[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-02 AT 09:40AM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks so much everyone! You are all so sweet. I have pneumonia, and am feeling like crap (but still managing half of Rhythmic Step) and you really made me smile.
Janice- you look absolutely radiant in your pictures. I can feel how happy you are just by looking at them. The sky is amazing!
Debbie- I bought it half price at one of those day after Christmas sales, it was in the lobby of English Gardens, and really cheap. 10 ft. I think, but never again! It took two days, all the branches had to be divided by color, every branch had to be pulled apart and put in the right shape, and the whole time the kids were complaining their sweet little heads off. "Why do WE have to do it, waaa, are we slaves? Waaaa"
You guys are the best!