PLB took me by surprise


So I was doing PLB this morning, and thinking, gosh this isn't too bad. The pyramid part was not as difficult as I'd thought it would be. But then I got to the stability ball part. OUCH. What a work out. I'm trying to follow Cathe's rotation advice for strength training which adds 5 intervals off IMAX2 to PLB and I limped my way through 3 and called it quits! :) (but see, I can still smile! ha ha)
I have to agree with you. I just this week added more weight on the pyramid part since it seemed a bit too "easy". But man, that stability ball work! The inner thighs are so sore when I'm done!:eek: Yet, I come away feeling good that I really worked that lower half! Susan
When doing the hamstring work with one foot on the ball and the other leg in the air, how do you guys keep the ball from rolling away? I loved PLB, but I had a tough time with that exercise! I just couldn't seem to hold the ball in with that foot!

Linda--I had that problem at first too but now I put the ball in front of my step so it doesn't move out. You still need to keep it from going sideways, but this makes it a little easier, I think. HTH
I haven't tried any of them yet, as I am waiting for the DVDs but it occurs to me that putting the ball inside a single riser for the step might keep it stable.
I can't wait to hear how you feel tomorrow! You thought it was painful today--just you wait!!! You will kknow you did a grueling workout today!
Oh my!

Got my DVDs at 6P last night and finished up PLB at 10PM. That stability ball work is awesome! I had to lean mine against the couch.

This morning my inner thighs are killing me and I generally have that run over by a truck feeling. I'm supposed to be doing cardio + PUB now. Hmm.. might have to wait until this evening.

And the chaptering is awesome!! I haven't had a chance to delve into that yet.

As usual.... Cathe Rocks!!!
I will try it next time with the ball up against something. That would make it a lot easier! I, too, wonder how they make it look sooo easy!

Linda :eek:
:) :) :)

Hopefully practice! I was wondering about keeping the ball steady too - especially once the burn sets in. I think I'll buy a frisbee this weekend to use as a disk to hold it steady. Hopefully that will work until I'm strong enough and more in control to have the ball directly on the floor.

Thanks for the ideas!

Boy, I thought that the stability ball work in PLB was rough - I did PUB this morning and my arms feel like mush. I thought the weight work was pretty good and the bicep work kicked serious behind, but the stability ball part - WHEW! I had to sit back and laugh to myself - does Cathe really think my body will do that? did anyone make it through this section without falling to the floor in pain? !! A+ for this work out!
A frisbee! Angie, I think you just saved my life, and my sanity!

I accidentally bought a smaller stability ball. The box said 22", which I believe was recommended. But my ball sure as heck looks a lot smaller than Cathe's. A frisbee might heighten it a bit for me.

Thanks for a great idea!

Patricia (who is not having a ball on the stability ball)

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