Pillow Recommendations Please!


This is probably a silly question but can anyone recommend a really good pillow?

I have perpetual stiffness/soreness in my neck, shoulders, and upper back. I also struggle with getting a full night's sleep because I wake up several times in the night to shift my pillow and try to get comfortable.

I have been doing a pushup and pull-up challenge the last 4 weeks and that has probably only made my stiffness worse. I also work 40 hours at a desk each week which certainly doesn't make for a relaxed neck posture.

I try to stretch my neck often throughout the day and definitely do some stretches before I start my workout.

I am really hoping that having a better pillow will help my sleeping and my neck issues so any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

All I can say is if you really look into it, it will drive you nuts! There is down, down alternatives, other synthetics, etc., etc. then how you sleep side, back, yada yada...

If you had asked me years ago I'd say get a feather pillow, there are sleepers that it matters to, what pillow they use, i.e. stiff neck, and those it doesn't matter to.

Good luck with that!:)
YOu might be able to get by with a quick fix: take a hand towel and roll it into a tube to make a neck support, then put it in your pillow case. If it's not enough, then try a bath towel (there will be some overhang). That's what I do when I am in a hotel with crappy pillows.

At home I started using this pillow several months ago (after I woke up with what looked like a new perma-crease in my face!): http://www.amazon.com/Anti-Wrinkle-...1_fkmr2_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1298398978&sr=8-1-fkmr2

It did take me some getting used to (my review is under "Fitness Maven Kathryn"), and I had about a week of aweful sleep, but now that I'm used to it (and figured out that the 'arms' work better on top of my shoulders rather than under, which made me slip off the pillow) I sleep wonderfully and don't wake up with any neck or upper-back owies.
YOu might be able to get by with a quick fix: take a hand towel and roll it into a tube to make a neck support, then put it in your pillow case. If it's not enough, then try a bath towel (there will be some overhang). That's what I do when I am in a hotel with crappy pillows.

Thanks for the cheapie suggestion (I like it when things cost nothing)! I am going to try this tonight and see how it goes. I wonder if a pool noodle (cut to length) would work too or provide too much support?

If this doesn't work, I will look into the pillow you suggested a little more. I've been spending so much on fitness stuff lately, DH would freak if he saw the UPS guy show up again. :eek:

I saw an interesting commercial just yesterday for the Side Sleeper Pro pillow. A chiropractor came up with the idea (supposedly). I don't usually buy things like this, but it did look like it made sense. Just type in the above in your search bar. It's only $19.99 plus S&H.
I asked a PT about this and he said you just have to try them out :confused::confused: yes, that is no help at all!! but I second Kathryn´s towel idea!
I tried the rolled up towel last night and I think it really helped. I am not as sore and stiff this morning!! :eek:

The only thing is I may need a slighter thicker towel. It gave good support but I almost needed just a little more.

Thanks for the tip!
Glad I could help, Julie!
It can take a bit of trial and effort, but it's a cheap solution, and can work well.
I have the exact same problem, stiffness in my neck and shoulders and I feel like I can NEVER get comfy on a pillow. I have purchased so many different pillow, my husband says I spend more in pillows than exercise videos. The best pillow I have found is the memory foam one (I have bought a couple including a cheapie from Target, and I don't find much difference in comfort or quality, so I don't think you need to get the most expensive one). I like the one with 2 "hills" on the sides and a "dip" in the middle - one of the hills is higher than the other, and it is the higher hill that I put under my neck. (Hope I haven't totally confused you!) It feels hard when you first use it and for the first few days I forced myself to use it but then I found I slept really well and my neck and shoulders did not bother me much after that.

Part of my problem is I love to sleep on my stomach or my side, and I think those positions are hard on the neck and shoulders. Maybe with the memory foam pillow it encourages me to sleep on my back more, but I often go to sleep on my side and the pillow feels pretty good when I do that.
Funny - I'm about ready to order a a pillow made by Comforell (Dupont). We recently stayed at a standard hotel and we(husband, daughter and me) love the pillows there. They feel like heaven. The tag said Comforell and my husband found them on Amazon for like $24. I don't know but I just googled the name for the spelling and it took me to this website and they sell them for like $9! Check 'em out.

By the way, I'm a side sleeper, my husband is a stomach sleeper and my daughter sleeps all the time:rolleyes:


HI, I wear a soft neck collar that you can get in any medical supply store, it will cost about $15. I also use the neck brace for computer work & my ab workouts, it gives great support.
I think they are actually called soft cervical collars.

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