Please accept this apology

Glad to hear you will be staying. Life can be very HARD at times and unfortunatley you seem to be in the valley. The Peak is just around the corner so keep your chin up. Lots of people love you
>>Some word of wisdom on of the wisest men on TV, Red Green:
>>"Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together."
>I LOVE Red Green!!!

I love RED too! :D

I'm glad you're back too Jerry. I really enjoy 'hearing' from the males on this forum!!

No worries! Take it from someone who took a lot of flack for one of my unpopular postings. Everyone still treats me the same,even if they didn't agree with me. We are a forgiving bunch, even though they may say that they don't agree with you, it's all good. We all have differences of opinions here, that is what makes the board interesting.

No problem, no worries. Everyone has bad days and that's OK. Glad to hear you are feeling a little bit better. We are ALL here for you.


we all have times when we are hurting and tend to lash out at those we know will forgive us. i would like to think that's why you posted your other post-to exscise some of those angry feelings. you knew you were in a place where people are forgiving.

as for what you have been going through, i am so sorry. there is a yiddish saying that says, "God gives us burdens but he also gave us shoulders." You can endure whatever you are presented with, especially with the support of your loving wife and everyone on the forums.

we are glad you are here and glad you are staying.
Jerry, glad you're back. I enjoy your posts and the male point of view. Am sorry for the trials that you are facing and have you in my prayers.
Jerry, glad to hear you're staying. I always enjoy reading your posts and hearing your perspective. Sorry to hear all that you are going through right are in all of our thoughts and prayers.

My daughter tried to commit suicide at 10yo, she had depression issues and the MDs pumped her up with Paxil. Now you can't give Paxil to kids. She's balanced now at 19 with BC pills and Welbutrin.

Depression is a terminal illness. Like terminal cancer and aids the person can still have a life. However at some point death will come, maybe the person succumbs to the disease or maybe he/she dies from something else.

You are bearing a lot of weight, some of it you can drop. Easier said than done I know. Take care of you, then your immediate family. Kind of like on an airplane, put your air mask on first.

If you want to vent you're always welcome to PM me and scream all you want. Us guys are the minority here and its not easy handling all of this testosterone. It's like being the only male in a dysfunctional family, we have disasters going on all around us and they want to complain about the toilet seat being left up.

The way of the warrior: Choose your battles wisely because in the end you choose the hill you die on.

Hang in there. We're here for you to.


Now get back to working out or I'll have to kick your ass

Glad you're back. Hugs and prayers to you and your family. Have Faith that you can get through this rough journey in life.

>The way of the warrior: Choose your battles wisely because in
>the end you choose the hill you die on.


that is one of my favorite sayings and i use it all the time!!! great, insightful post, as usual.

Thanks so much for this post, it is greatly appreciated!! One of the reasons I decided to remain a member here was to help lighten your load, I just couldn't leave you out there on an island, though an island of Catheites might be kind of fun to be stranded on!!

There will be no ass kicking necessary, my self pity party ended yesterday, though I never got the cake and ice cream I promised myself, nor the festive party favors.

So sorry to hear of your daughter's story, glad to hear she's found something that works!!

So many people are so misinformed when it comes to depression. Most of them have good intentions when they tell you to "snap out of it", those who don't have the disease don't have a clue, no matter how educated they try to become at it. You are so right, you don't ever get rid of depression, but I came up with my own little slogan that I am guilty of remembering sometimes..."I have depression, it doesn't have me". Pretty good, huh??

Thanks again, Dave!

>So many people are so misinformed when it comes to depression.
>Most of them have good intentions when they tell you to "snap
>out of it", those who don't have the disease don't have a
>clue, no matter how educated they try to become at it. You are
>so right, you don't ever get rid of depression, but I came up
>with my own little slogan that I am guilty of remembering
>sometimes..."I have depression, it doesn't have me". Pretty
>good, huh??
>Thanks again, Dave!

jerry its so true. my MIL does the "calm down" "get over it" blah blah blah. but i have panic disorders and it causes some up and down in moods mostly b/c i get mad at myself for getting so worked up and i couldn't fight it. then folks like her beating down your esteem b/c its something you can't control. who WANTS to be depressed? nobody wants to feel that way yet ppl think you do and should just "get over it" and unfortunately its not how it works. i hope things look up for you jerry.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Jerry, glad you are feeling a little better now. I'm certainly glad to have you around and really enjoy your enthusiasm.

I too have my story - lost a dear, dear friend to suicide while I was pregnant with my DS. It was a time on the extremes for sure.

I agree with what Dave said about taking care of yourself and your immediate family first.

We're all here for you.

see how much support you have around here? how could you ever think of leaving us???

i have yet to find a more supportive, uplifting group of people. it all starts with a "leader" (no, not in the crazy scientology kind of way), and for us, that's cathe. she started this and she holds herself with such grace and genuineness (despite some of the nasty comments i've seen people make to her) and i think sets the tone for this forum. she always answeres posts (even the nasty ones) in a gracious and kind manner with tons of true class. also, i know she would never intentionally leave anyone out. i remember fondly how she greeted you the first time you came to her club. that's one of my favorite stories.

oh, and dave, you know we love you, too! maybe it should be yours and jerry's "mission" to get more men involved with cathe. she's certainly not for wimps!
Jerry I don't know you at all, but thought I would say that my version is "God never gives us more than we can handle ... that's why he puts people in our life. So we are reminded to reach out and ask for help." Glad you did.

Now can we all take a poll of who has NEVER said something they regret, NEVER did something they regret, or NEVER had to apologize?... Poll over! That makes zero. Jerry, you are good company. (Need proof? Ask my husband!)

Welcome back to the human race Jerry. Perfection is for fairy tales. So let's all pick up them dumbbells and start sweating together. Be warned though everyone: I sense Cathe will throw in some extra serious STS sets now - to be known as "Jerry's revenge reps".

Prayers, hugs, support.

The ever imperfect Julie

Fit Over 40

Thanks so much for the comments, they are greatly appreciated!!!

As for "Jerry's revenge reps"....I won't be ordering STS, so I'll have to miss out on those...:p

I am, however, going to jack up my weights as high as I can take them when I do my weight workout tomorrow, as a way of self-torture!

Julie~What a wonderful way to put it! Welcome BACK Jerry!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Aw, for heaven sakes, don't sweat it! And for the record...the Lord DOES give people more than they can handle, and people can break from what life puts upon them - it keeps me employed full time...its up to us as brothers and sisters to help one another - that's the ONLY thing that makes life worth living with its pain and absurdity....believe me Jerry, you are not alone....and you are among friends.

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