Sometimes all the willpower in the world 'aint gonna work. The poster who said that women's calorie requirements increased at the time of the month spoke the truth. Also, research has shown that even if we eat 200 calories extra per day during PMS, it does not lead to weight gain at the end of the month. I seem to be living proof of it. During my last monthly bout of PMS I ate a huge 200 gram bar of chocolate for dinner one night, and had a whole packet of cookies for dinner the next night. It's not always that extreme, this was a bad month. But I didn't put any weight on, and after the cravings passed, I put myself through a gruelling sweaty cardio workout and felt right as rain again.
It's short-lived, you should not blame yourself for it and don't make yourself suffer for it. No-one's perfect, and unless you are eating Macdonalds for every meal, your body will cope. Look at it as I do: extra fuel for doing Circuit Max or Imax 2 the next day or in several days time.
I take multi-vitamnins, calcium, magnesium, you name it: none of it ever worked to stop cravings. I am glad these remedies have worked for some, but they didn't for me, so if they don't work for you, don't worry.
I lie low during these days. I eat as much fruit as possible, and go to bed very early, usually because I have nothing to contribute to my family when I'm such a crabby bitch or because I am temporarily disgusted with myself for eating cookies for dinner!
But hey! Such is life....and a good bath and sleep are the only things that work. Oh, and a really good sexy, romantic, beach read!