plantar fasciitis

Vickie C.

Hi everyone,

I am suffering from plantar fasciitis, which I had never even heard of until it hit me. I have been stretching as is suggested, which was helping, but the pain has gotten severe. I use to be able to work out without any problems, the pain would just bother me in the PM, and before I stretched in the AM. In the last two weeks the pain has started to bother me during my workouts, but I have been able to work through it. Today I was trying to do powermax, and the pain was so severe, I had to stop 1/2 way through the 2nd section. This just kills me mentally. I plan to do upper and lower weights only for the next two days. I have an appointment with a podiatrist next week, the earliest I could get in. Have any of you suffered with this, and how long did it take for you to feel good again? Did you have to give up aerobics completely? Any help would be appreciated.


hi vickie
i had plantar fascitis for about a year and the worst was getting out of bed in the morning. one thing that helped me when doing aerobics was putting a insert in my shoe for extra padding, my foot would still bother me, but not as much. also never walk around the house barefoot, i still wear slippers all the time even though my foot has heeled they were a big help. i also started riding my bike for some cardio with no impact and i still ride all the time
good luck
I've had it going on 2 years now. My next step is surgery which I am procrastinating.

I have custom orthotics that I wear in my tennis shoes and dress shoes. I have tried NSAIDS, stretching, ice, a night splint and 3 cortisone shots. Nothing has helped.

I am on my feet quite a bit not including working out. I train 3 dogs and we go for 30 minute walks 3-4 times a week. I am able to workout 3 times a week, but not for long periods of time. It still hurts, but I do it anyway.

I never go barefoot. I wear birkenstocks around the house.

My best advice is see the dr. asap. My dr. feels that because I waited so long that is one of the reasons I'm having so many problems. I took 3-6 months off of working out and it didn't help much.

Thanks so much for your replies, I have probably had this going on 8 months, and to be completely honest I thought it was just because I was getting old (stupid, right!)! I am hoping that the podiatrist will help.


I just have to chime in here...

I suffered from PF for a very long time. I went to the podiatrist, had cortisone shots, inserts for my name it.

I was finally cured when I began to wear a night splint on my foot at bedtime. I did this for about a month and I haven't had a problem since. You should also take a look at the surface you are working out on and the shoes you wear.

I've posted about this before, but I'm not sure if alot of people have heard of this. Trust me, it works.

Here is a link that shows what the splint looks like. I'm sure there are lots of other places that have them. Just wanted to illustrate what I'm talking about.

Good luck...there is hope. I run, do step and whatever else I feel like.[/IMG][/URL]

Thanks so much for the link. I have seen these, but they look so uncomfortable. Is this the "splint" you have, and do you wear it every night? Did it take you a while to get used to sleeping in it?

Thanks again,

Thank you so much, I think I will try this. I actually have a friend who is a physical therapist and she is going to try ultra-sound waves on it. We'll see.

Have to add my .02! I totally agree about the night splints. My PT made me one, extremely simple, it's just plastice with velcro around it to hold it in place. sometimes it makes rolling over a challenge, but it worked wonders. I had to use mine much longer than a couple of months, though.

The ultrasound was my next option if the splints didn't work. I had even begun the process of getting it approved by my insurance. But fortunately for me it never came to that.

I really hope it works for you!!! Like Lala1 said, it could potentially take more than a month, but you'll begin to feel the difference very quickly.[/IMG][/URL]

I suffered from Plantar Fasciitis as well. I tried Physical Therapy but it was so painful that I couldn't go back. The Orthopedic suggested as a last resort cortosonze shots. Then I read an article about obesity and plantar fasciitis. Well, I went on weight watchers, lost 35 lbs and my plantar fasciitis completely disappeared.

I agree with the person who posted about the leg splint. I purchased one at for about $60.00 and it really helped me. My problem was getting out of bed and the splint was life saving.

Good luck.

I have been dealing with pf for over 2 years now. It stinks, I'm sorry you have it. I reccomend you ice it three times a day and don't do the aerobics until after you see the doctor. You could also take some acetaminophin (tylenol) three times a day. The anti inflammatory action will help. Get good shoes and wear them 98% of time. Don't go barefoot, don't wear flip flops. I had to take something stronger, but your doctor will advise you there. Be pro-active about it and maybe it won't be something that becomes a long term thing for you. I got it from running on pavement(marathon training) and wearing non supportive shoes during the day. I cannot run on pavement at all anymore. I can do aerobics on a wood floor, and a little bit of running.
Good luck

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