doing workout videos.

I think the last popular show I've watched was "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" as my mom taped it for me and we'd watch it once a year when I visited. I was totally hooked on that show.

I've never seen a reality tv show and from reading People magazine don't think I'm missing much.

The only thing I miss is getting to watch the Winter olympics.
The only show I watch is Survivor. Only reason I got hooked to it was because people at work kept talking about it. I became curious and now I am fanatic about. The only other TV I watch is HGTV. I usually enjoy the gardning shows, but have not seen any lately. I also like the Food network.

the ONLY time i watch tv....is when i am at work.........if my patient has a show on.....and thats only when i am by their bedside...and i am usually preoccupied with their care........so i really dont watch it !!
i am with candi, it is easier to name the shows i do watch which are mostly reruns of friends, seinfeld, and will and grace. i used to watch american chopper, but that got old. i watch dog the bounty hunter, believe it or not....biggest loser and a lot of hgtv and food network. i haven't watched any of those really popular shows like 24, lost, desparate housewives, grey's anatomy, any crime investigations shows. i also like animal planet when it is not about abused animals (can't handle that stuff) and national geographic stations...i guess if i am not being entertained by comical reruns, watching people lose weight, watching dog take in the criminals on the run or learning about an animal, cooking or gardening, i am not watching it.....
Ditto Candi, listing the shows I HAVE watched and still do:

Law And Order (the original)
Judge Judy when I'm home
The Simpsons when DH watches (Sundays usually)
Nature, when it's on
Antiques Road Show when it's on

We don't get cable (or dish or satellite or whatever it's called these days), so we're not part of that world.

I loved West Wing & I watch L&O Criminal Intent (Vincent shows ONLY), & CSI Miami. I also watch HGTV & Animal Planet, some Discovery, TLC, etc. when a show sounds interesting. I would watch FIT TV if I could get it! (Sigh!) And I admit, I'm a What Not To Wear junkie. :p
I've never heard of most of the shows everyone listed, & I haven't seen anything other than what I listed, with the occasional Science Fiction show if it sounds interesting.
Top 5 Types of Shows That I Refuse to Watch:

1. Anything with the word "survivor" or "fear" in the title
2. Anything with Donald Trump in it
3. Anything involving celebreality
4. Anything with the word "Model" in the title
5. Anything involving hospitals, doctors or medical procedures

It's also easier for me to list what I DO watch:

Will & Grace reruns
What Not To Wear
Will & Grace reruns
Top Chef
Will & Grace Reruns
Most of the Food Channel Shows
Will & Grace reruns

Did I mention the Will & Grace reruns? :+

So Nancy watches Will and Grace! Heck, I never would have guessed!:p

I must say this: Will is so hot! YUM!!!!!!!:9
I rarely watch tv either. My son usually has Nick or Cartoon Network on or the DH has on the Speed channel.

Here is what I do watch:

CSI (the original, on Thurday nights)
Without A Trace
Cold Case
Law & Order
American Idol

I don't watch these every week, just when I happen to have a free moment (which is a rare occasion).
Well, Law & Order requires some intellectual capacity to comprehend.

Two and a Half Men falls neatly into the mindless entertainment genre but I do appreciate the biting and at times obnoxious humor. Pick your poison. Two & a Half Men is mine.

In my opinion, for what it is worth, I think much of the programming out there is insultingly dumb, and in the case of relaity shows, often degrading to the people on the shows (yes, they willingly subject themselves to it but that doesn't mean I need to watch it). If I need entertainment I go for a book, most likely non fiction.
I just remembered that I once watched a show called The Closer I think it was, and really liked it, but have never found it again. Has anyone else heard of or watched that show? I'd like to see it again sometime if it's still on.

Nancy, I think that was on TNT. I think it's a summer show. I saw several episodes and really liked it, too. That's the one with Kyra Sedgwick. I hope they'll bring it back.

ETA I just googled it. The new series begins Monday, June 12th at 9 PM.
Thanks, Michele. I forgot it was on TNT. I'm going to watch it when it comes back on. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who really enjoyed it. :D
I rarely watch anything on after 8 PM. At 8, I'm usually headed to bed where I read for an hour of two before lights out. I often catch Jeopardy and watch a fair amount of sports on TV, especially football and baseball. I haven't ever seen a Survivor episode, but will admit to getting interested in Dancing with the Stars.
I know it's very popular but I can't stand the show "House", the main character is obnoxious, abrasive, self-indulgent, insensitive, unprofessional, abhorrent and unredeemable in my humble opinion. My 15 year old Marley loves this show, so when it's on I catch up with what's going on here on the forums.:)

No offense intended to any of you wonderful people who happen to like this show and the 'House' character:7

Take Care
Do you remember the episode where Kyra goes through all this difficult stuff and at the end everything comes out okay, and, filled with relief, she goes into her office, locks the door and takes out a package of something like Little Debbie chocolate cupcakes and starts to devour them at the end of the show? I remember thinking "now that's a real woman" because I know so many people like that, including myself. I loved it.
>I rarely watch anything on after 8 PM. At 8, I'm usually
>headed to bed where I read for an hour of two before lights
>out. I often catch Jeopardy and watch a fair amount of sports
>on TV, especially football and baseball. I haven't ever seen a
>Survivor episode, but will admit to getting interested in
>Dancing with the Stars.

Yeah, but I think your choices are limited in the cave
:7 :7 :p

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