Pinks New Song "Stupid Girl"

Has anyone seen the new video for Pinks new song "Stupid Girl"? I heard it was 'controversial'. I finally caught the last 1/2 this a.m. Just wondering what you all thought of it.
RE: Pinks New Song


she picks on all the "hollywood" girls like paris hilton and does spoofs on them. its a great song though, exceptional lyrics. i have always admired pink after her debut when she broke away from that cookie cutter pop stuff and starting writing some heavy stuff. i choke up everytime i listen to family portrait. she says she was only attacking a general idea of how ladies have been portraying themselves in the media and to young girls but who knows. i still get a kick out of it b/c i am not a fan of paris(what exactly does she do for her billions besides checking herlip gloss in the mirror) and a few others i won't name b/c i don't want rotten fruit thrown at me LOL.

well i am off to listen to it again :) since you got me singing it out loud. what did you think of it???


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
RE: Pinks New Song

Well, since you asked my opinion, I will officially offer it!;) I enjoyed the song and LOVED the video! Some of the famous women she spoofed have it coming and the others were just easy targets. Regardless...very very funny!
RE: Pinks New Song

Personaly I think it's funny. I don't particularly like those types of girls (Paris, ect.) with the oversexed over exposed I'm so stupid attitude. Then they come back and say how intellingent they really are. Well then quite acitng like a dumb a$$. I saw an interview with Pink who said the reason why she did the song that way was to show girls that they don't all have to be that way. You should be proud of what God gave you. Poor body image is so rampant that I'm glad she did a song about how you don't have to be perfect. You should only do things that you want to do. JMO Karen
RE: Pinks New Song

I have to agree, it's totally hilarious! I love the scene when she's writhing all over the car while she's "washing" it! Gotta love Pink!!

RE: Pinks New Song

I really like Pink too. I think Hollywood in general has gone soooo overboard with so many things and unfortunately it does branch out and effect the public. I think she was just trying to get an overall message out, hope no one in Hollywood would get too offended.
RE: Pinks New Song

I watched the making of the video on MTV last week. I think it is hilarious. My fave part is when she is mocking Jessica Simpson's video for the Dukes of Hazzard movie. I crack up when she is eating that sponge! I love the ending too!

I really like her. She is so talented (IMO) and doesn't need to look like the typical "Brittany or Jessica" to sell albums.
RE: Pinks New Song

I think the only Hollywoodites that would get offended are those who think they are the "sh!t" Paris. In all honesty, I think she is the most repulsive and disgusting thing in Hollywood. Why she is me, but the Gasteneau Girls are famous for breathing, too. I don't think Paris screams sexy or sex appeal, I think she screams "If you have sex with me, double or triple up on the protection because odds are I am as diseased as a rat". Seriously, she is a skank!

I would bet Jessica Simpson would see the humor in it...she seems to spoof herself sometimes. I doubt Linsey would see the humor but she is right up there with Paris, in my book.

Who else did she make fun of? Who was she teasing when she was running on the treadmill? Me??? I'm not famous!
RE: Pinks New Song

I think it is great! I love that she gives young girls an alternative to those who put themselves in every position possible to get in the "tabloids" and then gripe about it to get more press. And the idea of dumb blondes being cool is just irritating. I don't think that anyone in the public eye should HAVE to be anyones roll model but I do admire Pink for saying that it is okay to want to be smart and talented and not like Paris Hilton.
RE: Pinks New Song

I enjoyed it. Thought it was great that she poked fun at America's obsession w/plastic surgery and breast size, materialism, cell phones (I can relate to the scene w/the driver yakking away on her cell, plowing down pedestrians -- so many women around here yakk away when they're driving around town) and the shallowness that has invaded our popular culture. The one scene I didn't really like was the last one, when the little girl picked the football. Why applaud her decision to choose that traditionally testesterone-fueled pastime? I would've felt better if they had her picking up a Cathe DVD instead!!!! :D
RE: Pinks New Song

I would've felt better if they had her picking up a
>Cathe DVD instead!!!! :D

H#ll YEAH!!!!!! strong woman with muscles that can kick butt!!!!


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
RE: Pinks New Song

I just watched the clean version at yahoo. It was great!! I do sometimes doubt her sincerety, since she's essentially working the same path the others are, but the rest of the time I don't care and I just like her.

It's so sad how true it is!!! What did ever happen to a woman president?
RE: Pinks New Song

>I think the only Hollywoodites that would get offended are
>those who think they are the "sh!t" Paris. In all
>honesty, I think she is the most repulsive and disgusting
>thing in Hollywood. Why she is me, but the
>Gasteneau Girls are famous for breathing, too. I don't think
>Paris screams sexy or sex appeal, I think she screams "If you
>have sex with me, double or triple up on the protection
>because odds are I am as diseased as a rat". Seriously, she
>is a skank!
>I would bet Jessica Simpson would see the humor in it...she
>seems to spoof herself sometimes. I doubt Linsey would see
>the humor but she is right up there with Paris, in my book.
>Who else did she make fun of? Who was she teasing when she
>was running on the treadmill? Me??? I'm not famous!

Gosh Sarah, you are cold.:) :) But, I am in the same bandwagon with you when it comes to paris hylton. I think she is a disease waiting to happen. With her money, she shouldn't hire a full time publicist but a ful time gynaecologist.
RE: Pinks New Song

I have always been a "fan" of Pink.. and I LOVE this song...I first heard it on the radio.. and BLASTED the speakers. I only saw the "clean" version of the video on yahoo, but can't wait to see the other one!!!
RE: Pinks New Song

>Has anyone seen the new video for Pinks new song "Stupid
>Girl"? I heard it was 'controversial'. I finally caught the
>last 1/2 this a.m. Just wondering what you all thought of

I have only seen a brief clip of the video and I googled the lyrics. From what little I saw, I found it shocking....extreme... and scarey .....I guess that was Pink's goal so she did it well.

Now why is Pink any different than the other paparazzi girls? Hmmmm....

RE: Pinks New Song

To me, the best part is when the little girl grabs the football instead of the Barbie.

As far as the video goes - I think it's a good reminder to teen girls that there is MORE to life than tanning, fashion, implants, etc. The toothbrush scene may seem extreme - but that's what gets to kids these days; veiled lessons and implied tutorials will not do the job.

That said...

I found it interesting that LA Reid was the producer of this track given that, in Pink's song "Don't Let Me Get Me", Pink sings, "LA [Reid] told me 'You'll be a pop star'/All you have to change is everything you are."

In any event, Pink may play the game the same as the rest of the pop princesses, but at least she has the balls to say it isn't right.

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