
Talk about a bumbling eejit - me ! Despite not been able to keep up with Cathe, and her crew, I am one sweaty mass ! :7 Bet you all wanted to know that !
OMG, what a workout, I will never nail it, in a million years, but it is good fun !!!!! :D
DH was kind, and he let me use my new step, the only thing is it travels across my carpet (not sure it will with risers ?) guess I may need a mat to stand it on, it will have to be a fairly thin one, do you think a sticky mat would work ?

Anna :)
Anna, stick with it. You'll get it. RS is soo much fun. There were a couple of spots that threw me too. If I tried to concentrate too hard on getting it, I couldn't but once I just listened to Cathe's cues and just did it, I was like, YES, I did it. :)
If you put a sticky mat under your step, make sure it's flat against the floor, nothing sticking up that you could trip over. It should be fine.
Keep it up and I bet in another month, you'll be posting about getting RS down pat. :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-02 AT 09:22PM (Est)[/font][p] can say that again.

It took me about 2 hours to get through this the first time and I'm determined to do it every week until I get the steps down. Its certainly a nice change!!

Have fun with your new toys! I got new medicine balls today (6 & 8 lb) on clearance plus got an extra 10% off 'cause they were floor models. DH thinks I'm going off the deep end :p

I am dissapointed that Rythmic Step is not more popular here. Wow, it is so refreshing after a rotation with CM and IMAX!! I LOVE the dancey type moves!!

However, the third routine is really hard. I am trying to figure out which leg leads and which leg ends with all the moves!! I have the first and second down pat though, and it only took 3-4 times!!
I have been very burnt out on Cathe lately and am experiencing the joy of a 4-6 inch step!! Forgot what that was like!! It is really nice to enjoy your workouts again instead of thinking of them as torture! Even with the step at 4", I was suprised to see my HR was still in the "zone". Cool!!


Just stick with it. I bought it when I first started Cathe and it was too involved for me, sold it on the swap, and then a few months later bought the DVD with it on it. It's one of my favorites now. And I am a big Klutz! Keep working at it and you'll have it down in no time.

I've had this tape for a couple months and try to do it about once a week but everytime I flub up somewhere! I often wonder if there will come a day when I will glide through the movements as effortlessly as Cathe does. ;-) Keep at it is all I can say! Susan
Hi Anna, While I don't have Rythmic Step yet, I just got my first step and Cathe's Classic DVD a month ago. I would stare at my tv in sweaty confusion trying just trying to figure out what side of the step I should be on let alone how to do the steps. Trust me, if I could finally get it, anybody can.
What helped for me was to not try to do the whole workout at once. I would do only one step section (or the warmup or cooldown) at a time, and I would do that section twice.
I finally this week feel confident enough to use risers.
Also, like somebody else posted, it is easier if you don't concentrate as hard.
Keep stepping - you can do it!

I stupidly chose RS to be my first Cathe step tape (and actually one of the first step workouts period) and it took me about 5 or 6 times of doing it to even just sort of get it. Now I can do it at about 95% accuracy, I LOVE IT. Hang in there it is definitley worth it. I'm on an S&H rotation and all I have to do is hear the music from S&H that is also played in RS and no matter how tired I am I will do at least some of RS after!
RS is a favorite of mine. I had to do it 1-2 times per week to learn it. Now I throw it in for cardio choice days. If I go 2 weeks with out it though, It becomes hard again. I like that! It keeps me challenged!

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
I just love RS....the dancey moves the way Cathe breaks down the moves faster! OHHHH! I just love it! I hope she makes more like this one!

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