Poll: favorite, least fav, and hardest parts to workout?


What is your:

1- favorite body part to workout? Why?

2- least favorite/boring (but not necc the "hardest")?

3- hardest body part to workout?



1- fav is:
I can see the most gain from the workout, the fastest! :) It keeps me motivated to keep increasing the wt and train harder! And I find the bicep and tricep workouts fun!

2- least fav:
ugh! I hate pushups. hate hate hate them! Did I say hate? lol I have implants, and all I think about is popping one. :( Btw, I still only do "modified" pushups. I don't think I'll ever be able to do a full length one. Plus, since I have implants, I don't really see that much difference between working out my chest, or not. :p

Good GOD. Why are my shoulders so darned weak! It's killing me to do the seated shoulder presses. I think I must be able to cheat on standing ones, 'cause they are way easier. hehe I've gained a lot of definition on shoulders from Cathe's w/o, but the mass is still far off. The shoulder w/o never seems to get easier for me. x( But eventhough shoulders are a weak point, I do like working them out as a challenge to see if I'll ever get "Cathe Shoulders". ;)
my favorite body part is my legs. there are so many workouts and exercises that i can do for them that it just keeps thing interesting. plus they are my strongest body part

my least favorite would be forearms b/c there are only so many exercises that i can do to train them so its kind of repeative

my hardest would be a tie with my shoulders and triceps. i can't go heavy with my shoulders for some reason i just can't get past the 8lb mark for raises and 10lbs for overhead press. but my triceps now matter how hard i work them they just don't show much growth but they are my second weakest body part.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
My favorite is biceps, too. I can really push myself to keep going, even when they're REALLY tired! And, I never have very bad DOMS there, so it's not like a never-ending torture (I tend to have a few days' worth of DOMS after working my chest really hard).

I think for me, shoulders are the answer to both least favorite and hardest. I don't see much improvement, it's very uncomfortable, I'm not able to mentally push through it and tend to give up early. It doesn't feel good to me physically or mentally (since I give up, I feel a little disappointed in myself). I wish I liked working them more, since they're so visible. I could stand to lose 20 pounds, so most of my muscles are covered with a layer of fat. My shoulders are not, so I wish they looked really strong!

favorite: back - because it keeps my scoliosis from bothering me
least favorite: biceps - because they tire so fast
hardest: legs - because of my knee issues

RE: Poll: favorite, least fav, and hardest parts to wor...

1)favorite-It's a tie between biceps and glutes. I feel so strong when I work my biceps! Biceps and glutes are the 2 areas I've seen the most improvement in. After I lost about 40 lbs. and before I started working out my butt went completely flat. It was awful, but now I've seen alot of improvement so everytime my glutes are sore I feel like I've really accomplished something!

2)least favorite-chest, I guess I don't care as much about the results in my chest as I do the rest of my body so I'm not that motivated to do it.

3)hardest-ABS! I hate ab workouts, they're just hard and can be painful in the abs and back. Also my abs are weak (surprise) so I have to modify alot and then I get discouraged.
1 Favorite: chest (not pushups though). I get great DOMS every time. I also enjoy working my legs.
2 Least favorite: biceps - I just never feel like I'm effective with these exercises. My biceps muscles are hard and tight, but I never get DOMS.
3 Hardest - shoulders. My shoulders feel weak relative to the rest of my body. I'm always moaning and groaning when I work shoulders.


"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
1. favorite is legs. There are just so many fun ways to work them out, especially kickboxing and interval maxes. The fact that working them out also makes skirts and shorts look great is a bonus.

2. Least favorite/boring is back. There just doesn't seem to be a lot of variety in how you work your back. I like variety.

3. hardest: biceps. I've got very long forearms and biceps just kill me. I love the definition I've achieved from Muscle Max and Muscle Endurance but I have to force myself to finish the set every time. I think part of the reason is there is even less variety in working biceps than there is working the back. It's always the same moves just different counts.
Before I answer, I have to say that I have a history of having a body part I hate to work out, but I push so hard to work that body part, that eventually it becomes my favorite. I used to hate working triceps, but now I love it. I used to hate working legs, but now leg day is one of my favorites, even though I know I'm gonna be dyin' by the end. I used to hate working shoulders, but now I have to say that shoulders ranks right up there with triceps. So, take my answers with a grain of salt, because in a few months, it's possible they will have changed.

1) Favorite body part to work: Probably triceps right now. In a couple of months, though, I think it will be shoulders or abs, coz I'll be entering a new phase in my training schedule.

2) Least favorite: Back by far. I never seem to feel it. No matter how heavy the weights or how hard I try, I never feel anything in my back...except a lower back cramp from dumbbell rows (but I don't think the lower back is the part that's supposed to be feeling the burn, if you know what I mean).

3) Hardest to work: Hmmmm...I've got to think about this one. In the recent past, it was shoulders, but now I think I have to go with legs. I love working my legs, but they are definitely the body part that I struggle the hardest with right now. I put a lot into my leg workouts...because I have to to get through 'em.
>2- least fav:
>ugh! I hate pushups. hate hate hate them! Did I say hate? lol
>I have implants, and all I think about is popping one. :( Btw,
>I still only do "modified" pushups. I don't think I'll ever be
>able to do a full length one. Plus, since I have implants, I
>don't really see that much difference between working out my
>chest, or not. :p

I'm no doctor, but with implants are you supposed to workout your chest? I always heard you couldn't because of the implant being under your muscle (at least that's what Dr. 90210 tells on tv).
My most favorite part is my shoulders, they are also my hardest. I was kinda mushy there and now seeing great muscle tone makes me want to keep doing them.

Least favorite is my legs -- knee issues. I've had 3 knee surgeries so I need to be careful!

I loved reading through all your responses! It's so cool to see the various outlooks! and it's given me a lot to think about too. :)

catwoman, your post cracked me up! LOL great responses! lol I'd love to know what your next group of faves is gonna be. :)

Sheryl, uh oh. Really? I was never told "not" to do chest weight work by my plastic surgeon. At least, I don't recall that conversation. Thanks for letting me know. Actually, now that I think about it, I thought my dr said that working out would help support the implant. But, maybe I better give her a call. Or maybe I should just do some very light "toning" chest work.

Thanks again for the great responses!
>What is your:
>1- favorite body part to workout? Why? - Shoulders. I feel it right away.
>2- least favorite/boring (but not necc the "hardest")? - Chest. Not enough exercises so it becomes slighly monotonous to work this muscle group.
>3- hardest body part to workout? - Back.

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