Popular shows you've never watched?


And don't care?

Never watched...


Sex in the City

The Sopranos

American Idol

Desperate Housewives

Any of the Survivor shows

Wondering why I'm still watching:

Gilmore Girls

How about you?

I am so out of the loop, it's pathetic.
Everybody Loves Raymond
Sex in the City
Any and all Survivor shows

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
I don't watch TV and haven't for the past five years. So I haven't seen any of the shows that came out in that time. I've never seen a reality show of any kind, never seen American Idol or Lost or Sex in the City or The West Wing or 24 or.... well, you get the idea.

Sometimes when I go to my sister's we watch HGTV, but I haven't done that in a couple of years either. My days are always so busy, I don't honestly know when I'd find time to watch TV.
If it's not Tom & Jerry very occasionally or that I happen through while DH has food network on, I haven't seen it.

I don't have time to watch TV, and I don't really want to either. However, this has had the side effect of a household of readers. :)
Desperate Housewives
That 70's show
Dancing with the Stars
Grey's Anatomy
Queer Eye
Sex and the City
I never saw an episode of Friends. I'm not a fan of sit-coms. Basically I like my weird Sci-Fi and Fantasy shows.


'Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Most sitcoms.
I've neve watched Grey's Anatomy, Arrested Development, that one with Jason Bateman in, Scrubs, and others I can't even name (I prefer hour-long dramas).

I used to watch Gilmore Girls for a while, but not long.
I refuse to watch Desperate Housewives on principle. Not because I'm a prude, but because I think it is symptomatic of the hypocrisy of American society. You'll recall this program went rocketing up the charts at the same time that "Family Values" was the primary political platform.

Off my soapbox! :)


PS: I find that I just do not have the patience to watch most television programming. I liked Top Chef because I enjoyed the food parts (and some of the personalities) and I occasionally tune in to Real World just because I think it's so funny that no one ever seems to have watched previous seasons to learn that it's never a good idea to have s*x with one of the other roommates. This was my first season for American Idol, and I'm glad I caught the last 10 minutes last night since Prince was on! He is still such a sexy little dude! lol
Nope - never had any interest in it. Besides that, isn't it supposed to be a show about nothing?!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Sex in the City
The Sopranos
American Idol
Desperate Housewives
Any of the Survivor shows
That 70's show
Dancing with the Stars
Grey's Anatomy
Queer Eye
West Wing
The O.C
2 1/2 Men

I prefer the hour long drama's, too. As for reality shows, the only one I watch is What Not to Wear on TLC. That's a great show and useful, too. I adore Stacy and Clinton and think they do a great job transforming people. I dream about going to New York for a hair cut and style by Nick!
Desperate Housewives
Dancing with the Stars
Grey's Anatomy
Queer Eye
West Wing
The O.C
2 1/2 Men

As far as American Idol goes I only watch the auditions cause they are friggin' hysterical and the finale just to see who wins it!

I took my list from others...I don't even know what half the "popular" shows on tv are these days. I would ever say I DON'T watch TV but I don't watch much and I am very limited on what I like or what I've ever bothered giving a chance so the above list is probably actually much longer! LOL
I don't normally watch TV shows, only this year Gilmore Girls (which I might not next year) We do watch Animal Planet. I tell my kids it should be educational. Of course we do belong to Netflix and watch movies on the weekend. I think there is just too much *#@$ on. I'd rather read a good book. Plus with four kids I don't have time with helping with homework, showers, bedtime......
It's easier to list the things I do watch:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday CSIs
Law and Order
The Medium
HGTV on the weekends if we're home

Otherwise we stick to rented movies.

I have no interest in all the other reality shows that are popular right now and all the hoopla makes me want to avoid them even more
I don't think it is pathetic at all, and I have never watched Surviver and American Idol. Neither have I caught one episode of The Biggest Loser. I tend to watch very little network television, although I do like Law and Order SVU.
oh yeah. LOTS.

grey's anatomy
desperate housewives
amazing race

ummm there's more but this is all i can think of now.

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

I have to say I am quite happy to have given up my cable and thus my TV watching. I do miss Law & Order, Food Network, the History Channel, etc.
I do occasionally catch an Two & a Half Men episode which I find funny.

I have never seen American Idol, Friends, Survivor, Lost, Desperate Housewives, the Apprentice because I personally think it's crappola--junk food for the mind. To each his/her own I do believe.
>I have to say I am quite happy to have given up my cable and
>thus my TV watching. I do miss Law & Order, Food Network, the
>History Channel, etc.
>I do occasionally catch an Two & a Half Men episode which I
>find funny.
>I have never seen American Idol, Friends, Survivor, Lost,
>Desperate Housewives, the Apprentice because I personally
>think it's crappola--junk food for the mind. To each his/her
>own I do believe.

Curious, why are those any different from Law and Order or Two and 1/2 Men?


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
oh boy this could be a long list LOL

desparate housewives
gilmore girls
american idol and related reality shows
sex in the city
dawson's creek
survior and related shows
deal or no deal

and there are more but i can't really think of anymore


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

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