Thanks so much for this post, it is greatly appreciated!! One of the reasons I decided to remain a member here was to help lighten your load, I just couldn't leave you out there on an island, though an island of Catheites might be kind of fun to be stranded on!!
There will be no ass kicking necessary, my self pity party ended yesterday, though I never got the cake and ice cream I promised myself, nor the festive party favors.
So sorry to hear of your daughter's story, glad to hear she's found something that works!!
So many people are so misinformed when it comes to depression. Most of them have good intentions when they tell you to "snap out of it", those who don't have the disease don't have a clue, no matter how educated they try to become at it. You are so right, you don't ever get rid of depression, but I came up with my own little slogan that I am guilty of remembering sometimes..."I have depression, it doesn't have me". Pretty good, huh??
Thanks again, Dave!